This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Toronto, Here I Come!

I'm off to Toronto for two weeks!! Yay!! Hopefully I will be able to update while I am gone. I have to keep this painfully short as I was out all day hanging out with Peter and then with Neil and Giselle, so as usual I have kept my packing to the very last minute.

And I hereby declare that eating your frosty with your fries is perfectly normal, and the most accpeted way of consumption as per the results of my poll on the last update. So everyone else who thinks that is gross is clearly insane.

With that, I will be off.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

You Would Never Believe This

Today was another interesting day to say the least. It involved church. Church is always interesting. Today very much so. Pastor Don taught the "Vineyard 5 Step Healing Model" which is something I have heard taught nearly 65,000 times in my lifetime. It was part of the teachings that Randy Clark always taught when I traveled with him. It was neat to see another person's interpretation of the 5 Steps, which are extremely basic, so there isn't much interpretation involved at all. Just different language.

Then, as a good Pastor should, Don lead us in practicing what was just preached. He took a big risk and opened it up for the entire church to just shout out words of knowledge for healing. I thought he was pretty clear on that point, but apparently everyone else wasn't. People came up with some pretty interesting things that they heard from the Lord, none of them having to do with healing. But 3rd times a charm and that third person finally gave a word for healing. Accurate, of course!

Don asked my parents and I to come forward and pray for this sick person. As I was walking up I decided to share the words that I had gotten as well. I had three words for healing that were all accurate and provided enough people for a good portion of our church to practice on. Yay God!

This went splendidly, so I am looking forward to hearing how these people's weeks went, because it wasn't something that they could test out right away.

Anyway, after church we went out to Tim Hortons for lunch. It is one of those big ones that connects with a Wendy's. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to eat for lunch, and finally decided that I wanted good food from Tim Hortons. That was my first mistake. I was pretty hungry so I went crazy and got the soup and sandwich deal. They made the sandwich wrong and the soup tasted like vomit. And I thought I was supposed to get a donut, but I was wrong and didn't get one of those either. Oh well.

So to cheer myself up I used my last $3 and purchased myself a frosty and some fries at the Wendy's counter. I always thought what I was about to do was normal, but apparently it is not. I think I will do a survey via the comments thing at the bottom of this entry to see how messed up I actually am. Just leave a comment and let me know if you eat your frosty with your fries and like it as much as I do. And I must make it clear - this is not eating a spoonful of frosty and then a few fries. It is using your fries as a spoon to eat the said frosty. Comments, everyone. This is the first highly interactive Kayle Land Blog Fest... Please don't tell me that I am as twisted as the rest of my family thought I was.

Although I am coming to the realization that what I think is normal is far from the norm of everyone else. For example, tonight I made myself my favorite sandwich and watched one of my favorite bands in concert on the TV. That may not seem that unusual, but halfway through everything I stopped and had a sudden realization that maybe eating a tuna + olive + cheese slice sandwich while honestly enjoying an ABBA concert on TV is really kind of weird.

Suddenly I am at a loss for words. I think it would be better to just end this entry before I disclose anymore information that should just remain personal.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Living History

Tonight was definitely a cool night. It was a cross Canada prayer meeting. The deal was televised so that the entire nation could participate at the same time either through TV or through the internet. They asked people to call in from where they were praying and by the end of the show the map of Canada that they had was COVERED in little flag's representing groups of people praying.

I wish I could explain what a time we are living in here in Canada. But I can't. Revival is upon us. The church of Canada is rising as a powerful voice. As they said tonight, the government of Canada isn't in Ottawa it's on HIS shoulders!

Normally that's just a nice religious sounding thing that Christians like to toss around. For the first time in my life I heard it in reality. What a time we live in.

I found the TV broadcast really neat. I have been walking with these people since 1999 and have made some very good friends from all across the nation. We only get to see each other at these gatherings, so it was neat to be able to watch them all on TV this time. Haha... I found it to be quite nostalgic and a "wow" moment of seeing what the Lord has lead me on in the past few years. Quite incredible. And He's doing that with thousands and thousands across this nation.

The even better thing is, if you are in Canada you will be able to take part in some seriously incredible meetings that will be happening in your area. There is a tour to call the nation and they are going to 26 cities in the space of about two months. It is to call the church to rise up and to proclaim the purposes of God for Canada.

Once again... These words seem hollow when writing. But from my eyes, I am living in a moment of time where I get to see my entire nation become the habitation for the Glory of God. I get to see this not as a fluffy, emotional thing that comes and goes, but as reality and with substance. I could tell you story after story to convince you... And I probably will... But maybe later on.

Just how often do I say, "Do whatever it takes to come to the One Heart Gathering this July, including selling all your possession and quitting your job." It is that massive. If you ever dream of seeing an entire nation be birthed into revival in one single day, then come and live your dream and join us in Quebec City this July. It will happen. You will see it. You will live it and be a part of some of the most astounding history ever to play out in our world.

Just to go the Watchmen website and receive for a while....

Friday, February 18, 2005

And Change Continues

I did something I never thought I would do today. It's probably not all that drastic, but still, it was fun. I dyed my hair jet black. With a couple of chunks of gold to frame it all out nicely. May I say that it is incredible. I absolutely love it. And, I am even working at growing it out longer!!

It has been years since I grew my hair long and the first time was a full out disaster. I did not know the importance of getting my hair cut and I just grew it long. The results truly were horrifying. But now I have a master designer and awesome friend who works on my hair and we're doing it right and in style. I just hope I can keep up and am praying for a divine download of hair styling skill. I may even have to attempt using a freaking blow dryer to re-create the hair style.

Now that is just plain funny.

I don't really know what exactly to write here right now. Oops. I just lied. How about a good quote that just came to mind. It is from a great man of God by the name of Glenn Shepard. He teaches at the Eagle's Nest Ywam DTS every year. He was present for the famous Asbury College Revival in the early 60's or 70's and his account of the revival is stunning. And he looks like a mix between colonel Sanders and Santa Clause.

So here you go. Your very own quote of the day from Glenn Shepard:

"There are 5 Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and you. Most people read you more then the other 4."

Or how about this one:

"So many know the word of God, but they don't know the author. If you know the author, he's able to explain his writings to you."

I like that. I think I'll go spend some time with a rather famous author now.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Spiritual Psychobabble and a Starbucks

Today was a slow one. Well... not really... a lot happened, but I don't really know how to explain it all. I have been having intense dreams every morning all week long. I can hardly remember them, but I know I am having them and that they are important.

I am a firm believer that the majority of our dreams are what our spirit is off doing in spirit land and also a prime way of downloading information and revelation from the Lord. Of course not every dream is from the Lord, but that is why there are clear instructions in the Bible to test every spirit.

So I have been waking up in the morning and feeling a strong dream coming on and I go back into deep sleep until about 11:00am or so when it finally lifts. I wish I could tell you about it all, but I can't. I have a few idea's about what is up, but I don't really feel like sharing that with the world at this point.

Lots of people get really frustrated when they do not remember their dreams. I sometimes get frustrated, but I really feel like if I was supposed to remember my dream then the Lord will have me remember it. If not, I am confident that my spirit man was doing something and all the things I learned or got imparted in my dream have been imparted to my spirit man. Since I am a spirit, I have a soul and I live in a body, what gets imparted to me in the "dream" will then affect the rest of my being. The new knowledge will go to my heart and even if I don't know what it is specifically, I will still begin to live out the new revelation and it will still be a part of me.

I hope that makes sense.

The funniest thing so far is in that some of these dreams I am having are so real (well, they are real, just me doing stuff in a different realm) that when I wake up I honestly expect what happened in my dream to have already happened in the physical. For example, in one of my dreams there was a brand new, fresh loaf of white bread in our cupboard where we keep our bread and cereal.

When I woke up I got ready for my day and a little while later wanted to make some lunch. I was planning all morning long to have a grilled cheese sandwich with that nice bread in our cupboard, but when I opened it up it wasn't there! I couldn't figure it out and I had to ask my mom if we actually had any bread like that. Of course we didn't, because dad makes all our bread in the bread-maker. I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get to have a grilled cheese, but thought it was so funny that I can't seem to tell the difference between what is going on in my "dreams" and what is going on here on earth. Although the two are very closely linked and affect each other more then we think...

Anyway, a good highlight for today was getting a great deal at Starbucks. I went to get my usual Tall, Dark Roast, but they had it brewing, so it wasn't ready to serve. So instead they gave my whatever I wanted to drink for the same price as a Tall coffee. Yay for that! I got a Caramel Macchiato for the price of a coffee. Woo-hoo!! That's a smokin' deal of around $3 off! God bless them all.

If you've made it through my rather out there spiritual psychobabble, then congratulate yourself and probably prepare yourself for a whole lot more in these coming days.

It Finally Happened

What happened, you ask?

First of all, I bought sunglasses. Finally. I have been wanting a pair of sunglasses for about 600 years now. I have had a few sets that I really liked but I have donated each and every one of them to certain beaches in California. Or so I assume. I have no clue where they went, but I did loose them on one of my many California trips.

I would post a picture for you, but the picture posting thing still kicks me out after two seconds of being on it. I must find another way to host my pictures so I can link to them.

Is that all that happened?


What else has happened is Peter cut all his hair off. He is legendary for his long curly hair. Everyone does a double take and I have never been on and outing with Peter when he isn't approached by people to talk about and touch his hair. It is really quite funny.

Today I got a call from Peter saying that it was time for the hair to go. I cheered him on and a few hours later I got another call and all he said was, "I did it." Good news is that Peter looks about 5 years older now.

Once again, at this point I would post a picture. I deleted the programs blogland gives you because I am sure that something went wrong when I downloaded them.

Another thing that finally happened was that I talked with Neil tonight. I have not seen him or his wife Giselle in many, many months. I have neglected that friendship. We will be seeing each other on Saturday, hopefully. As long as it works out for Giselle. If not, then it will have to wait until after I get home from Toronto.

Have I mentioned yet that I am off to Toronto on the 22nd? I cannot wait!! I went there last April for about 8 days and absolutely fell in love with the city. It felt like home to me. Shortly after my brother and sister in law, Geordie and Stef moved there so I will be going to visit them. And also visit some people that I have been wanting to see for a long time. Funniest meeting may be with a different Mark then referred to in the last entry. I have a promise of going out for coffee with this guy that has been standing for about a year now. He moved to Australia for a year and is now in London for a month. He will get back to Toronto on the 6th of March and I leave on the 8th. Finally the coffee will be done.

So there we go. Tomorrow is a kinship potluck, which is always really fun. Thursday is crazy busy with driving mom to her eye doctor's appointment in the hospital and then a visit to Raw for a fully new hair design just in time for Toronto. Friday is meeting up with previous post Mark for the beginning of the evening and then a group of my boys in the late evening. Saturday we already know about. Sunday is church. Monday is The Flood. Tuesday is TORONTO!!! WOO!!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Better Than I Imagined!

I have to update again today. If you are reading this and have not read my previous post, go and do so now. Then come back to this one.

Tonight at the Flood Coffee Shop was far superior then I could have ever imagined. Events that even I could not have come up with occurred right in front of my eyes. It was possibly the best and most awkward moment I have ever witnessed.

First of all, I grabbed prime people watching seats for Kandyce and I. We sat there and allowed people to come and sit with us. We kind of had a revolving population around us and it shifted a few times. Although the best was having.... um... let's call her Susan sit beside us. Susan is fun and both of our friends. She also wanted to watch the social mayhem happen.

Enter a guy we shall call Bob. Bob is a good friend of mine and he sits down beside me, across the table from Susan.

Eventually Susan walks away to grab some food or something and Bob leans over to me and whispers in my ear, "Dude, I was set up to go on a blind date with Susan last Saturday but I backed out of it at the last minute! I don't think she knows who I am, though, but this is really awkward!!"

Susan comes back to the table, just when Bob gets up to grab some food. They just miss each other. Susan this time leans over to Kandyce and says, "Oh my goodness, I was supposed to go on this blind date with Bob last Saturday but it didn't work out. But I don't think Bob knows who I am though, but this is really awkward!!"

Bob comes back to the table and they both pretend like everything is cool. Kayle and Kandyce have the only full story that sadly they each know perfectly well who each other is, just they don't know that the other person knows it. Follow me?

It was everything we could do from now bringing it up and creating an even more awkward moment. Ooooooo.... that would have been so grand. Alas, we held back... especially in our laughter.

Eventually Bob made a very early exit and went home. I think the pressure was too great for him.

Now we must think about these people's mutual friends. They must have a sick sense of humor for Susan is a full 4 years older then Bob, who just turned 18. Not right. Plus the only thing that they really have in common is Jesus. I think they might need a few more things then that. Oh such fun.

Never in my life would I have thought I would have been in such a situation. That was beyond gold. The Flood has brought me so many great things. Tonight was definitely another highlight.

After the official event I went out to Earl's with the usual group that goes. This also adds to the high levels of drama because the people I hang out with are the "high profile" folks that I referred to in the last entry. Mainly Mark and his brother. There are some really young girls who really are madly in love with these guys, so much so that it rivals many teenage Hollywood movies that make most people with brains gag and dry heave.

I have a certain way of dealing with advances of highly young and lusty people. Generally it is shutting them right down and more often then not they get offended. But I don't mind because I don't want to be a party to anything sick like that, nor will I encourage it or even make them think for one second that being anything buy a righteous, Holy, pure woman of God is right.

Lo and behold, when we get to Earl's guess who is waiting? Yep. The crew of underage females. I nearly laughed in their face, but was somehow able to refrain. They swarmed Mark, and thankfully remained afraid of both Kandyce and I, so we got to sit at the far end of the table with a really cool girl named Brittany and Tyler. Mark was somehow able to free himself from the horrors going on at the other end of the table and moved over to us. He sat down beside me and just said, "Ahhh... the of age side of the table."

From then on it was pretty good and went back to our traditional time of hanging out at Earl's after The Flood.

All in all, these were the two most highly superficial updates I have ever accomplished, but I thought you would enjoy them. I suppose if you are ever questioning which is more fulfilling - your social status or the presence of God - just come back to this entry and remember that it is definitely the presence of God. The other is obviously one massive and painful gong-show that will get you nowhere fast.

Except, of course, onto the pages of this e-diary.

Interesting Night I foresee

Tonight is The Flood. Tonight is also Valentines. Tonight is also a "coffee house" set up for The Flood for a more relaxed and "fellowshipy" evening. I am looking forward to some of the most incredible people watching of my life for the recipe that they have made for themselves.

The Flood has many very unique dynamics, which generally have me laughing hysterically. I have cut out my own little group of friends that I talk to and have kept it that way. I do not want to rule the place socially, although there are others who are running for that position with everything they have.

The best dynamic that I have found is the young girls hunting after the high profile guys in this group. They are like a pack of pirannah's who circle their prey and launch seemingly highly calculated attacks at random moments.

Luckily I have not fallen prey to these, although there are rumors and rumblings that they are out there. I have the advantage of being the "outside" guy to this community and everyone is either afraid of me or very intimidated and they keep their distance for the most part. Some have crossed the great divide as of late, but thank the good Lord, they are usually the ones with normal brains inside their heads who just want to talk about God.

So tonight we have the mix of a relaxed evening of "fellowship". I would translate this to a highly charged evening of young girls prowling with all their social might to get noticed by hot guys completely out of their league (mainly because of the gaping age difference). Add to this mix an air of spirituality and then you get the mix of hysterical and heretical as people worship to get noticed. Is it actually possible to worship in style? Ummm... Highly rhetorical question with an answer being either a loud no or a slap in the face for even asking that question in the first place.

Now add to the mix Kayle and Kandyce. Sworn brother and sister in the Lord. Sworn protector of certain younger males who from time to time fall prey to the Pirannahs. Both ones who have very clear and very strong opinions on Christians and morality. Both very outspoken at The Flood. Both greatly looking forward to this evening.

Insert wicked laughter here.

The next update should prove to be grand.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

What is going on?

Talk about severe drought in the e-diary front these days! I hope the fad is not wearing off. I don't think it will be for me. Last night, I even got a prophetic word about writing things like a diary only on a public forum. I thought that was so funny. Apparently the Lord is pleased with my e-diary ventures.

Today has been a very sleepy day. I can't figure this one out. I have been sleeping amazingly lately and got a good chunk of it last night. Only today I just can't stop yawning. I didn't go to Starbucks yesterday, which could be the cause of my current physical state, but I choose to think that today is just a sleepy day.

I get to lounge around most of the day and wait for a phone call. Hopefully I will be able to hang out with Laura Woodley today. She's in the west for 5 weeks, including a tour across Canada so it will be good to hang out with her for a while. I love to be with people who are wildly abandoned to the Lord and His purposes.

So she is hanging out with the Watchmen worship team for the week and if they get a break they are calling me up so I can steal Laura away for an hour or so. I am secretly trying to figure out how I can squeeze some prayer out of them all too. Who knows... Just being in that atmosphere for a while will be awesome.

Then this evening is the next edition of Hot Sauce. I am excited to see what God has come up with for us. Last time was wild! And I am starting to make in-roads in relationship with the huge crew of young peoples that have been coming regularly. Although I just realized that I can't really remember any of their names except one. Oh well... What's new?

I would now like to point out that in the last couple of days I have spent upwards of 3-4 hours of time on the Homestar Runner homepage. And yes, I have enjoyed every moment of it. You should do the same.

I think I'll abruptly end this entry now.

Friday, February 11, 2005

What a Night...


Wow is all I can say about tonight. I just got home from a prayer meeting for Watchmen for the Nations and once again it was off the charts. David Demian was even there. He needing some prayer and pouring into, so he got on a plane this afternoon to be with us. How crazy is that? The best part is that meeting ran and truly the Holy Spirit lead every single moment of it.

I am always so astounded in these meetings because for as long as I can remember I have cried out to the Lord that I would be able to experience revival in ways that I have only read in history books so far. I have always dreamt of what it would have been like to be in a house meeting in the great Welsh Revival or experience a moment of the Cain Ridge Revival or the Great Awakening of the 1700's.

Now I can say with no doubt or exaggeration that I know what those meetings were like. Why? Because we get to live them. Our nation is in the throws of one of the most powerful revivals this world has yet to see. Granted, places like Mongolia, China and Fiji are going strong, but still... Canada is next.

I could write for years about it, but truly it is difficult to get unless you ask the Holy Spirit to show you. You can also read a lot on Aaron's diary which has much great stories of this.

The best way to describe it is there really is no leader other then the Holy Spirit and nobody can deny or argue that. His presence is so strong. If someone feels they need to share, they share. If someone has a song, they sing it. If someone needs to pray, they pray. And it's not some orchestrated boring prayer service. This is full of fire, of the undeniable, felt presence and Glory of God! Angels are there, not just in imagination, but we are experiencing their presence, our hearts are burning within us and this is what is sweeping and will continue to sweep our nation.

What an honor and privilege to live in such a nation in such a time as this.

I wrote a bunch of notes tonight, so I will share some with you. First is something I heard the Lord say to me during our wild worship time. I was on my face, before the Lord and I heard this. Don't just read it like it is for me, it's just as much for you, too.

Welcome to who you really are
You're not a product
You're not a thing
You're a son
You're a child
You cannot be packaged
You cannot be contained
You are free
You are free to dance
You are free to jump
You are free to be
To be a friend
To be a lover
To be in love
So go have fun
Live a little
Live a lot
Rejoice in the freedom that you've found
Don't let your mind get clouded
Just follow
And believe
You're good

So now here are tid-bits of what other people heard. It may seem disjointed, but these are just snapshots.

- Joel 3:9 - "Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack."

- The word "fighting" in that passage is taken from the Hebrew word "gibbor". One of God's name's is "El Gibbor" or "The Mighty One". God is raising up the mighty ones. There is a standard being released across this nation of God's character for all to see. A major part of this is God being seen as El Gibbor.

- John 3:34 - "For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit."

- That is a scripture for you and for me. Take note of "without limit" and meditate on that for a while.

- All of Psalm 144

- For the youth and young adults, "It's time to come out of the caves. It's time to live!"

- You open the door to the enemy in the name of emotional honesty.

- You justify your lack of self discipline in the name of being real.

- We've forgotten our main weapon and that is to release ourselves to the Spirit of God.

- We're no longer the ones running in fear, we're the ones causing fear in the enemy's camp.

- The Chinese word for "busy" is "a dead heart"

I have never had hope for a nation as I have now. I have never felt so close to seeing a breakout of national revival as I do now. I have never had such conviction that God is going to sweep our land as I do now. I can say this because it is already happening. God is moving in our nation. God is moving in power and might from sea to sea to sea. We've seen transformation in many cities around the world and now nations. Canada is next.

What a time we live in.

The best part? It's not that we are in revival. It's that the Presence of God is so close, so strong and so sweet. During worship I could have just laid there forever. We are not working towards a move of God, as they say, but for our nation to be a habitation for the Glory of God.

Hallelujah, Jesus. We posture ourselves for Your coming....

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I Can Feel It!

Hello Blog-land. How I love you.

As the days go by I can feel my Adventure Sense ever growing. It's almost scary. Dreaming is a wonderful thing to do, especially when you add God into the mix. There is so much out there that is possible. I am realizing more and more that the only thing holding me back really is me.

Normally I would roll my eyes when I hear someone tell me that. But it is so true. Sometimes things won't work out, but the only way to really know if it will work or not is if you give it a shot and try it. If it crumbles, then it crumbles. There is a reason why I wrote a certain saying in the very front of my Bible. It goes something like this, "What is the secret to success? I got up as many times as I got knocked down."

I like that quote.

There is nothing to fear from being knocked down. In fact, one should embrace it. Maybe not the way that we seem to think in the North American culture - that being embrace suffering. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying be fine with getting knocked down. Who cares? What we really should be afraid of is not getting back up again. That is the true enemy.

If we really embraced the knocking down part, then we would throw ourselves at our dreams. We would throw ourselves at risk. We would throw ourselves into situations that required faith as a main ingredient and situations that just would not work out if God wasn't there.

I kind of see it like a child learning to walk. They have embraced getting knocked down. They are fine with it. The toddle around and come crashing down often. Sometimes they cry, sometimes they laugh, sometimes mom or dad will come and pick them up and whisk them away. Still, they learn to walk and the only way they learned was getting up time and time again and warbling around on the edge of disaster, generally plowing to the ground right away again.

I'm beginning to realize that getting knocked down really isn't that big a consequence in a child's mind. They'll still get to where they want to go one way or another.

Jesus sure was good when He said that we need to be like a child. They're fearless.

I want to be fearless.

Lazy Day and a Starbucks

I love how the vast majority of my past entries (on my other diary, mind you) have been having to do with Starbucks. Once again, this will be the case.

I laid around most of the day yesterday between reading a neat history book and sleeping. I had to get my energy up for the last and final episode of the Amazing Race! And since Kris and John didn't win, I'm not all that happy. But as usual, they smiled and were happy, so I think they won all the same.

Anyway, around 8:00ish Dave called me up to see if I wanted to grab some coffee. A friend of mine, Mike, from Medicine Hat is in town for a few months, so we all hung out. It was so funny. Dave and Mike went on a DTS in Australia last year, so they have some good stories and one of my favorite things is watching Dave interact with people. He's one of those people that everything is funny about him, but I'm not sure if he tries to be funny or not.

For example. He was ordering his coffee and didn't really know what to get. He got a Caramel Macchiato (pronounced it horribly wrong) and then didn't know what size to get. So Mike starts saying, "Venti, Venti, Venti" over and over and out of Dave's mouth comes a Venti.

Dave didn't know how big that was. Dave also wanted to get to bed early. A half liter of coffee, caramel, whipped cream and sugar doesn't aid in the early sleeping goal. I will have to check in today to see if he actually got any sleep last night or not.

Anyway, I can't really remember where exactly I was going with all of this, so I think I am just going to stop the story now. Today is Wednesday and Wednesday nights are good. It's our Kinship night and it will be good to be with them. Aaron is teaching and I am getting carried away with these link things. Three in one entry! Gasp!!

SHOCKING SIDE NOTE!!! I just spell checked this entry and the spell checker didn't know "Starbucks"!!! I almost had a life crisis there. Dear sweet Starbucks, how can anyone not know your name?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

An Interesting Outlook

Hello All!

I have had an interesting day thus far. I woke up far too early and had to drive the rental back to the rent-place. I got a sweet car this time. A nice little Mazda 3 that zipped about. Although, most of the zipping was on a sheet of ice we like to refer to as "Highway 2" here in Alberta.

Sweet, Lordy Moses, I thought I was going to die on many occasions while I was driving down to Medicine Hat this past Friday. But since I managed to find a few brains cells left in my brain I kept the car on the road. It could have been because I was going about 50km/h which is a full 70km/h slower then usual on that highway. Other travelers did not have such forsite. Although, they did have good hindsight as their cars spun across the lanes of traffic and ditched amazingly far into the snowbanks.

The Good Lord was with me and I made it to my destination unscathed. A little stressed, but unscathed nonetheless.

Upon arrival in Medicine Hat, I headed off to Grandma's house and we hung out for a while. It was great. She is always fun and I have decided that she must have been my mentor in all things sarcastic. When I arrived she had a couple from her church visiting her. I thought it was nice and we chatted for a while, but as was expected, they accelerated their leaving time and left Grandma and I alone. The moment they walked out the door, Grandma pounded me on the back and said, "Thank God you're here, boy! You came at the perfect time. I was getting sick of them!"

Oh Grandma. She loves Jesus. She loves her Bible. She loves to worship and sing. She even loves Christian TV. She is just working on loving the rest of the Christians she knows.

Anyway, we made soup and the traditional Tuna Buns that have become synonymous with the Mumby name and watched the news for a while. Then I had to leave to get to Eagle's Nest and my beloved YWAM friends.

The whole crew came back from their outreach to the Philippines and it was so awesome to see them all again. Mind you, I think I was hallucinating. The night before I stayed up until 3:00am. When the YWAMers came home I stayed up until about 2:30am. The last night I can't even remember how late I stayed up, but it was worth it with a grand talk with Amanda and Nathan.

Then on Monday I had a meeting with interesting results. The fruits of this meeting shall be highly interesting for me. I feel like I have a completely fresh slate and a wide open canvas to paint on. The paint brush shall be me and the paint shall be my good friend, Jesus. He also happens to be my Savior, by the way. I kind of like that.

Something I had been really thinking about and crying out to God was a shocking feeling that I discovered recently in my heart. Rather, it was a lack of feeling. What lack, you ask? Adventure. I think I had lost my sense of adventure.

God did some radical stuff this weekend and has done quite a nice job at returning that sense back to me. I am very happy about this and quite frankly, I'm excited to see what happens.

I suppose we shall see. In a couple short weeks I am off to Toronto for about 18 days. There is no schedule for these days at all. No expectations or anything. I like that.

I think I'll end this massive post now.


Just Got Home


I have been out of town for the weekend. I just got home a few minutes ago. I don't really know what to say right now. It could be because I got about 8 hours of sleep in four days. It could be because this was possibly the most shocking and difficult trip I may have ever been on. I could be because I have to go to the bathroom right now. It most definately is because I just realized that I have to wake up early tomorrow morning to return the rental car.


I'll write more tomorrow. Possibly.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Official Grand Opening

Well, I did it. I converted. As you can see I have seen the light and changed over to blogspot. I was lured in through the promise of pictures, but thus far my knowledge of that has eluded me. Still, I am glad I made the change. There are so many more options and features on this grand site that I am hooked. If you look to your right you will see easy links to all the best e-dairies that this internet has to offer. Or you can even check out my old domain complete with thousands, no... MILLIONS of highly entertaining stories. I am having to try and figure out a way to save all those. Because they are so good and a wonderful chronicle of my life thus far.

Soon I will figure out exactly how to post pictures and then I can finally show you neat bits of my life and some of the most incredible sights I get to see in my travels.

And of course, you'll get to see just how hot I am.

Insert hysterical laughter here.

I am wondering if I am cheating a little though. I managed to steal my visitor counter from my other diary to this one. So even though this blog has been alive for only days it claims that it has been visited nearly 7000 times. Let's just pretend that my other diary has grown up and this is just the adolescent version. Same thing, just a little bigger and changes have appeared where there were no changes before.

Ah the circle of electronic, virtual life. How it warms my soul.

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