This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

It is well...

Bryan and David came and went. It was a grand couple of days. You know when you have people in your life that you just like to be with? There are people where you feel like you always have to do something or talk about something or be completely entertaining. But then there are people who you can just be with. You'd know it would be life to your soul if you just sat on the couch with them and didn't say a word -- I like that.

So we all didn't do anything too spectacular... except of course going to watch our artist friend Mike work his magic. WOW!! He has a sweet studio in downtown Edmonton so we went and visted him and watched him paint four of the most incredible pieces I have ever seen. All the while listening to his music that he is just throwing together just for fun. If there has anyone who is pure artist and their DNA says artist it is Mike. Phenominal guy. We saw a piece he did a while back which is a massive painting of a native dancer. I just wanted to cry and cry when I looked at it. Never has a piece of art grabbed me in such a way as this one did. No word of a lie, I could just sit and look at that painting for hours and hours. I honestly wanted to just lay down in front of the painting and start soaking in the presence of the Lord. But I didn't because I felt funny about it. I think I should have. Next time.

And wouldn't you know it? Right now I'm sitting here listening to a little song my beautiful friend Peter just put together the other day. I've had it on repeat for the better part of this entire last week. Incredible. It needs to be played on repeat at the Prayer Chapel for a few days too. I nearly fell off my chair when Peter played it for me. My spirit felt like it was about to explode with excitement and the instant "full" feeling of God.

I know I am using extreme words, but you guys know me. You know that I actually mean it.

This last week has been very interesting to say the least. With spreading the word about what happened in Ottawa, being on astounding phone calls about what is going on behind the scenes concering Ottawa stuff and dreaming for the future and then waking up and realizing that the dream is now... nuts. Very interesting amidst it all I am just having such a heavy longing for Jesus. It is permiating everything right now. I don't know if I have ever felt it this way before, either. It's such a powerful draw. I know anything is possible right now and I know just as well that wherever I am I could be totally arrested at any given moment and be completely overcome with longing and desire.

All I want is more. I just want to get lost in the presence of God. I've always had this reoccuring picture that I see whenever I think about getting lost in the presence of God. I think I've always thought about that as being locked in a room somewhere having a wonderful time with Jesus that nobody could comprehend. But the more I think about it the more I see a picture of me on a stage, for example, but not knowing I'm there because all I see is Jesus. I'm totally lost in His presence and it just so happened that nations shook and I didn't notice at all. What I did notice too the deepest core of my being was His wonderful face and incredible fulfilling love. The picture I see is getting danced all over the world and hardly realizing what happened because I was so overcome with the only portrait that really matters.

I want to see how fast my legs can run.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man! I don't know if there are any better words out there to desribe what I'm going through now then what you just "penned".
Kim Walker led worship this morning and the words of one of the songs has been ringing in my spirit all day.
take the world but give me you
all i want is you
The cool thing is that in him i get the world, but if I never went another place in my life but I did get Him......bliss, pure bliss.
The beautiful face of my Jesus, the loving embrace of Holy Spirit and the adoring affirmation of my Father, oh what joy it is to be a chosen one, a princess.
Blessings brother and happy encounters.

3:26 AM

Blogger Dawn said...

More of the Lord... a desire that strikes the heart of a soul, a deep longing that urges to be filled! Perhaps a day, just a day, in order to bask in the presence of the utmost high. totally focused. distractions fade. and a waterfall starts to flow. I understand the deep longing of that soul, for it resides deep within my heart too!

11:31 PM


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