This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I'm Home Now

I just got off the airplane.

I am now going to bed.

This trip was insane and I do not yet know what is going to happen. Has anyone ever considered the term "Righteous Revolution" and actually been able to touch it with your own fingers and realize that a full on revolution is actually within reach?

This could be fun. I've never helped lead a revolution before.

Destiny isn't for tomorrow. It's for today. So let's go.

Friday, October 28, 2005

News From Ottawa

I have so little time, but here is a quick update on what is happening.

- INSANE favor in Parliament Hill! Our meetings are going so well. It is something else to be running from meeting to meeting with MP's and Senators and Ambassadors. It's a different world.

- We got a public address in the middle of our government's question period. THis is when everyone is there and we got a standing ovation from the assembly. This is COMPLETELY against parliamentary protocol.

- Our national reception had something like 25-30 MP's show up. Everyone was ASTOUNDED with this number. This just doesn't happen they say. They told us it really was a sign and a wonder and those on Parliament Hill standing for righteousness were so encouraged by this. I got to speak for a while which was cool.

- Word is sweeping the Hill about us and what we're doing. It's never been done before and everyone is talking. Not just gov't people, but different organizations in Ottawa.

- God is touching our nation. We're living history right now. I will share with you more later, but those were some sound bytes for you.

Off to the Hill to worship with a bunch of crazy youth now!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Ottawa or... someplace else!

I'm off to our nation's capitol tomorrow morning. I wake up bright and early at 5:30am in order to get to the airport on time. I just checked the weather in Ottawa and it's supposed to snow for the first three days that we are there!!! I'm actually looking forward to that. I have seen Ottawa in the fall, spring and now I'll be there for a little blast of winter. Cool!

I do not know if I will have internet access, or even time to get on the internet, so this may be your only post until I get back home on the 30th. If that is the case then just pray for me each time you read this. Maybe the comments section can turn into a cool prayer wall for our team as we are doing the stuff in Ottawa? Who knows... maybe that's cheesy... maybe it's just another way to grab comments and feel self affirmation. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Okay. Love you all mucho. And Bryan... I'll be waiting for you and David when I get back... well... a week after I get back.

Here I goooooooooo!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's That Time of Year Again?

What time is it, you ask? Well... it's time to update my blog.

Seeing as I got a grand total of ZERO comments on that last blog I will assume that nobody made it to the end. If you did make it to the end you are officially the owner of 10 Million new Kayle Points which are redeemable at most locations.

I found out today that my brother, Geordie, who is taking the school of ministry in Toronto found out where he is getting posted for his outreach. Now get this... especially all you Californian's out there... He's getting posted to Oroville!!!!!! So that means he is going to be freaking close to Redding!!! WOO HOO!!! That makes me very happy.

What makes me even happier is that he will be working at a Cocain Re-hab center for 4 weeks. This is right up his alley, so I am very excited for him. He's excited too, which is good. His wife is able to join him for a week and I think it would be so cool if I were able to make a trek down there in January to see him and also to spend about a billion hours back in my California home in Redding and play with the angels there for a while. Ahhhhhh.... my heart longs for it....

My heart is also longing for less buttery popcorn. You see, my mom and I have a ravenous addiction to popcorn. A very bad thing happened in our household this week. We forgot to buy more. So we don't have any air-pop popcorn or microwave stuff. This is definately a time to panic.

So panic we did and while we were driving home from Kinship tonight mom yelled "POPCORN" so loud that it actually scared my dad really bad. This is incredible because normally my dad doesn't make any reaction to the insane behaviour that is his family, which goes on around him on a 24 hour basis. Since mom was already yelling he decided to stop off at 7/11 to see if they had anything. I went in and found the microwave popcorn. Our choices were the extra butter kind of the "blast-o-butter" kind. Both of which made my heart palpitate upon laying eyes on the packaging.

So I bought the extra butter kind. Wow. I probably won't be doing that again. When I eat popcorn I prefer to be able to taste said popcorn... not have my fingers drip with this strange yellow, chemical substance that they claim is butter.

And best of all the package is covered in Chinese or Korean writing!! I think they mixed up and put the wrong package in the wrong box. It's english on the outside, but on the inside you have to look hard for anything that resembles an english letter! hahaha!!!

Chinese popcorn. I'm so cultured.

Monday, October 17, 2005

This Might Note Make Sense

Well... this probably won't be the happiest of blog entries. Why? Because I am going to share with you my thoughts of this day's researching and thinking about suicide and the culture of death. Some of this might make no sense at all and some you might not agree with, but these are the conclusions I am coming to so far.

First of all, let's talk about suicide. Here are my very rough thoughts:

- I am finding it interesting that the common demoninator for suicide seems to be in groups that have had their culture and true identity not just repressed but obliterated. One of the highest rates of suicide in the world is found with our Canadian Aboriginal youth. This is directly linked with our government's attempts at "civilizing" and "educating" the Native peoples. Let me take a direct quote from the Royal Commission of Aboriginal People... the "profile of mental disorders amoung Aboriginal people is primarily a byproduct of our colonial past with it's layered assaults on Aboriginal cultures and personal identities." Those communities that have not recieved such "services" have a satistically lower rate of suicide.

- The province of Quebec has the highest rate of suicide in Canada. After spending time learning about and touring Quebec City it is interesting to note how the English gov't came in and tried to eradicate the French culture. Once again not being allowed to live out who you really are seems to be the major cause of suicide.

- Another emerging suicide issue is with gay and lesbian youth. This is very obvious, but is a more complex issue and one can see again how a repressed identity, no matter what it is, again yields the fruit of suicide

- Most interesting to note is how suicide amoung males of any age group or demographic is consistently four times higher then the rate of suicide amoung females of that certain demographic. I believe this points to the fact that the identity of the man has been and is being destoryed. I believe that by learning from the broad factors (which I believe to be the roots) of suicide in the smaller demographics we can see a frightening trend in our western culture. One can make an assumption that if one does away with a certain group's culture and identity it will cause a drastic increase of the level of suicide. What have we done to the identity and culture of a man to cause such a shocking level of suicide? What does this mean concerning the current culture and currently accepted male "identity"? One can draw the conclusion that the identity which is being pushed onto males today isn't the identity that men were originally created with. We've got to find our culture again and the only way is through Jesus.....

Now are some thoughts about the Culture of Death, which the western world is frighteningly rapidly accepting. This can be directly linked once again to personal identity, I believe. It's freaky to see what is out there, what is gaining momentum. So here are rough thoughts that you may have to really think through because I don't know how much sense I'm about to make:

- This appears to me to simply be the eradicating of all personal identity. If you have no value for who you are you will have no value for your life. I believe this has been spawned from the pagan mindset that is fast gaining a revival in the western culture, yet has no basis whatsoever on the original pagan practices from which the western pagan ideals are "founded" on. It is seen as an evolved world view which is held by the rest of the planet, yet they fail to see the effects of this apparent world view. In my mind it is extremely short sighted and those who hold to this way of thinking choose only to see the perceived positives, rather then the documented negatives. Although it would be difficult to portray these facts to those who align themselves with a death culture one cannot deny the fact that those countries based on the pagan belief systems are all in 3rd World conditions, while those nations originally founded on righteousness and Christian beliefs are able to sustain a 1st World way of life. (you're gonna have to think through that one because in many ways it can sound very offensive and that I have left out a lot of the negative concerning our 1st world... but think about it... there is more then meets the eye)

- Once again, many profess they would rather live in the simplistic lifestyle of a pagan nation, where tolerance and love abound. Yet these are the people living in the midst of a 1st World world view. Truly, how would they fare being transplanted into the middle of a tribal culture in the middle of Mozambique, Rwanda or the Amazon? How would they fare being transplanted with their 1st World belief system of a 3rd World pagan way of life? A 1st World belief of a 3rd World pagan belief system is about as opposing as light and dark. The two cannot co-exist. Case in point would be the Buddhism that is practised in North America -- it is vastly different then the Buddhism practiced in Tibet. But when you ask your average Buddhist (I really hope I'm spelling that right) if they think they are practising exactly what happens in Tibet... you'll get a whole hearted YES!! THIS IS NOT TRUE!! They are practicing a 1st World perception of what the Buddhist in the 3rd World actually believes and practices.

- Therefore we are embracing a culture of death without having the foresight to see what such a culture has brought to other nations of the world. In our apparent striving for a better world we are eradicating the very foundations on which the world was to be set and are actually going in a complete opposite direction - a celebration and worship of death rather then a worship of life and the One who gives it.

- The two cannot co-exist. How can encouraging free death (and I'm not talking christian spiritual terms here, I'm talking literal) bring life? Death does not exist in life. Life does not exist in death. Embracing death will not make you a happier, more well rounded person - it will make you suicidal and give you a death wish in the most twisted way possible. Loving and taking joy in the ending of your own life.

It is frightening to see how life is no longer something to treat with sanctity. Furthermore death is moving from an apparent right to an expected duty. This is sick and twisted and it fast becoming the accepted norm of our culture.

Jesus, help us. Send us Your spirit of life. Give us life and life abundant. Help us choose life in such a way that it enflammes other to do the same. Give us happiness. Give us joy. Ultimately, give us power so that when we move out into the streets of our city we can fulfill our Kingly mandate and spread Life Unstoppable everywhere we go. Jesus, give us as a people and as a nation a Culture of Life!

God, keep our land... GLORIOUS AND FREE!!!

There's Nothing Like Life With God!!


The prophetic conference this last weekend was incredible. I don't even know where to begin, so I probably won't. But what I will tell you about is the remarkable God stuff going on with my upcoming trip into Parliment.

The response from everyone I tell has been huge. And it usually is instant prayer -- and not just the prayer that we just toss up because we are supposed to. This has been sustained, passionate prayer! I shared a little bit at church and nearly half the church ended up coming up to the front and praying for me and for the team going into our government leader's offices. Wild.

Plus my little bit I am supposed to research is starting to fall into place. I still find the subject matter very broad and hard to pin point, but with the help of God that is coming together. As you may already know, my subject to get all studied up on is suicide and the death culture in Canada. Why is it the way it is?

A freaky statistic is that amoung the 1st Nation's women of Canada, the suicide rate in that demographic is amoung the highest in the world. Then going for the euthinasia thing, there is currently a government bill being tabled to make it legal for doctor assisted suicide, only without any needed consultaion. So that basically means if I wanted to go kill myself tomorrow I would legally be able to do so by going to a doctor who would offer that "service" and it would be no questions asked. How sick is that?

Anyway, like I said, God is really helping on that research front too. I have three friends all in the final years of university -- two majoring in Aboriginal Studies and Social Services so they have a huge host of information. The third friend is graduating from Law School and just wrote a term paper on issues surrounding suicide. So there are some huge resources.

Then today I was having coffee with Aaron and Bobbie and it turns out that Aaron knows one of the most respected opponents/activits against the death culture and doctor assisted suicide. This man agressively lobbies the gov't and is an international speaker on the subject. So hopefully I will be able to get a meeting with him this week and I'm sure I'd get a whole load of information from him.

Interestingly enough he is a strong Christian and he also suffers from MS -- which is one of those diseases that has gained national media coverage because of people wanting doctor assisted suicide, rather then dying from MS. So for this stuff to come from this man seriously gains credibility and authority to the listeners of what he has to say.

So I have to cram this week before hopping in a plane on Saturday and heading off to Canada's capitol to see what adventures the Lord would have for us there as we speak the word of the Lord directly to our government leaders!

And to make things even more fun I got some HEAVY prophetuc words for what the Lord is going to do for me there. But I'll let you know about that when I come back home.

And with that, I will now crawl into bed... for once again I am feeling that it will be a place where I will not be spending much time in during these next few weeks of forever changing the history of a nation.

If 12 men could change the entire world, why can't a team of 12 young leaders not be able to change Canada?

We're going for the big time. As it is written into our Constitution and even carved into the stone of our Parliment Building, "He shall have dominion from Sea to Sea..."

Friday, October 14, 2005

It's Past My Bedtime...


I have to make this quick. I don't even know what I am going to write about. So... so... It's way past my bed time because I have to wake up early tomorrow and go to a conference all day long. Tonight was cool... it ended in a massive fire tunnel and I got cooked.

If you feel like praying for me, I could use devine intervention. For this Ottawa deal I need to research out suicide in Canada -- the why's, the stats, basically everything there is to know on that subject in Canada.

Oh goody.

I have little to no clue of where to start and I need to be an expert on it by the 22nd. Eeeek! Not the funnest subject to cram on.

Anyway.... thanks for all the amazing comments on Blog 153!! It was a comment hay-day! Why not leave more random ones here?

Love you all!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My 153rd Post

Hello Hello. Everyone, I'd like you to meet my 153rd post on Blogspot. Say hello, feel free to get aquainted. Maybe leave a note on this momentus occaison of blogging.

I have been thinking about things lately. Shocking, I know, but I have been. The things I have been thinking about are how it seems like Christians are the most screwed up people out there. Not the "real" Christian's, mind you. They are authentically cool and I love to hang around them. But those who seemed to have placed religion and rules in the place of God really are a strange bunch. I often wonder about them.

I often wonder about me, so at least I'm not one sided.

For example, I was in this Christian bookstore the other day just looking around. I ran into a friend of mine who is really rad and has a huge heart for healing. We talked about some crazy healing stuff and how we just want more. And the whole while we were getting the WILDEST looks from the staff -- like, "How dare you talk about that." or "You are insane."

I kind of like the "you're insane look". It always makes me laugh.

But that wasn't the only thing. The people there are just strange. Flat out strange. Not strange like me - I know I'm not normal, but strange in the fact that I was a littel freaked out. For example, a man who wanted to see a male manager of the store. I thought, "hmm... cool... at least he is reaching out for help." But the reason he wanted to see a male manager was because of offensive material in this stores advertisement..... WHAT?? Who complains about offensive material in a Christian Bookstore Flyer? And what can you possibly find offensive? A lady with eyeballs that you find attractive on the cover of some book?

Or some other people who you know are trying their hardest to keep it all together, but since they are trying so hard it is squishing out in other ways. I can't possibly begin to explain that one. Just believe me that my eyes were wide as saucers and my heart was breaking.

Is it because we are fed the lies not to be honest with God and with who He really is? I often wonder that. I would suppose that if I believed... and I mean really honestly believed, that God would only be pleased with me if I was perfect and pure and holy and did everything perfectly right and if I messed up the most powerful force in the universe would truly be mad at me, then that would probably warp my sense of security, self worth and the way I viewed my world and myself.

You know what I mean? What if all God wants is our honesty and for us to really try our best in living with Him. I'm not going to go around and try to hide my sin from God. Last time I checked, He does actually see it... and still loves me. I'm not going to try and be perfect for Him, but I will try my best to be me for Him. After all, didn't He create me -- so the very fact that He created me should tell me that I have something very personal to give to him that only I can. And if I stop trying to do that or tweak it and change it in some what, God's not going to get what He created.

I don't know exactly where I am going with this.

I think I am discovering again the two edges of this whole Christian thing. You can either toss Jesus out of the equation and serve rules and self righteousness to attain your salvation, or you can toss Jesus out of the equation by being so "real" you forgot there was actually a standard in the first place.

I'm getting off topic. I wanted to talk about how some Christians are just plain wierd. But I guess you find the weird ones on both sides of the fence. Is this part of the straight and narrow that Jesus talked about? You can throw out your salvation by rules, or lack of rules.... or... or... BAAAAHHHH!!!!

I just want Jesus.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Did I Really Sleep That Long?

I'm back from the weekend at the cabin. Here's a breakdown of the events:

- Sam the dog fell off the dock and decided that it was actually pretty fun. Although he was covered in green algae slime and a thick layer of mud on his legs...

- I slept an average of 12 hours a night. Add in all the naps I took during the day and I think I got in around 15 hours a sleep a day! Yes!

- During those sleeping hours I had approximately 350,000 dreams, the best being one where I walked on water. The creepiest being one where I had a mouth full of braces and my left front tooth fell right out. Yuck.

- We played Settler's of Catan only three times of which I lost all of them. I could have won this last one but I apparently cannot count to 7, thereby exposing my grab for the win but since I can't count I didn't get it and immediately had my solid win evaporate before me. I was really dissapointed because it is a hard game to win and rare for me and it's never fun to loose on the stupidity factor. Although it is rather funny at the same time.

- I did get to win something. Dad and I took on mom and Bobbie in a game of horse shoes and we schooled them. Not until I whipped an eratic horse shoe and broke a flower pot and a garden light and made dad jump out of the way. I was quite proud of that one.

- I read all but two pages of a nearly 400 page book.

- I never once showered.

So with that, I will go to bed and dream of how good it will feel to take a shower tomorrow morning.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Question?


Somewhat out of character for me to do this, but what the heck, eh? Chelsea has twisted my arm and will not stop bothering me until I answer the same set of questions that someone viciously forced her to do too. So here we go.

Things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel to every nation in the world, particularly Antarctica
2. Publish a #1 best selling book
3. Make an insane amount of money - I do realize I won't be able to take it with me, but that just seems like a fun challange... and it's amazing what you can do with it... for example... staff fees for my missionary friends are only $100 a month... that's nothing! Imagine being able to support a bunch of missionaries and know that not only are you allowing dreams to come true, but you are doing a huge part in changing the history of the world forever!!
4. See Mt. Everest and walk about Tibet. I don't want to climb the thing. Yet. But I do want to wander around that place for a good long while.
5. Smuggle many, many bibles

Things I can do:
1. Live an insane life and encourage others to do the same
2. Make friends very easily
3. Love deeply
4. Enjoy the simple
5. Drive long distances

Things I cannot do:
1. Remember first names easily
2. Stay very task oriented (working on it)
3. Forget the past
4. Feel satisfied (content, yes... but not satisfied)
5. Run naked through the streets

Things that attract me to the opposite sex:
(note: Chelsea's answers were quite funny because she kept saying sexy)
1. A face is nice
2. Smile
3. Teeth
4. Eyes
5. Hair
6. Left elbow

Celebrity Crushes:
(how about: Kayle... can you name 5 celebrities?)
1. Orlando Bloom... I know... he's a guy... but... he's dreamy
2. Me
3. Oprah
4. Trisha Wheeler
5. Wilma Flintsone

Okay... okay... for much more creative answers go here. And with that... off I go to the Lake. First of all I have to make the stop at Starbucks, get medicated and then off we go. Aaron and Bobbie should be here any minute, so I shall now go make myself ready.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Here's A Little Secret

I have a secret. That I am not going to post on the internet so untold billions can come and read it. I kind of like my secret and I think you should all take it on to be your secret too. It may take a while to unpack, so join me on this crazy ride.

First of all, I am going to share with you what I wrote in my journal tonight at this prayer thing I go to. Kind of a collection of thoughts that suddenly came crashing into my heart and mind. What began this train of thought was the group deciding to pray through the veil. A common prayer that many people pray... including me... until tonight...

Here is what I wrote:

The veil has been torn
The chains have been broken
Rend your hearts instead of outer things
What more must Jesus do?
Weep and cry out because you do not yet realize the fullness of what Jesus did
Though we see through a glass but dimly....
Don't give birth to wind
The veil has been torn
The chains have been broken
Begin to run. Run. Run.
What did Jesus do to the tree that was vibrantly alive, yet bore no fruit?
Don't cry out for what's been done
Cry out for you do not yet understand
Not for what you don't understand
Because you don't understand the free gift that has already been given
The veil has already been torn
The chains were broken long ago
Forget those lies

All our great knowledge on things of the spirit have still left us the backsliders of the world. I will be satisfied with a type and a shadow no longer.

Aaron and I had an amazing talk on the drive home. I wish you could have been there. You probably would have liked it a lot. Then I got into my truck to drive the 2 minutes home and it happened again. My little secret.

I am constantly on the lookout to find songs to fit into the musical in my head which illustrates the incredible love relationship that Jesus has with you and me. More often me. But you are lumped into that too.

I heard this song and it rocked my world. I went and found the video on the guy's website and it's even more incredible. You got to go there and give it a listen and digest the image. But I must explain the song and what it means to me.

This song is written about a girl. When you listen to this song think of the girl as the Bride of Christ. Think of this song written before Jesus came to earth. This of this song as what was going through His mind before we were reconciled to Him. When you watch the video think of the only option He had. To give up everything. To strip himself bare. To lay down His signet ring and give up His place in heaven and do the only possible thing He could think of in order to finally be with this girl -- this bride that stole His heart. It's true. He would never be with His bride... unless the took drastic measure and jumped that great devide into the world of man.

Go and watch the "You're Beautiful" music video. I pray it will rock your world as it did mine. And remember... the veil's already been torn. Rend your heart instead of outer things for we do not yet understand what that means. I want full understanding. I MUST have full understanding. I can't take it anymore... I must know.

Watch the video.............................

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Time For The Next Adventure


Here is the next thing that I was sort of telling you about. It's official now. I get to be home for the next 17 days. That is a big deal!

After those 17 days I will be stepping onto an airplane and I will get off in Canada's capitol - the great city of Ottawa. There I will be meeting with a small group of young leaders from across the country and we will be praying and prophecying over our Member's of Parliment and to our Senators.


I can hardly believe this opprotunity that I have. I honestly still don't know what to think, other then "THANK YOU JESUS!!"

I can hardly imagine the opprotunity that we have. This is something that many people have prayed for and dreamed of for years. Now we have a full week set aside with meetings where the highest ranking government officials in our nation are willingly meeting with us to be prayed over and to have the Word of the Lord spoken to them.

I will be staying in Canada's National House of Prayer, which is on a street very close to our Parliment Building and is on the same street as all the Ambassadorial houses. I think that is wonderfully prophetic. I've always considered myself an Ambassador for the Kingdom of which I am a member of the Royal Family. (you are too, just in case you were wondering)

So this will last for a week. Then on the 30th I will plop myself onto an airplane again and fly home. Just in time for Halloween... which happens to fall on a monday... which also happens to be "The Flood"... which also happens to be the time where Kristy-anne and I want to unviel our new club. You'll have to stay tuned for that. It's going to be AWESOME!!

By the way there is a heavy amount of sarcasm to be mixed in with the previous paragraph.

Oh yeah... if you want I highly encourage you to check out the web links for this thing that I will be doing in Ottawa. Just click here.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My New Map

I really like to post pictures. So now you're getting some more. As you will remember... I think... in fact I don't even remember if I posted it here. Did I tell you about the map that I finally got and Aaron and I attempted to mount the thing on foam core? Well we did. And we failed. But Aaron is smart and turned the disaster into a freaking work of art.

That's the short story.

Now I finally have the giant map mounted on my wall and I have proceeded to stick pins in all the cities that I have travelled to. I counted them this morning and it was at 52 cities in 6 different countries and that is with many of the places I have gone to missing, because they are not on the map. I should just stick them in somewhere and call them "miscelaneous". Crap that's a hard word to spell.

So yesterday mom and I attempted to stick the thing on the wall. We used adhesive velcro tape. It sort of worked, but this morning two of the strips were not holding. The map is still a little curved and the velcro wouldn't hold. Dad and I went out and bought some more. Mind you this stuff was "Super strength industrial" velcro. Now... I can't even get the picture off the velcro strips! I believe I have made my map a permanent fixture. Those people weren't lieing when they said that these were super strength industrial velcro strips.

But I do have a question. Since when was velcro good for industry? I always think you may need something a little bit like a bolt or metal when it comes to industrial things, don't you? Unless now we are velcroing manifolds onto engines and velcro holds up the scaffolding onto the sides of buildings. Who knows... the velcro I have on my map I literally cannot pull apart, so maybe it's the new age of industry.

Anyway... here's a couple of pictures I snapped to show my friend Andy. Now you all get some.

This here's the one with some of the pins. They are kind of hard to see, but you get the picture..

Some pictures of Eagle's Nest

Hi Everyone!

It is really late. I am really tired. I just got back from The Flood and it was INCREDIBLE!!! The presence of God was so strong. During the worship I kept hearing angel's singing with us. Then a guy got up to speak and said, "At times couldn't you hear the angel's?" WOW!! Apparently it wasn't just me.

Funny thing, though... at one point I layed on my face in between two pews. And then I tried to get up and pretty much got stuck. Those pews were closer together then I though. But I somehow managed to wedge myself out of there... even though I was still in a fairly contorted position. Who cares when Jesus is there right?

Kind of like these pictures of Eagle's Nest this last week. What an incredible time... We played angel tag the first night which gives you an idea of how the week went. A few of us were splayed out in the middle of the field overcome with the presence of our wonderful Jesus. A friend of mine would pray quietly and after each prayer there would be a huge shooting star that rocketed across the sky. WOW!!

Okay... here's a few of my favorite pictures of this last week. Enjoy...

This first one if of Carol Lovejoy praying for Kay. Carol just showed up one day. She is probably one of the people who walks closest with the Lord out of anyone I know. It is always an incredible honor to be in her presence as you simply KNOW you are with royalty. She carries a HUGE amount of authority in our nation and in the nations.

This is Florante being destoryed by the power of God. Long story to go with this one. Just believe me when I say that we literally had people running for cover as the fear of the Lord struck the room with POWER. He will never, ever be the same again after what happened.

This is probably my favorite picture of the week. This was taken during the morning session which we extended from the usual 10:00am-12:30pm to an early 8:45am-12:30pm. God decided that He also enjoyed reschedualling and made the meeting actually be 8:45am-2:30pm!! I assure you, those of us there will never be the same again. It was an astounding time with the Lord. And it all started so peacefully....

And finally... the greatest priviledge a man can have. One of being prayed over by a group of radical, history making, nation changers from all over the world. That man with his hand on my mom's head is the base co-director and the leader of this particular DTS. Everyone needs to meet this man... and get prayed over by him.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

6000 Kilometers Later...

I am finally home again. And this time I could be home for a whole entire two weeks before hopping onto a plane and flying out east again. Details to follow... just want to confirm up a bunch of stuff and see what will happen. Could be another incredible opprotunity to meet with a bunch of Senator's and MP's and deliver the Word of the Lord. Being an ambassador for my nation is great. By the way... my nation is Heaven. I may live in Canada, but I am a citizen of heaven.


I may have put on a new record amount of miles this month. It is by no means the most ever travelled for me, but miles only travelled by truck... yeah... this is the month. Here's a quick synopsis for you: in less then one month's time I visited the wonderful towns and the even more wonderful people held therein of Red Deer, Calgary, Medicine Hat, Eagle's Nest, Taber, Lakeside (Montana), Taber, Red Deer, two days home in Edmonton, Eagle's Nest and finally Fairmont. That is over 6000 km's of driving. All in all... I highly recommend it. I got to see so many wonderful friends, make more friends and end it all off with a weekend spa treatment in the middle of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Many pictures were taken of this last week at the YWAM base in Eagle's Nest. We had quite the time. God showed up!!! Like massive. I love that place and I love everyone there so much. They have such an awesome DTS this time. I am already proud of them and I know I will be more so as the DTS progresses.

I'll write more later. Bed is calling me. I am still ultra relaxed due to the new found "Tri-actor Treatments" my brother and I discovered in Fairmont. This is my new-found best friend. Take one little pool that is so hot you can barely get into it and then take another small pool that is so cold ice should be forming. Sit in hot pool for too long. Hurl self into cold pool. Try not to die. Repeat at least twice. What does one get after? Besides tunnel vision? Yes, that is correct... the most incredible relaxed feeling you will ever in your entire life experience.

That and you'll get lots of laughs as people notice you sitting up to your shoulders in the cold pool, honestly enjoying it, so they just assume it's the hot one and start to climb in. I got a few strange looks from random strangers that way.

Okay... rambling... time to go to bed.

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