This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

How Does One Describe?

I am having great difficulty in describing the events of this last week. To say it was major would be an understatement. To say that I understand all the implications of what is to come would be a lie. To say that I know the goal would be an approxiamte truth. To say that I know how to get there would be misleading. To say that a full bore righteous revolution in our nation is within reach would be the absolute truth.

The buzz that the Lord created on the Hill through us was more then we could have ever expected. In fact, I still do not think we have even the slightest clue of what we did. We would constantly have MP's and their assistants coming up to us saying, "You have no idea what you are doing!" and they would be saying it in a good way. Every MP and Senator we talked with said, "Never in my carrier on the Hill has anyone ever said anything like this to me." We would be in meetings were the MP's would stop the meeting and pound on their phone calling more MP's to join us. We would be in MP's offices as the Spirit of God fell so strongly that we all began to weep openly. We were able to stir their original vision for coming into office in the first place and not once or twice, but many times our MP's would look at us with wide eyes and say, "I will be going home happy this weekend. Thank you."

Our national reception was another one where we had no idea what was going on. Later on we were told by Christian MP's, "You must realise that what you are doing here in Parliament Hill is a sign and a wonder. And I am not just saying that. You must realise that what you are seeing is a literal miracle of God." For example, we were told that if 8-10 MP's came out for our breakfast reception, that would be a great turnout. 35 came and more came via their assistants. In total over 120 people were present. We were repeatedly told, "This just doesn't happen."

We were given the incredible opportunity to sit at the feet of some of the most incredible and wize people in our government. I count it an honor to have been able to gleen from these men and women and to have a frank, open discussion about the state of our generation and our nation. Sometimes we agreed and sometimes we didn't. Pretty much always we ended on a positive note, knowing that the hope for democracy is still alive if we are able to stir our generation to come back to the table and engage in honest, open dialogue and debate rather then the fight and hard nosed tactics we see today.

The message of a righteous revolution is spreading the nation like wildfire. God is opening doors we never could have. 100 Huntley Street (one of Canada's national Christian TV shows) did a story on us and will be airing it soon. Are we excited about being on TV or are we excited that the message of a nation turning again to Godly foundations is getting out? I can assure you it is the latter. We do not care how the message gets out, it just has to. The dream of a righteous government is within reach if we change our attitudes and apply ourselves once again to the dream of democracy that our founding fathers created the Dominon of Canada on.

Can a nation be saved? Can a nation be changed? Can a nation be turned back to you? I say a whole hearted and empassioned, "YES!" I know it can. I will see it happen in my day. I have now been to the leading government offices of my nation and I know what is happening in there. This dream is not far off anymore. This dream is now.

Those of us who were in Ottawa have come home with one focus. To stir the seed of righteous revolution. We don't know what to do. But we know we must do it. We don't know how to get there. But we know we must arrive. We know our key is in dependance on God. We are happy to find ourselves in that very place.

If you are in the Edmonton area, I will be sharing more this Wednesday at the Mumby Kinship. If you are in Alberta, either you get in contact with me or I will get in contact with you. It's time. It's time. It's time.


Blogger Dawn said...

Kayle! What a blessing to hear all of the wonders that God has been doing on the Hill! My desire and hope is to see this nation saved and under the covering of Christ in unity! Unfortunatly i will not be able to make it on Wednesday because of finals but i will pray! Be blessed as the Lord leads you!

3:39 PM


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