This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Here's A Testimony

I fully believe that when God does something in your life that you should tell people about it. If we lived by that rule I personally think we'd be talking about God all that time and really... that's a good thing!

So I will now tell you about something really cool that happened to me tonight. As many of you know I walk a rather unorthodox path. In many ways I truly do consider myself a "missionary" to Canada... and the world... and I have given my life for this purpose - to change history and bring as many people with me as possible.

Over the past while my finances have basically been non-existant. I have literally had one financial supporter for the past two or three years. I don't want people to think that my family hasn't supported me, because they have, but for a consistent support financially from an outside source... one couple. I pray at their store every week when I'm in town and in return they so faithfully and so graciously give me some support financially. I don't think they know (but they soon will after they read this) how meaningful that money has been to me and how it has helped me to hold on and to hope for a breakthrough.

At different times different people would randomly give me money as well and when crazy travel needs have come up people have always stepped up to the plate. Once again with this particular couple always giving way beyond anything I ever expect. You want to know people who support, love and really know how to encourage where it counts? Yeah... I got some of those.


I have really been struggling with faith for my finances. Especially now that this whole MyCanada thing is happening and quite frankly I need more money in order to do this. And I need a heck of a lot more then is currently coming in. I have been getting progressively more and more discouraged and more questioning if I have totally missed everything concerning my life because it doesn't feel good to be a 24 year old guy with no way of being self-sufficent. I honestly feel a lot of shame.

But I know that I am supposed to be doing what I'm doing right now and I will feel shame for the sake of seeing this nation and my generation changed forever. Shame is a worthy price to pay to see His Kingdom come to save and rescue my generation. I said a long time ago I would give my life for this.

This past week I had been feeling increased fear that money will never come in and I will have to feel even more increased shame in not being able to fulfill my "duties" so to speak with MyCanada and I'll have to stop doing that too. Amidst a great deal of soul searching I told myself that really all I want is the presence of God. I will go where He leads me and if that means becoming a janitor working a night shift and doing that for the rest of my life... if I get more of God then good. I will still be able to change the course of history doing that. I don't know how, but somehow.

Yet still in the middle of all of this I would be talking with Jesus... well... I would be complaining to Jesus and having our little fights. Me and Jesus fight on occaison, but I've discovered that is an okay thing seeing as He always wins. A few nights ago we were going at it and I said, "Jesus, why are you with-holding financial blessing from me? Show me what I'm doing wrong!"

I saw a very clear picture in front of me. There was a hallway. There was Jesus. And there was a with-holding spirit, blocking my breakthrough. I was in Jesus' face complaining about no provision ever coming through to me and so clearly I heard Jesus say rather point blank, "Kayle, you're talking to the wrong one." And he proceeded to show me the with-holding spirit. "That's who you are supposed to be addressing. I'm Jesus, not a demon."

"Oh right... sometimes I get confused. Sorry Jesus. I need to remember to rebuke the demon not my Savior."

So I changed my focus that night. I prayed that Jesus would do war against any force that is with-holding a massive financial release in my life. I prayed that the demons causing the with-holding and stopping my breakthrough would suffer for it. I prayed that Jesus would rebuke the devil and cause there to be free flow of finances and I started to thank Jesus that He is my provider and has been my provider all along. I repented for getting mad at him and I repented for thinking that HE was with-holding when all along it was those pesky demons.

See? Sometimes I get things mixed up. Whoops.

A few weeks ago my parents said they would commit to supporting me on a monthly basis... as if they need to do more then what they already do. Wow. That's a good testimony.

But it get's better. Because that was a few weeks ago when I was still mistaking Jesus for a demon.

Tonight I opened up my e-mail. Someone else has committed to supporting me financially. It's $25 a month, but that works out to $300 a year and that's a lot of money.

So that's really awesome.

And then someone handed me an envelope at our kinship. An evelope which contained the largest financial gift anyone has ever given to me. And it's a lot.

See what happens when you get things cleared up and rebuke the darkness instead of Jesus?

You better believe my faith is huge right now, I am massively encouraged, I don't feel any shame, I am excited and I have just witnessed a miracle. So I wanted you to witness it too and encourage you to really pray into your situations and ask Jesus what's up. He's not the with-holder. That's a little secret I just learned.

This couple prayed, listened and obeyed. And now I'm feeling that strange sensation of being both honoured and incredibly humbled.

So that's my testimony folks. Take it for yourself. I'm standing on the ground of breakthrough and I'm standing with my mighty Jesus.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Let's See Where This Goes...

I just got a phone call. A funny phone call. It was from this great guy who goes to our kinship. He goes by the name of Rob. He and his wife are really passionate about politics, which is awesome because of what the Lord is doing right now. They can navigate things waaaay better then I concerning political stuff. I just get passionate and stir fire. They go and spread it.

So I said "Hi! What's up?"

"Well," Rob says, "God just told me to call Shine FM." Which is our Christian radio station. "I talked to their producer for a while and told them all about MyCanada and said it would be such a good thing to get on their air. I told them about the testimonies and such and now they want a press release."

"...... you're kidding me."

"No! So here is the news director's e-mail address. Send them a press release all about you, they are expecting it."

"How the heck do I write a press release?"

Yeah. I don't know. But I do know someone who worked for the CBC over in Vancouver. (Hello Christina if you are reading this!!) and hopefully she will be able to help out.

Anyway, I am going to go and figure out where a bunch of MP's are so I can bring a bunch of crazy youth to them all and we can get them all in government again. Such fun!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

One Wierd Weekend

It all started with an e-mail. An e-mail from my beautiful friend David. A David who lives in Red Deer.

"Kayle... I'm going to be in Edmonton watching a Volleyball game at the UofA! You should come and hang out with us so I can see you."

This, of course, caused my heart to leap. Spending with time any Torwalt is a good thing. So I called up David and we basically decided that after the game he would call me up and we'd go hang out somewhere.

About a half hour after that I discovered that my logic was flawed. If I waited until the end of the game I would only be able to see him for a short period of time, while if I went to the game then we'd be able to hang out all evening.

So I clicked onto the UofA website and figured out where they were playing. Figured out that is cost $10 and was starting really soon. So off I went... I probably should have called first, but I thought it would be fun to just show up unexpectedly. I like to surprise.

I drove to the University and parked. At this point I remembered that the University is HUGE and I have no idea where to go. To make matters even more fun this lady asked me to help her daughter get to the game. I told her I have no idea how to get anywhere in this massive complex of buildings, but just then a very friendly student walked up to me and said she would help us get there. Wow! I was really impressed.

She promptly lead us through an insane maze of hallways and I am very sure I never, ever would have found the main gym the way I was going. We got there and I thanked this person profusely.

Onto the game. I lined up, bought my ticket and headed into the gym. It was huge and there were a ton of people there so I started to wander through the bleechers to try and find David and his buddies. No luck. I thought they were probably late, or maybe even lost because I sure as heck wouldn't have been able to find the place on my own. So I wait. And wait. Outside the door. For a long time. Finally one of the student staff people asked me what the heck I was doing. I think they thought I was a lost patient from the mental ward.

I said I was waiting for friends who were out of town. I asked him where a payphone was so I could call them and make sure they were not dead. Amazingly enough he hands me his cell phone and lets me call!! These UofA students are incredible!! I was honestly so impressed with them all. It shockingly made me want to go back to school. Crazy, I know. Maybe I should just pretend I go there and start hanging out.

I couldn't get a hold of David, so I decided just to go in because one team needed to win three games in order to take the actual win. I'm sure there's better terminology... but did I mention I know NOTHING about Volleyball?

I sit down right near the doorway as to not miss anything. I sit down by myself. By myself in the midst of thousands of other people all in their own little groups. Set one goes by, which our team won. Still no David. Set two goes by. No David. I nearly get my head taken off with an errant spike. Like it wizzed RIGHT by my face and would have caused damage. But I didn't notice at all and didn't even flintch. I was pretty impressed with myself. I think it was the grace of God... Imagine that thing cranking my face... all by myself in front of thousands of people. I shudder.

Our team sweeps the visitors with three sets and finally by the end of it all I'm getting the hang of the game. But then everyone get's up and leaves and I was kind of dissapointed because I was finally understanding what was going on.

Still no David.

What to do next? Seek out a phone. I walk into another building and find a whole wall of pay phones and thankfully make contact with David. I ask him where he is and he says the Volleyball game. "Oh-no!" I thought... I somehow missed them.

I ask where the heck he is and it turns out he is not actually at the University but at a different college called NAIT that is on the other side of town. Whoops. Critical error. With a combination of David being mistaken and me trying to be sneaky we both suffer significant communication break down and end up in perfectly wrong places. Alas....

Now that I know where he is at I then need to make it back to by truck. Have I mentioned to you that the UofA is MASSIVE. I believe they have well over 45,000 students this year. So... big. And I had to go into a different building then where I was at. I exited a different door then the way I entered. And I had also forgotten about the mind blowing maze I was just lead through in order to find the gym.

I have no idea where I am, where my truck is or even the right direction to go. I can't see the skyline to find a familiar building because all the buildings of our University are drowning it out. AHHH!!!! So I just start to walk.

By some miracle I find a glimpse of the Edmonton skyline and know where to go. Can you tell I'm a city boy? I don't look for the north star, I look for the city skyline. I know that much better.

I turn and hope I'm walking in the right direction and wouldn't you know it? I walk right past the front doors of the gym building I was just in. I haven't the faintest clue how I did that. And just when I was walking by those doors the guy who lent me his cell phone walks out and notices that I am.... still alone. Oh crap, what is he thinking right now?

Sadly I follow him all the way to my truck. Uggggg....

Now I hop in the Mumby Mobile, breath a prayer that I have found it within 20 minutes and try to figure out how the heck to get from the University to Nait. I have to cross the river, which there are only two bridges that I would think of using and I have to figure out how to cross them and then navigate downtown. I did pretty good and didn't make one wrong turn! I was quite impressed. But I did blow through one intersection that I was supposed to yield at and if a car was coming it would have been bad. Bu the Lord had grace on me.

Okay. I finally get to Nait, park the truck and proceed to try and find out where the gym is in this other large educational establishment. I walk into the recreation building and am happy. This seems to be the place. Only the signs make NO SENSE at all. There are only three directions I can go, so I just pick one and see where it takes me. I did go somewhere. But it was a hockey rink. Wrong choice.

I walk back to where I begin and decide this time to go left. I end up in a bar! Whoops. Not that way. But this is good because now there is only one way left to go. I head back to where I started again and wouldn't you know it? There was David and his crew just about TO LEAVE!!!!!!

Thank God I found them just in time!

Turns out both David and I were praying just as hard that we would somehow run into each other. It worked! Only I had to cover a shocking amount of group all over the city of Edmonton in order for our paths to finally cross.

A deep embrace is shared and then we start laughing about it all. So crazy...

Finally they end up leaving. I left my house at 6:00pm. I left David around 10:00pm. Total time spent together - about 20 minutes. System failure. But they were a great 20 minutes! I think I scared one of his friends. They asked me if I went to school and I said I had already graduated a few years ago. They asked me what degree I graduated with and I chuckled to myself, and said, "Why not?" I told them that I graduated with a little known degree from a small, specialized school in California.

"What kind of school?" they ask.

"Oh, It was called the school of supernatural ministry."

"......oh....... so what do you do now?"

"Well, I travel around the world either teaching on how to give spiritual readings and dream interpretation or I am giving spiritual readings myself."

Long pause, ".... I'm not smart enough for that." and the guy picked up his pace to a near run and joined his other friend who was about 20 feet in front of me.

I laughed. Oh how I laughed. Poor guy got a little scared I think.

Amidst those 20 minutes I did spend with David he decided that he was going to come and visit me for the rest of the weekend and we tried to figure out ways to convince Bryan to come too. David did a good job for the next day he, Bryan and a guy named Cory all showed up at my house and made me a very happy individual.

The next two days were glorious. Including watch a good portion of the Lord of the Rings in french. But seeing as this entry is already 95 pages long, I'll spare you the details because really... what can compare to Friday night and getting lost in my own city once again.

50 Bajillion Kayle points go out to David, Bryan and Cory for making the rather random trip my way. It called for a much better weekend then what I was getting ready for.

I think I'm going to eat some spagetti now. Did I mention I made the best spagetti sauce of my life yesterday as well? It's really good.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Emotions... Who Understands Them?

I know I don't. So I will now heave them all out at you and see if you can make heads or tails of them.

I had a meeting yesterday that really shook me up. I was looking forward to this meeting. It was with a couple of pastor guys of a certain young adults ministry that I go to. I wanted to share with them what was happening in Ottawa and consequently the nation concerning the young people as it is totally astounding what we are getting to do. At least in this little chunk of people that we are connected with.

I love this group of young adults. I go there because I know that this group has so much potential and is ready to break out at the seems. They just need some help getting there and really... not much help is needed in my opinion.

But these guys felt otherwise. I was so sad. I'm not sure if they'd full out say it, but what I heard is that they don't beleive in their little flock of the faithful. They gave me a hundred excuses why young people are not motivated, why their young people don't do anything and how the greatest struggle they have is actually getting their people passionate and doing something.


That's not the people I see. I see a bunch of young people aching to be used. I see a bunch of you people who so badly want to become relavant in their city. I see a bunch of young people who if you just give them a little help and direction are ready to really seriously change the course of history for our city.

It deeply disturbed me that anyone else would see and believe otherwise. And yes, I really do mean that it deeply disturbed me. I had trouble sleeping last night and I was in some serious prayer this morning for a couple of hours for this group. I love this group. But why is it that what I see and what they see are so different... so... opposed?

What lies has the enemy told to keep them held back when what they have is such a powerful group of young people ready to do what the Lord has put on their hearts. Their hearts are passionate and they want to walk boldly in their destiny. Anyone can see that... At least I thought anyone could.

I will admit that I am one who is recklessly hopeful. I really work to see the good in people and beyond that... see what God originally intended for their lives. I really try to engage that in people and cause them to realize that it's actually true... those dreams in their heart are actually real.

Interestingly they made mention of those Transformations videos and how they watched them just a couple of days ago. They said how badly they wanted that kind of thing to happen. I made mention of the fact that I know a whole bunch of the people personally who are featured on those videos and am connected with the guy who made them in the first place. Didn't really get any response.

So weird.

If they only knew. That may sound ultra prideful, and maybe it is... I hope not. It just breaks my heart so much to hear people longing for something and have what quite possibly could be the answer to their prayers sitting right in front of them pleading with them "Believe for it! Do it! I WILL HELP YOU BECAUSE I HAVE LIVED THIS FOR YEARS AND HELP OTHERS ALL OVER THE WORLD DO IT TOO!!" and then get zero response other then "young people are non-commital so what can you do?" Do they really want it then?

This may have been a good thing. I am generally a peaceful person until you start telling lies about my generation. My name means faithful dog and sometimes a faithful dog can be a real stubborn dog because he won't give up. I have seen the destiny of this group. I have stuck around for over a year not knowing anyone because I know it so deeply the incredible potential of this group. I have seen the lie and I will launch just about as much truth as I can possibly throw at this thing.

It doesn't take much. All you need is one glimpse of the real truth, the real King, the real destiny and you'll never let go.

I'm praying for the chance to show them what is already theirs...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Official Unvieling...

Is that how you spell "unvieling?" I seem to be loosing my grasp of the english language the further I get out of school. Maybe I should work on that.

Thankfully what happens next doesn't require too much of the english language other then "gasp", "wow", or "oooooOOOOooo!!"

Yes. It's my new glasses. Finally. I'm fully in love with them. I am supposed to still be wearing my contacts at least four hours a day so the optometrist can tell me if they are good for my eyes or not, but... I love my glasses. Hopefully you do too.

I had to take a bunch of head pictures to post on the MyCanada website, so here is one.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Database Anyone?


I'm learning to be a techno-user and use it well. The only problem is it takes me around 20 times longer then the average person to figure out how to use such wonderful features that I can find on my computer.

Tonight I tackled the database. How does one set up a functional database so that at a press of a button I can send an e-mail out to hundreds of people at once or just keep people all organized in their respective regions? I knew it was in this computer box somewhere, and luckily I did find it.

So now after much frustration and sending out random e-mails with strange notation on them, I can officially send personally addressed e-mails or letters to hundreds of people at the press of one little button. It's so cool. Write one e-mail and the computer will automatically put in each person's name, or contact information, or basically anything I tell it to. No more mass e-mails and much easier to organize.

I'm quite proud of myself actually.

So proud, that I decided I deserved... Starbucks. Anything for a Starbucks. If I am breathing that is grounds for a Starbucks reward. I hopped in the mighty Mumby Mobile which I changed the oil again today, Andy... much less spillage this time, although both myself and my dad couldn't get the oil cap off to add more oil. So my dad walked to the shed and shouted in a strange accent, "Needs force application!" and came back with an axe and a wooden pole. Yes... that would work. Once again the Mumby's show that they are unique because really... how many people use an axe to change the oil? But we did get that oil cap off.

Wow... that sentence didn't go where it was intended. Let's try that again.

I hopped in the Mumby Mobile and drove off to Starbucks. Upon getting there Carissa was taking her break so we were able to talk for a little while, which was good. I had not seen Carissa I think since staff training at ENR!! Which is crazy. And Carissa get's awarded 25 Million Kayle Points because she got me a Mocha with her staff discount. Anyone who buys me Starbucks (or a Starbucks Card) can too get at the very least 25 Million Kayle Points. You can redeem them at many stores.

So we talked about her youth group and about getting me into speak at her youth group, which would be AWESOME because then I can add more people to my database and feel good about my new found technology skills. That's what this is all about, right?

Either that or changing a nation. Whichever you prefer.

Oh yes, and greetings to a Mr. Bob-e who left a comment on my last post all the way from Jonesboro, Arkansas!! We love Arkansasians around here. Mmmm... grits and deep fried ochra. Please tell me you have those and that I'm not about to look like an idiot. Mr. Bob I noticed that you like Don Potter on your profile... I got to play with him (music, not toys) a few times. SO AMAZING!!! I love the guy too.

There. That is my claim to fame moment for you all. Hahahaha... yeah right. My claim to fame is embarrassing moments. Of which I think I chronicled one of my most embarrassing moments that occured right in front of Don Potter here in the Wild World Of Kayle... although I can't remember where I wrote about it. Somewhere. How's that? It was when I was crying so hard in front of Don that we all started laughing... at me. Oh them's the good times.

Anyway... I am putting off writing a letter to send out across the province to then be sent by many people to the Provincial Government. Maybe I should get on that...

Monday, November 21, 2005

Peter's Party

And now, by popular request is the update on Peter's Party... finally.

We had fun.

Well, that about wraps it up. So I will now talk about something completely different. Hahaha... just kidding. Shall we begin the outline of the evening around 5:00pm?

I was supposed to meet up with Peter at his house at 5:30, so we could all hop in a car and drive to south Edmonton. We were going to this restuarant called OPM, which is fantastic. It's a different restuarant and it's amazingly good. So we all hopped into Adriannne's mustang and drove off. Only Toby was driving. And Toby doesn't know the city at all. So we got lost. Oh well.

Once arriving at OPM we discovered that it actually is a very popular restuarant and had to wait for over and hour for seats. This was good, though. We sat in the lounge for a while and talked, Peter and I went outside for a while and sat on a bench just to be outside. And wouldn't you know it? This strange lady thought that was a good idea too.

She walks over to us and strikes up a conversation. Well, as clear a conversation as her alcohol hazed mind could handle. Which wasn't much. And when it was something it was so shockingly dirty that I just sat there and couldn't figure out what the heck to say to her. She sits down right between Peter and I and gives us a lengthy discourse on all things young minds like our just should never think about and then get's up and walks back inside OPM. Once again, Peter and I were left with that now all too familiar feeling of, "What just happened? And if that just happened, was it in fact real?"

Of course while Chris (her name) was talking to us, all of Peter's friends walked by. They stayed for about 5 seconds before blushing furiously and deciding that it was actually a much better choice to go inside and wait for us there.

That was odd.

Finally we get out table. I order the Vanilla Prawns. Oh baby. So sweet. I proceed to eat said Vanilla Prawns on a bed of rice. Yum.

Eventually it comes time to change locations. After the incident with Chris, I was a little worried about what the rest of the evening would hold and I wasn't dissapointed. We moved to this high class bar called "Suede" and promptly felt out of place. The general age definatly is not what the majority of our little group was. I would have made the cut... just... but sweet young everyone else sure didn't. It was quite funny.

But I really liked this place. It is not the ultra charged atmosphere on Whyte Ave which basically can be broken down to a couple thousand 18-21 year olds all getting as drunk as they can as fast as they can and then going on the prowl for either sex or fights. Not my idea of a good time.

But Suede seemed to draw a crowd that was both older then that and seemed to be much more mature then that. It was just a relzed atmosphere with great music and everyone hanging out together. People would come and go from conversation circles with no real "agenda" at all and it was just a really fun time. Nobody was rip roaring drunk so you didn't have to worry about that.

Funny moment of the night came when I was sitting down with two people of our group and we were having a really deep conversation about God. Only to realize that while we were sitting and talking on this bench our faces were about 1/2 an inch from a bunch of guy's butts. Literally. We realized this just about the same time as these guys did and we all started laughing. Especially when one guy said, "Oh man, that Taco Bell isn't sitting too well right now!" Implying much gas about to be released into our face. So we all laughed together and talked for a while and decided it would be much better to figure out another way of all standing there.

Since this was a high class bar, you have to get a high class drink. So I got myself a gin martini, which I really enjoy, especially when stirred not shaken. I was standing there, sipping away and talking to a bunch of Peter's friends I had not yet met. Then this one guy proceedes to shake my hand waaaaaay too hard and causes me to spill a good portion of said martini all down my right arm. Yuck. I was soaked and non-too pleased, but what can you do?

As the night progessed I saw a strange continuation of complete strangers talking like we were best friends all night long. It was really weird. Especially because most of them were in varrying degrees of sobriety/drug induced haze.

As always sitting in an environment like that can get boring and depressing, so matter how much fun the crowd pretends to be having. So I just started talking about God and saw where that went. Pretty fun, actually. I got to pray with a person and help another one learn how to start hearing from the Lord for other people. Since Peter is a surprisingly well known individual, random people would keep walking up to us and saying hi. They'd introduce, give a handshake and I'd ask my friend, "Okay, what do you pick up for that person?" and we'd compare spiritual notes and then talk about what one would generally do after hearing such information from the Lord. It was fun.

Then the night ended with this person running into an old friend from the rave scene. A very influential friend, so we talked with him for a while and planted more Jesus seeds.

As always, I'm amazed at how open people are about the Lord when He is presented in a real way with no pretenses or expectations. We keep thinking that it's such a hard thing and they are all afraid, but if you just use the right heart and the right words they are so hungry.

Maybe it was the drugs and booze.

Either way... if Jesus came to town tomorrow would he go to church or go find those people on the drugs and booze?

I fully intend on being there when He shows up. And until then, I'll tell everyone to look for him and not stop until they find him.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

So Weird

Today I didn't do all that much. Got up. Watched some TV. Ate a large bowl of chili. And then decided to at least do one thing that was productive and went to purchase my beautiful new glasses.

This requires driving down to Whyte Ave, navigating the crazy streets, finding a parking spot and then going for a walk. All in all, it was uneventful, so that made me happy.

I got my new glasses. Well... I purchased them. Tomorrow I get to go and pick them up. Yay!! I have been wanting glasses for the longest time. Granted, I do wear them... just the ones I have are nowhere near strong enough and I think I got them in grade 10. It has been a while since then. A looong while.

I'll post a picture tomorrow when I get them so you can all see. And the greatest thing was the price. High index lenses and the frames all for $336 in total. That's crazy. Normally the high index lenses are that much, forget the frames!

I then strolled down Whyte a bit and nearly made an idiot of myself. I know, I know... that's not unusual, but I was by myself and that adds to the idiot factor. It's fine when you are with someone because you can have a good laugh... but... by yourself... not so good.

Whyte Ave has a lot of buskers. Some good. Some drunk. And some who play the bagpipes. I was walking down the street and noticed this kid who was probably 14 years old and his large bagpipes. Interesting. Until he cranked them up right when I was walking by and for some reason I thought it was the most hilarious thing I have heard in centuries.

I tried SO HARD not to burst out laughing. I had to do the whole look at the ground and bit the lip and think about anything but the current situation and I just walked fast. Didn't work all that well. A few good chuckles came out. I'm sure the rest of the crowd around me thought I was on drugs or something.

So funny... it wasn't at all what I expected. Hearing bagpipes start up are really, really funny.

Tonight I Peter's birthday bash. Should be interesting. We're going to some fancy Asian restaraunt on the south side and then to some lounge type thing for high class people after. I have no idea what to expect. But I do expect much, much blog worthy material to occur. Peter's friends are all psycho and I really think they live in a state of mind that they are always by themselves. Therefore they never think about what they do or say and general hilarity kicks in almost immediately.

Check in tomorrow. I'm sure it will be good. And I'll post a picture of my new spectacles.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

This is Cool

Hey Hey Everybody!

Lots is happening. As per usual. I like it.

Ohhhh... three sentences, each with three words. That was weird.


Had another cool conference call with the leaders of this whole MyCanada youth movement in here in our lovely nation. All I can say is that this will be very interesting to see where it all goes in the coming months. I started reading through all my old blog entries from the beginning to now and it's remarkable to watch the progression of what the Lord has been doing with me. I guess this is why so many people say to keep a journal for when you get discouraged, you crack open the journal and see that you actually have come quite a distance.

As most of you would know, I love the journey. More accurately, I love the adventure.

I'm only half way through my old blog entries, but it is quite interesting to say the least. The next couple of months of blogs I should get done in the next few nights. You should do that. Read all your old entries... and then go and read all your friend's old entries. Although that will take about 16 years to get through all of Trisha's entries!! hahaha... she started it all...

And keep plugging my Mom and Dad's website. Dad has written twice so far and they are each REALLY good. They are linked right to your right on this site. Good stuff.

I've been watching this little documentary trailer on and off all day today. Each time I get a different reaction. The first time I was cheering and feeling like I was about to explode. The next time I wept. Another time I just felt this surge of excitement and momentum. You should go check it out and see what you feel.

It is a trailer to a documentary that is being made about Siege and this whole MyCanada thing. So yours truly is in it a few times. YES!! I'll be signing autographs later in the evening. I was talking with Faytene on the phone today (You'll know who she is in the trailer...) and we were laughing because almost every time something really controversial was said it was me. Hmmm... Faytene expects me to get lots of "fan mail" over that... hahahaha... gotta stir it up somehow!

So go check it out. It gives you a really good feel about what I'm giving myself for right now.

If you want to watch it in Quick Time click here.

If you want to watch it in Media Player click here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Here Comes the Big Guns

This is the moment we have all been waiting for. I never thought it would come to pass, but it did. I believe that this is a sign that Jesus is coming back at approximately noon next monday.

What has caused me to have such sharp discernment? Mom and Dad started a blog.

Yes. You heard me right. Ma and Pa Mumby have officially entered the wide world of blogging and you can tell by my dad's first post that they're off to a blistering beginning.

Anyone who titles their very first blog entry, "Slight Rage Against the Machine" has got to be onto something.

I love my parents. I'm sure you will too. So go check out their blog. You will be happy you did so. I laughed my way through my dad's first entry. It get's an A+++ for blatently stating the truth.

So go and bookmark, update your templates and tell all... Click here.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Strange Music

Every once and a while I sit back and remind myself that my life is strange. What with travelling across countries, slamming my head in car doors, making friends with people around the world, sitting in Senator's offices, and loving coffee a little too much things can get pretty exciting.

Another case in point would be this last weekend. Going to Red Deer, suddenly finding myself speaking at a conference, prophesying over a bunch of people, freezing my butt off on a massive tressle bridge (which is tucked away on private land, so no visits unless you know the people... sad but true... sorry miller), driving home, getting surprised at church massively, praying for more people, going to a bar to watch a jazz/funk band play, having it actually be a crazy salsa band and people salsa dancing all over the place, prophesying over a guy in the bar, re-establishing friendships with people I had not seen in a couple of years and then finally driving home again... what the heck is going on?

Lots and I like it.

Aaron should be driving up soon. One of his hobbies is his home theater system and I'm glad it's his hobby, because I get to enjoy it. Tonight at Audio Ark there is a crazy demo going on for very top of the line speakers that cost far too much money. I went with Aaron to a showing before and it was shockingly incredible, so it will be cool to see, rather hear, these speakers this time. And it's always fun to pretend that I'm as rich as everyone else in the room as the sales people wine and cheese us until they figure out we're actually there for the sound and not the shmoozing and show us what the speakers can really do! That's the fun part. It happened last time and we got a private little speaker show that blew our minds.

Then I should head home again, work on some stuff for my life and prepare for the rest of the week a little bit. I'll be speaking at a small (big) group from our church on wednesday and then again at a youth network event on Friday. I'm even dusting off my bass guitar and will play with the band on friday! Oooo!! It's been a while since I've played but should be good. Hopefully I can convince Jon to join me on the drums because he is incredible and everyone sounds good when playing with Jon.

I'm looking forward to the Wednesday thing because everyone there is really hungry to hear what the Lord is doing in our nation and especially from my last trip to Ottawa. Hunger + Jesus = FUN, so... yay!!

If you're not changing history, you're doing something wrong.

Best way to change history, I have discovered, is fall in love with Jesus. He takes care of the rest.

I'm going to go put on my cool hoodie and snazy suit jacket now so I don't look like a bum compared to the rest of the people at Audio Ark. If only I had a monacle...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I Did It Again...

What did I do again, you ask?

I closed my head in the car door. Yes, this is the second time I have done that in my life. Get into car... shut door. You think it would be easy enough. Seems I can't get the hang of it.

Yesterday, after getting dropped off at the Torwalt Mansion we scurried off and hopped into David's car. I guess I was a little excited for I tried to both get in the car and shut the door all at the same time which set off a remarkable chain of events.

The door clipped me behind my ear, down close to my neck which then caused my head to richocet and slam against the frame of the car roof. That blow took me around my forehead. I then kind of fell down into the back seat.

All in all it was quite exciting and it hurt quite a bit. In fact, I still hurt today. I was closing the door with some force apparently.

The day in Red Deer was awesome though. Spent some time at a youth conference and watched Bobby Conner's go for the world record in longest preaching session ever. Saw about 3.2 million people that I know. Made some new friends. Walked along a hideously long and tall abandond tressle bridge and froze my hinder-parts off.

Let me tell you, everyone needs to go and spend some time on this bridge. It was somewhere in the vacinity of 250 feet tall and it was SO FREAKY walking along it. You can see all the way to the bottom because you have to walk over the big wooden... things. I don't know what they are called. But between them all is open space. A lot of open space. Down.

If you're smart it would be pretty much impossible to fall off and you just can't fall through the little spaces between the.... wooden things. If you did fall you'd probably achieve a compound fracture or something which would be slightly inconvenient, but still... the view... breathtaking.

After walking along that bridge for about an hour we all piled back into David's car (I was careful to make sure all parts of my body would not be getting in the way of the door) and drove off to Kelsey's to meet up with my dad again and to have dinner.

It was nice. It took 450 years for our food to come, but it was still nice. My dad got to meet some of the boys and get to know them better which is awesome.

And now... I am trying to end this entry quickly because I really, really, really want Starbucks.... off I goooooo.....!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Ugggggggg.... snore...


It's that time of year again. No sleepy. Although I am reaching the place where I am disasterously tired right now and I fall asleep pretty much anywhere. That helps. I can't seem to shut my mind off these days.

But tonight I sleep and tomorrow I arrive in Red Deer to be with my wonderful friends there for the day! YAY!!!!!

Oh yes... this is random, but 3 Million points are hereby awarded to "TheRealMiller" for giving me the 4-11 on contacts at Costco. That is amazing!! And I even found one sweet pair of glasses yesterday on Whyte Ave that are cheap and they look incredible. So hopefully I will be getting those soon.

So there you go. Today has been pretty good so far. I had a meeting with my pastors to talk about the MyCanada stuff. Which, by the way, if you are part of a youth group and want to change the nation... literally... that's where we're at right now, then get in contact with me because WE NEED YOU RIGHT NOW to take part in the Righteous Revolution in Canada. I think I'm going to try and see about getting into the local Bible Colleges as well because the opprotunity we have before us is like something out of a dream... literally.

I had a conference call yesterday morning and they are STILL buzzing on parliament hill concerning what we did. Even though we are not there the fire is spreading. What God is up to in our country is nothing short of astounding and we get to be a part of it right now.


Well... I'm going to go sleep or something now. I can't wait for tomorrow... all you Red Deer people reading this... I know you do... I love you...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Hair Journey Continues

I went to Raw again today and donated 3/4th of my net worth to them for their hair styling of my... hair. I have gone through just about every style and colour imaginable with them and today I have turned over a new leaf. Natural looking, somewhat normal... although still very funky... cool, longer hair. It has been a long time since I have had hair this long and I am purely loving it. This time there has been no wild colours in strange patterns, no black, no mohawk. Frightening, I know. It is now a natural dark brown with nice little chunks of varying shades of brown as well.

They even made me model the hair and took a bunch of pictures. That's how hot I am right now.


Soon I am going to have to master the art of the straight iron, though because when my hair get's long it starts to curl. I am getting used to the blow drier, but still... this is all very forgein territory to me.

In other superficial news, I think I am going to finally buy a pair of glasses. I have had glasses pretty much all my life but have been wearing contacts for years. I just switched optometrists and they are making me wear these expensive night and day contacts. They said that since my perscription is so bad that I have to wear the night and day contacts like usual day only contacts. Turns out the ones I have been wearing for years have been wrong all along. So they are going to make my eyes healthy again.

The only problem is that these lenses cost $80.00 per month! That's a lot for me. But in order to cut down the cost I will probably go and get some sweet glasses that I have been wanting to get for years and wear them much more often, cutting down the time I use contacts and then not having to buy them every month. Fun.

So Peter and I will probably be heading out on a glasses mission tomorrow afternoon. He got some sweet ones that were cheap, so we're going to scout some more out.

What other superficial things can I share with you?

I want to buy new clothes. But who doesn't? I am really looking forward to Christmas because all I ask for is clothes money. Christmas really helps out the wardrobe. And since I only have two pairs of jeans I think it would be nice to get maybe one more pair. One get's tired of wearing the same jeans over and over and over for more then a year. Let me tell you. I know this well.

Phew... there... I got a lot of superficial out of my system there. I fully support superficiality as long as it doesn't run your life.

And now for something somewhat more deeper. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS WEEKEND BECAUSE I AM GOING TO RED DEER ON SATURDAY!!!! Dad has to work a trade show so I'll join him and get dumped off at the Torwalt residence. This will make me a very happy individual. What makes me even happier is dad has to be in Red Deer for quite some time, so I get to spend a good chunk of time with some of my favorite people on the face of this planet.

I don't get to see them as much as I would like (I would like every day) so when these times come around I tend to enjoy them as much as possible and practice what it means to go deep right away. Have you ever savoured a day? You should try it.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Dream Come True

I want to share a little something with you. I'm reading through Mark right now and just writting the thoughts that come to my head and praying while I do that. It's very amazing. I read a paragraph and then write. You should try it. So here is a little bit that I wanted to share with everyone. I wrote this on the plane to Ottawa last week... it may not make much sense or flow properly... you kind of need to read my whole Mark Journal for that... but... you're getting it anyways...

Mark 1:9-11, "At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: 'You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.'"

What more is there in this story that we do not see? It appears to be a pretty big deal what John was doing and saying after all it says, "the whole Judean countryside and Jerusalem" (vs. 5) came out to see him.

One can assume that he didn't just tell one or two people about Jesus. Everyone knew. Everyone knew there was this next guy coming who even John wasn't worthy to untie His sandles. Everyone was told this baptism would be of the Spirit, that Jesus would bring. I wonder what was going through people's minds when it came to this.

Finally, Jesus shows up. We can assume that was a big deal. Obviously bigger then we think for this is seeminly a rare instance where God, the Creator, steps directly into His creation again to let us know a fairly important fact. I think HE didn't want anyone screwing it up, so HE stepped on the scene Himselft... "You are my Son, who I love; with you I am well pleased..."

I find it interesting to see that although God's voice spoke to the entire assembly it was actually directed at Jesus personally. God wasn't out to prove anything, nor was Jesus. Yet there was a personal confirmation of the years of obedience that still rings out publicly to this day.

Makes you wonder what living a life of obedience to the Father really can do.

Lord, I really want to obey your word and your plan for my life. Help me to do this. God, I truly do want to be exactly who you dreamed me to be when you thought up my life. I know you were not bored the day you made me, nor was I just the next one down the assembly line. I know your heart soared and your mind reached beyond the furthest vaults of the universe as you created the one called "me". Help me to live this, Father. I know I am your son. My greatest desire truly is that you would be well pleased. I want to be your dream come true.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

It is well...

Bryan and David came and went. It was a grand couple of days. You know when you have people in your life that you just like to be with? There are people where you feel like you always have to do something or talk about something or be completely entertaining. But then there are people who you can just be with. You'd know it would be life to your soul if you just sat on the couch with them and didn't say a word -- I like that.

So we all didn't do anything too spectacular... except of course going to watch our artist friend Mike work his magic. WOW!! He has a sweet studio in downtown Edmonton so we went and visted him and watched him paint four of the most incredible pieces I have ever seen. All the while listening to his music that he is just throwing together just for fun. If there has anyone who is pure artist and their DNA says artist it is Mike. Phenominal guy. We saw a piece he did a while back which is a massive painting of a native dancer. I just wanted to cry and cry when I looked at it. Never has a piece of art grabbed me in such a way as this one did. No word of a lie, I could just sit and look at that painting for hours and hours. I honestly wanted to just lay down in front of the painting and start soaking in the presence of the Lord. But I didn't because I felt funny about it. I think I should have. Next time.

And wouldn't you know it? Right now I'm sitting here listening to a little song my beautiful friend Peter just put together the other day. I've had it on repeat for the better part of this entire last week. Incredible. It needs to be played on repeat at the Prayer Chapel for a few days too. I nearly fell off my chair when Peter played it for me. My spirit felt like it was about to explode with excitement and the instant "full" feeling of God.

I know I am using extreme words, but you guys know me. You know that I actually mean it.

This last week has been very interesting to say the least. With spreading the word about what happened in Ottawa, being on astounding phone calls about what is going on behind the scenes concering Ottawa stuff and dreaming for the future and then waking up and realizing that the dream is now... nuts. Very interesting amidst it all I am just having such a heavy longing for Jesus. It is permiating everything right now. I don't know if I have ever felt it this way before, either. It's such a powerful draw. I know anything is possible right now and I know just as well that wherever I am I could be totally arrested at any given moment and be completely overcome with longing and desire.

All I want is more. I just want to get lost in the presence of God. I've always had this reoccuring picture that I see whenever I think about getting lost in the presence of God. I think I've always thought about that as being locked in a room somewhere having a wonderful time with Jesus that nobody could comprehend. But the more I think about it the more I see a picture of me on a stage, for example, but not knowing I'm there because all I see is Jesus. I'm totally lost in His presence and it just so happened that nations shook and I didn't notice at all. What I did notice too the deepest core of my being was His wonderful face and incredible fulfilling love. The picture I see is getting danced all over the world and hardly realizing what happened because I was so overcome with the only portrait that really matters.

I want to see how fast my legs can run.

Friday, November 04, 2005

I Hate Waiting

Now I am waiting for Bryan and David to arrive from Red Deer.

Have I mentioned that I hate waiting?

I could be doing things, but I am distracted due to waiting.

Tune in for a sure story of craziness and mayhem. Because Bryan and David will be here.

I'm done typing now.

Here's a picture.... It's a new line of Shofars. Great for those who are extremely charismatic and like to dress their shofars up in prophetic garb.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Photo Montage

Welcome to our National Reception room. The room which you can only get if you have an "in" with an MP and a $4,000 cheque for one hour... Kayle and the roof of the Peace Tower....
View of the East Block and the eastern skyline of Ottawa from the Peace Tower
Meeting with MP James Rojette (he's from Edmonton and is a good man and I think I spelled his name wrong)
The first official meal served at Canada's National House of Prayer

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

How Does One Describe?

I am having great difficulty in describing the events of this last week. To say it was major would be an understatement. To say that I understand all the implications of what is to come would be a lie. To say that I know the goal would be an approxiamte truth. To say that I know how to get there would be misleading. To say that a full bore righteous revolution in our nation is within reach would be the absolute truth.

The buzz that the Lord created on the Hill through us was more then we could have ever expected. In fact, I still do not think we have even the slightest clue of what we did. We would constantly have MP's and their assistants coming up to us saying, "You have no idea what you are doing!" and they would be saying it in a good way. Every MP and Senator we talked with said, "Never in my carrier on the Hill has anyone ever said anything like this to me." We would be in meetings were the MP's would stop the meeting and pound on their phone calling more MP's to join us. We would be in MP's offices as the Spirit of God fell so strongly that we all began to weep openly. We were able to stir their original vision for coming into office in the first place and not once or twice, but many times our MP's would look at us with wide eyes and say, "I will be going home happy this weekend. Thank you."

Our national reception was another one where we had no idea what was going on. Later on we were told by Christian MP's, "You must realise that what you are doing here in Parliament Hill is a sign and a wonder. And I am not just saying that. You must realise that what you are seeing is a literal miracle of God." For example, we were told that if 8-10 MP's came out for our breakfast reception, that would be a great turnout. 35 came and more came via their assistants. In total over 120 people were present. We were repeatedly told, "This just doesn't happen."

We were given the incredible opportunity to sit at the feet of some of the most incredible and wize people in our government. I count it an honor to have been able to gleen from these men and women and to have a frank, open discussion about the state of our generation and our nation. Sometimes we agreed and sometimes we didn't. Pretty much always we ended on a positive note, knowing that the hope for democracy is still alive if we are able to stir our generation to come back to the table and engage in honest, open dialogue and debate rather then the fight and hard nosed tactics we see today.

The message of a righteous revolution is spreading the nation like wildfire. God is opening doors we never could have. 100 Huntley Street (one of Canada's national Christian TV shows) did a story on us and will be airing it soon. Are we excited about being on TV or are we excited that the message of a nation turning again to Godly foundations is getting out? I can assure you it is the latter. We do not care how the message gets out, it just has to. The dream of a righteous government is within reach if we change our attitudes and apply ourselves once again to the dream of democracy that our founding fathers created the Dominon of Canada on.

Can a nation be saved? Can a nation be changed? Can a nation be turned back to you? I say a whole hearted and empassioned, "YES!" I know it can. I will see it happen in my day. I have now been to the leading government offices of my nation and I know what is happening in there. This dream is not far off anymore. This dream is now.

Those of us who were in Ottawa have come home with one focus. To stir the seed of righteous revolution. We don't know what to do. But we know we must do it. We don't know how to get there. But we know we must arrive. We know our key is in dependance on God. We are happy to find ourselves in that very place.

If you are in the Edmonton area, I will be sharing more this Wednesday at the Mumby Kinship. If you are in Alberta, either you get in contact with me or I will get in contact with you. It's time. It's time. It's time.

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