This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Here's A Testimony

I fully believe that when God does something in your life that you should tell people about it. If we lived by that rule I personally think we'd be talking about God all that time and really... that's a good thing!

So I will now tell you about something really cool that happened to me tonight. As many of you know I walk a rather unorthodox path. In many ways I truly do consider myself a "missionary" to Canada... and the world... and I have given my life for this purpose - to change history and bring as many people with me as possible.

Over the past while my finances have basically been non-existant. I have literally had one financial supporter for the past two or three years. I don't want people to think that my family hasn't supported me, because they have, but for a consistent support financially from an outside source... one couple. I pray at their store every week when I'm in town and in return they so faithfully and so graciously give me some support financially. I don't think they know (but they soon will after they read this) how meaningful that money has been to me and how it has helped me to hold on and to hope for a breakthrough.

At different times different people would randomly give me money as well and when crazy travel needs have come up people have always stepped up to the plate. Once again with this particular couple always giving way beyond anything I ever expect. You want to know people who support, love and really know how to encourage where it counts? Yeah... I got some of those.


I have really been struggling with faith for my finances. Especially now that this whole MyCanada thing is happening and quite frankly I need more money in order to do this. And I need a heck of a lot more then is currently coming in. I have been getting progressively more and more discouraged and more questioning if I have totally missed everything concerning my life because it doesn't feel good to be a 24 year old guy with no way of being self-sufficent. I honestly feel a lot of shame.

But I know that I am supposed to be doing what I'm doing right now and I will feel shame for the sake of seeing this nation and my generation changed forever. Shame is a worthy price to pay to see His Kingdom come to save and rescue my generation. I said a long time ago I would give my life for this.

This past week I had been feeling increased fear that money will never come in and I will have to feel even more increased shame in not being able to fulfill my "duties" so to speak with MyCanada and I'll have to stop doing that too. Amidst a great deal of soul searching I told myself that really all I want is the presence of God. I will go where He leads me and if that means becoming a janitor working a night shift and doing that for the rest of my life... if I get more of God then good. I will still be able to change the course of history doing that. I don't know how, but somehow.

Yet still in the middle of all of this I would be talking with Jesus... well... I would be complaining to Jesus and having our little fights. Me and Jesus fight on occaison, but I've discovered that is an okay thing seeing as He always wins. A few nights ago we were going at it and I said, "Jesus, why are you with-holding financial blessing from me? Show me what I'm doing wrong!"

I saw a very clear picture in front of me. There was a hallway. There was Jesus. And there was a with-holding spirit, blocking my breakthrough. I was in Jesus' face complaining about no provision ever coming through to me and so clearly I heard Jesus say rather point blank, "Kayle, you're talking to the wrong one." And he proceeded to show me the with-holding spirit. "That's who you are supposed to be addressing. I'm Jesus, not a demon."

"Oh right... sometimes I get confused. Sorry Jesus. I need to remember to rebuke the demon not my Savior."

So I changed my focus that night. I prayed that Jesus would do war against any force that is with-holding a massive financial release in my life. I prayed that the demons causing the with-holding and stopping my breakthrough would suffer for it. I prayed that Jesus would rebuke the devil and cause there to be free flow of finances and I started to thank Jesus that He is my provider and has been my provider all along. I repented for getting mad at him and I repented for thinking that HE was with-holding when all along it was those pesky demons.

See? Sometimes I get things mixed up. Whoops.

A few weeks ago my parents said they would commit to supporting me on a monthly basis... as if they need to do more then what they already do. Wow. That's a good testimony.

But it get's better. Because that was a few weeks ago when I was still mistaking Jesus for a demon.

Tonight I opened up my e-mail. Someone else has committed to supporting me financially. It's $25 a month, but that works out to $300 a year and that's a lot of money.

So that's really awesome.

And then someone handed me an envelope at our kinship. An evelope which contained the largest financial gift anyone has ever given to me. And it's a lot.

See what happens when you get things cleared up and rebuke the darkness instead of Jesus?

You better believe my faith is huge right now, I am massively encouraged, I don't feel any shame, I am excited and I have just witnessed a miracle. So I wanted you to witness it too and encourage you to really pray into your situations and ask Jesus what's up. He's not the with-holder. That's a little secret I just learned.

This couple prayed, listened and obeyed. And now I'm feeling that strange sensation of being both honoured and incredibly humbled.

So that's my testimony folks. Take it for yourself. I'm standing on the ground of breakthrough and I'm standing with my mighty Jesus.


Blogger Kristi said...

Thanks Kayle once again for the encouragement. It's so easy when we just ask God to show us what the deal is. I'm gonna do that right now.

11:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:55 AM

Blogger Dawn said...

Kayle~ Sorry its been so long since i was able to comment on your blog! Once again i find a refreashing wind of hope, truth, encouragement and destiny in the words that float along your page! Be blessed ubundantly!

11:09 PM

Blogger Carissa said...

Oh, Kayle. You have my dream job. No lies. Your passion and sacrifice encourages and inspires me more than you know. Please don't ever feel shame about this. God uses what is shamed by the world for His glory. It's truly beautiful.

1:25 PM

Blogger ladyyvonne said...

This is SOOOOO exciting! Like the disciples who thought fishing all night and hadn't caught anything...Jesus said "Launch out into the deep...and they brought in more than they could handle." As I've been thinking since our prayer time...we just have to be obedient to Jesus! Like why do we make so complicated? Sometimes I wish I was a kid again. The older we get this whole faith exercise makes the muscles groan more! Thanks...for sharing. May God heap your boat full of $$ too.

3:40 PM


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