This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Some Scottish Thoughts

As per usual my recent trip has sent me for a loop. A good loop? Yep. A deep loop? Yep. A loop that shall end? Well... loops don't end.

Here are some things that I learned:

1. Don't ever get too busy or too focused on the outside things you are doing. Your personal life effects not just everything you do, but it effects everyone around you. If you are in leadership just think about that one for a while. Your personal choices effect everyone you are linked with. When you are in spiritual leadership it get's even crazier. Loop number one: We must stay pure. We must choose life. We need to try our best. Don't ever forget to take care of yourself personally, morally, spiritually, physically and that whole gambit.

2. Airlines can really take care of things when crazy stuff happens in the air. For example, when an old man freaks out and tries to open the emergency exit while we are about 39,000 feet in the air. Yes, this happened to me. Luckily it was on the other side of the airplane, so I'm not sure if I would have gotten sucked out or not, but I was more then impressed with our Flight Attendants and even more impressed with how they were able to handle the situation. Poor guy, he was old and senile and didn't know what was happening.

3. Greenland is beautiful when you fly over it in the twilight hours. I think I saw the sun set and rise while flying home over Greenland. Strange things happen when you fly against the time zones!

4. Haggis actually tastes good. Slow Roasted Lamb with Moroccan Spice chips do not.

5. It is completely terrifying to drive on the other side of the road in a car, but totally thrilling to ride on the top of a double deckar bus and go through roundabouts.

6. I really love flying.

7. Glasgow is probably one of my top 5 cities in the world to be in. What an incredible place. Edinburgh also is amazing, but is a rather "heavy" city. But what better place to invest in then a city like that?

8. Mike and Kay are getting married in a freaking castle. The place is incredible, massive and we sure don't have stuff like this in Canada.

9. Now more then ever I can say my life is wild and continues to get wilder and I can't wait to see what happens next.

10. I hate jet-lag. And today I woke up yet again at 4:00am, sort of slept until 6:00am and finally gave up. Now it is 8:17am and my body is ready for lunch.


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