This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Calgary Thrills

I was bored in the Calgary Airport. So I wrote this thrilling blog. Enjoy. Please.

You’d never believe how busy the airport is right now. I count four people waiting for the flight to Edmonton. Oop! Another man just sat down. That makes five, well six people including our check in lady waiting in the airport. The change from Toronto to Calgary is always rather startling. Well, the change from Toronto to basically any city is rather alarming. There is nobody here!

I suppose that is the biggest difference. That and the snow. I’m not ready to be watching the giant snowplows race down the runway!! I was just sitting in the warm sun at my lovely Starbucks just a few blocks down from where I was staying in Toronto. Alas.

What other entertaining news can I share with you as I wait a few minutes to climb onto my next plane? The news station is blaring out the news that New York City is considering banning trans-fats from their restaurants. Yes. That will work. Sadly people will still choose to eat them. It’s not the restaurant’s fault last time I checked.

OooooOOOooo!!! I thought a sixth guy was about to sit down and wait for our plane. But he walked away mentioning something about needing the flight to Saskatoon. I suppose the only flight with less people on it then this one would be the flight to Saskatoon right now.

Well… we’re about to start boarding. I’ll stop typing now. I want to get a good place in line.

Here is the overly full Calgary Airport. Shocking I know.

The Toronto Airport was a little more exciting. They had airplanes at least.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Once again home

It's almost time for me to climb back into an airplane and head across the country. Back home to St. Albert! I'm really looking forward to it, but at the same time not. Mainly because today was gloriously warm here in Toronto and when I talked with my parental units yesteday it had snowed 8 inches. Alas.

I had a great day today. A day of relaxation and reflection. A day of drinking 75 cups of coffee to fight off the edge of exhaustion we are all feeling from the Siege week and then straight into preaching at TACF Central last night.

All I can say right now is how thankful I am to be alive. I am so thankful to be doing what it is that I do. It's fun to be a secret agent for the Lord. I feel beyond the most priviledged person ever to walk the face of the earth. Often I wonder if I will get to meet even more incredible people. How is it that they all walk the face of the earth now at the same time?

Preaching last night at TACF Central was so special. I love them so much there. I've only ever been to the church twice in my life, yet I carry them in my heart it seems. I suppose it could be due to the fact that they are all in the young adult category and I love nearly everyone in that little category. Really. To see them succeed is everything to me. To see my generation discover that dreams do come true -- there is nothing like it.

And I'm just in love with everyone. What treasure exists before us. What incredible wonder to realize that each person walking the face of the earth has been created by God Himself! Not just thrown together, but he took time, he meditated, he took painstaking effort to piece each one together, he dreamed the greatest dream he ever dreamed, his heart exploded with passion and excitement and then he made you, and me, and everyone.

Each person is a dream come true. A dream of GOD come true!! And we get to learn about that person, that treasure, that... that... expression of God's never ending supernatural reality here on planet earth. Wow! Who could not just go head over heals in love and wonder not just of a God like this but of the people that have emerged from the depths of His heart. And if they don't know it... well, it's about time they find out who they really are!

There is nothing like Him. There never has been and there never will be. But today it gets better. There is nothing like Him, but it gets deeper, more amazing, more scary, more wonderful, more... more. Always.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

And now Toronto

Here I am in Toronto. The last bit of Ottawa was incredible. More then a little busy, but incredible nonetheless. Thursday was our last day of full meetings, of which we had 13 scheduled. After our last one we ran as fast as we could make it to the thursday night church meeting. I was tired after that.

Saturday most of the team left to go home. A few of us stayed behind for the day and went up the Peace Tower. I always love going up there. But it was pouring rain and we walked to the Peace Tower, so we were a little damp for the rest of the day.

We got lunch, which took a little too long and sped back to NHOP to simply grab our bags and leave again to make it to the airport in time. Which we did, thankfully. Onto the airplane I hopped and flew the nice 45 minute flight over to Toronto. I felt somewhat sorry for the team that was driving the 4 hours to Toronto, but then I fell asleep....

I am fighting being really tired, but also looking forward to speaking this evening. I'm at TACF Central, which will be fun.

Oh yes!! And best of all... I had the greatest sushi of my life last night. And a lot of it. Huge chunks of Salmon and such that was simply glorious.

This entry would probably be a lot more descriptive and entertaining, but like I said. I am very, very tired. Coffee will soon fix that, but by the time I get coffee I will not have time to make a beautiful entry to fulfill your Kayle needs.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Living History


Once again... a loss for the day. It was very intense. VERY. I met people I never in a million years that I would meet. A Senator who was one of the closest people to Trudeau. A person who if she didn't speak up and do things women's rights in Canada would have been rather hampered. A woman who helped impliment abortion in our nation... amoungst other things.

Although she was walking history and she was instrumental in shaping the Canada in which we live today, I wasn't sure what to do with the things that have shaped Canada in a negative way. Still, even if we dissagreed on some points, the opprotunity to speak and dialogue with this woman was an honor.

What I was incredibly impacted with was how it seemed like this group of young Canadians were present as fruit to some of the descions that were made in her era. We have members of our team who had abortions. They spoke out with raw and shocking honesty about where they were at. There really is not way to describe the meeting in all honesty.

So let's talk about the one before that. We met with another member of Parliament who has a very important role in our nation. He is the minister of Public Security meaning the RCMP, CSIS, the Boarder Patrol and the Prisions all report to him. We met for a little while in an incredible office and then he had to go to another meeting. BUT he allowed us in his office for the next hour and a half to pray and pray we did!

It truly was remarkable. We had a deep prayer time in the morning and if felt as if the Lord's presence just popped over from the prayer house to this office. We all knew the depth of being able to pray for our nation in a time like this and on-site in our Public Safety head office. What an honor.

Yesterday was relatively open. Today on the other hand... we have double booked nearly ever meeting with a grand total of 13 meetings today. That means we are going from 9:00am straight until at least 5:30pm on the Hill. Then we move to D.O.C Church for our evening rally which we should be there at 6:00pm and who knows how long it goes for. And if you wake up at 6:00am like me that calls for a full day. Almost as full as an MP's... almost.

I think we're on CBC this sunday. I don't know when. But if I find out I'll let you know. Because someone out there should record it as I will be preaching away in Toronto that night!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

That was a Whirlwind...

I really don't know what to say about yesterday other then.... wow. I've never seen so many MP's and their assistants cry! And I've never seen our team hit such a massive home run each time they opened their mouths. I was just as blown away as the MP's there, I think.

The day started out nice and quick. Our first meeting we met up with the media people and off we went from there! My goodness... I really don't know what to say. So much of it was deeply, deeply personal to the MP's and I don't dare share a word of it. Let's just say the day will filled with Holy moments that left me shaking my head in wonder at what it is we get to do.

Oh yeah, I saw the King and Queen of Sweden drive by too! That was an excesively long motorcade. I waved, thinking it was the Prime Minister and wondered why the PM would have such a strange flag on his car. Then I realized that I was in fact not thinking and was just as happy I waved to Royalty anyway.

Pray for endurance, strength and supernatural rest. Don't neccessarily pray that we'd sleep... we need to stay awake, but the sleep we do get pray for supernatural rest.

Anyway, the day is about to begin. Our wonderful team is waking up and getting into the prayer room to start the morning off right.

Monday, October 23, 2006


A while ago while playing around with my cell phone I felt like I needed to make a little change. No whenever I turn on the phone I see a message that simply says, "Prepair". I have no idea if I spelt the word correctly, but the idea gets across.

Prepair, Kayle. Get ready. Get ready for the day. Get ready for what God is going to do. Help others get ready. Prepair the world, the church, society, the fabric of history. Prepair. Prepair to walk into your destiny. Prepair for a massively different day that you've never lived before. Prepair to change history. Prepair to experience your dream come true. Prepair to live.

Thankfully today while running in and out of government buildings I saw that message about 65,000 times. Why? Because each time you go into a building you have to cross security. Each time you go into a building you have to turn on or off your cell phone. So each time I got the message just before going into one of our Member's of Parliament office.


And speaking of prepairing, I'm about to go off to bed. If I run quickly I can get a good nights sleep which will be important. We're meeting with about double the MP's tomorrow and half the day we have the media with us... AND right at the end of the night we have the dinner reception with even more MPs and their staff coming. But we get to eat cheese, so that makes everything better.

Time for bed!

I'm in Ottawa!

Miracles do happen. Not only am I in Ottawa again, but I woke up at what is normally 4:15am my time and I feel great! I do believe this is a sign of the immanent return of Christ. Either that or prayer works. Maybe both.

I'm sitting here in the dining room, taking a moment of silence before the day starts. We're packed full with meetings today. I think we have something like 8 or so. Some cool ones will be the very first with a guy named David Sweet. He used to be the president of Promise Keepers Canada, then ran for office. And now he's got it. Apparently they asked to meet with us before we could ask to meet with him. That's cool!

So eight Memebers of Parliament today and then tomorrow... oh boy... I think we double that. It's a wild ride tomorrow. But we'll talk about that when we get there.

I was really hoping to be able to meet with Rahim Jaffer and his assistance Josh. We called them a few times but due to the offices being SO BUSY right now, never heard back. Well... guess who was on the flight to Ottawa. Rahim! So I was able to say hi and hopefully we'll be able to make the schedules line up. I really like them a lot and love to get to connect with them any time.

The team we have this year is really remarkable. All different age groups from all different backgrounds and many different demoninations. They're really hungry and ready to be used too, which is awesome. We did a few pretend meetings yesterday with the group (I got to be an MP hahahaha) and I was so impressed with them. And it's good that they got a crack at it too, because when it's your first time (or 30th time) there is still a level of nervousness that goes along with everything.

Today is a good day full of Christian MPs and people who are sympathetic to having a moral society in Canada. So it will be nice to encourage the MPs and let them know they are not standing alone on what can feel the island of Parliament. We will stand with them as they stand for life and hope for a generation and nation. Tomorrow when we meet with some not so sympathic voices we plan to say the same thing.

Pray for us if you get the nudging. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures tomorrow.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My Brilliant Pee

I have been taking these wild vitamins lately. They make my pee turn brilliant yellow. It's almost beautiful.

And in other news the marathon travel season is nearly upon me. I just worked everything out and between now and December I am home for 10 days, while on the road for 30. Hip horay! Sort of.

I am feeling rather aprehensive about our next trip to Ottawa, but I always feel that way before I go to Ottawa. While in Ottawa it has always been totally miraculous, stellar and out of this world amazing. Seems every time I go there something very different happens to ensure that I will not be comfortable with the status-quo (if you can call what we're doing status-quo).

This time we get the national news media with us. CBC. This should help me talk clearly. We have this joke about how I mess up my words basically every time I open my mouth to speak, but when I'm talking to the media I'm actually articulate! It truly is a miracle.

I always think about this and have the greatest respect for Faytene. She speaks a great deal with media people, on TV, on the radio, to the newspapers -- in fact today she is doing a talk show in the morning and will be with our CBC people for the afternoon. I don't know how she does it. I can barely handle the telephone.

Then again, stick a microphone in my hands and then we've got a party. I'm good at that, thankfully.

Hmmm.... what else should I tell you?

I don't really know. Maybe you should tell me something.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Jesus and Loneliness

Daniel is gone now.


It has been so amazing to have him here. He brought such life to our community, to our church, to our small groups. We got to witness explosive life be released. I've rarely seen God use someone in such a unique way. In only a couple of months God used Daniel to bring release and freedom not just to our family, not just our church but to many. Saskatchewan, Red Deer, Calgary, Edmonton... and the circles of influence move out from there... they continue to move.

We put him on the airplane this afternoon with only minor ripples. We had to rush him into the check in area only to have him sit in the airport until past 3:00pm. We left him at 1:00. Being stuck in the US Departures area of the Edmonton airport is less then exciting, let me tell you. I am well familiar with it. So to get stuck there for over two hours isn't what I'd call a good time.

So now I donate another deep friend back to Redding. Redding needs to share more.

I was reminded of the fierce closeness of friendship one can have. I miss that a lot. It can only happen when one is deep in the spirit and has authentic relationship with God Himself.

After we dropped Daniel off at the airport check in counter and he walked into customs I turned and began to talk with Jesus. The one thing that has really been beneficial after leaving Redding and my friends there is the need to walk that much closer with the Lord. He really is our source of love and acceptance. He really is the only one who can fill that hole we all feel.

When we feel the void that much stronger, we have the choice to walk that much closer to our Jesus. We can either feel the loneliness, or we can change that feeling of loneliness to energy of getting that much closer with our Savior.

This really can be a wonderful thing.

I miss my friend. I really love Jesus. These two things are wonderful.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm a Papparazi

Or is it Paparazzi? Whatever... either way, I just got a new camera, so beware. This blog is about to become saturated with pictures of my life. Which will prove well interesting, that is for sure. Sadly, right now all I could really be taking pictures of is me typing e-mails, but that will soon change.

Why? Because tomorrow after a day of meetings and such I will be heading over to the P and L restaurant for some sweet authentic chinese food and then we're heading out to that corn maze. Many photo opprotunities will be had, I'm sure.

But until then, enjoy this picture I took of myself trying to figure out how to use the camera. I think I look pretty smart... or shell shocked. One of the two -- you can decide.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

We Wrestle Not With E-mail Providers

I am sitting here in a battle of the wills, locked in combat with my e-mail provider. I have been out of town since Friday. Went back to Red Deer to meet with a business person that I am working with and also attend a wedding and see some very precious friends that I love more then anything and would do pretty much anything to be able to spend time with them. Then I drove all the way to our family cabin to vegetate and eat too much food. Finally, home. And back to the mission. Only the mission has been somewhat fouled due to poor e-mail service this morning. I have 35 e-mails waiting to be downloaded and responded to (which was actually less then what I was expecting) but alas... none shall pass.

So instead I sit. And wait. Something is going to move and it ain't going to be me. Worse yet my dad can't download his either. Oh electronic world of wonder -- how we rely on you for our daily.... uhh... daily whatever.

Maybe I should take this time to do a bunch of the running around I need to do. Errands out of the house. Ohhhh.... outside people! I like to see outside people.

I was going through my schedule last night and laughed at it. I've been out of town every weekend in October so far... and I will be out of town this next weekend and then away for the rest of the month. It will then turn to November where I believe I'm home for a grand total of 6 days. Just over two weeks of that will be spent in Scotland, so I'm quite excited for it. Hence me refering to the trip in every blog I write.

What other pointless information can I bore/entertain you with?

I'm about to hop in the shower. It is cold outside. I'm having forgiveness issues with my e-mail provider. I need to ask my bank a bunch of strange questions. I'm going to eat real chinese food on friday and intentionally get lost in a giant corn maze shaped like the Oiler's Ryan Smith's head only to emerge just in time to drive to Jasper. I'm learning how to use my new PDA and becoming organized and efficient. I woke up early to work on e-mails. I could still be sleeping.

I'm going to go weep in the shower now.

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