This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What a Wonderful World


That is about all I have to say about the school so far. It is so intense and so crazy and so vital and every single person who claims to know Jesus needs this school. It is a literal paradigm shift and not the way the church has thrown that world around so lightly. This is a time of training our minds to think a whole new way, look at the world in a whole new way and shift our heads into a completely different way of being.

So needless to say it is rather intense and full! I have taken about 30 pages of notes so far... in two days. We still have three full days left. And I mean FULL! Morning, afternoon, evening with minor breaks for meals. But it is SO GOOD!

I wanted to post some pictures for you all, but I forgot my camera up in the room where I'm staying. I don't want to wake my room-mates up either. They are so awesome. One from South Africa, one from Germany and one from England. Our accents are so crazy! I need to record us all saying the same sentence.

Yesterday I went running around in a field of heather. That stuff is crazy! I was wishing it wasn't raining and ultra windy and cold because I literally would have hurled myself down the hill. There is no way you could get hurt. It is like a giant cushy mountain of foam. Granted there are 300 year old walls placed here and there, but still... the heather outwieghs the danger!

I also sat in this nice little prayer chapel. Built totally out of natural materials. In 1888. What the heck??? 1888?? And that is one of the newer buildings around here.

What else to say? A lot, but I can't pick one thing. I may need to run away and hide for about a month after this. Allow my head to put all the pieces back together where apparently they were always supposed to be. I am very grateful for the training and teaching I got through Randy Clark and Bethel. For people who are not familiar with the Kingdom mindset or Kingdom Culture this would be much, much more difficult and shocking to their system. And there are those people present. I think we had a few blow outs yesterday afternoon... but it's good stuff. People are becoming who they were always called to be!

Your picture for the day is a little something you can buy at the Scottish Parliament. I think it is for stress relief and I'm betting some of the people at this school are wishing they had some close by. We are in the middle of the greatest whiskey region in the world, though...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the picture makes the blog kayle. remember that. it sounds like you're getting some good stuff thrown at you. yay!

11:14 AM


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