This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Strange Music

Every once and a while I sit back and remind myself that my life is strange. What with travelling across countries, slamming my head in car doors, making friends with people around the world, sitting in Senator's offices, and loving coffee a little too much things can get pretty exciting.

Another case in point would be this last weekend. Going to Red Deer, suddenly finding myself speaking at a conference, prophesying over a bunch of people, freezing my butt off on a massive tressle bridge (which is tucked away on private land, so no visits unless you know the people... sad but true... sorry miller), driving home, getting surprised at church massively, praying for more people, going to a bar to watch a jazz/funk band play, having it actually be a crazy salsa band and people salsa dancing all over the place, prophesying over a guy in the bar, re-establishing friendships with people I had not seen in a couple of years and then finally driving home again... what the heck is going on?

Lots and I like it.

Aaron should be driving up soon. One of his hobbies is his home theater system and I'm glad it's his hobby, because I get to enjoy it. Tonight at Audio Ark there is a crazy demo going on for very top of the line speakers that cost far too much money. I went with Aaron to a showing before and it was shockingly incredible, so it will be cool to see, rather hear, these speakers this time. And it's always fun to pretend that I'm as rich as everyone else in the room as the sales people wine and cheese us until they figure out we're actually there for the sound and not the shmoozing and show us what the speakers can really do! That's the fun part. It happened last time and we got a private little speaker show that blew our minds.

Then I should head home again, work on some stuff for my life and prepare for the rest of the week a little bit. I'll be speaking at a small (big) group from our church on wednesday and then again at a youth network event on Friday. I'm even dusting off my bass guitar and will play with the band on friday! Oooo!! It's been a while since I've played but should be good. Hopefully I can convince Jon to join me on the drums because he is incredible and everyone sounds good when playing with Jon.

I'm looking forward to the Wednesday thing because everyone there is really hungry to hear what the Lord is doing in our nation and especially from my last trip to Ottawa. Hunger + Jesus = FUN, so... yay!!

If you're not changing history, you're doing something wrong.

Best way to change history, I have discovered, is fall in love with Jesus. He takes care of the rest.

I'm going to go put on my cool hoodie and snazy suit jacket now so I don't look like a bum compared to the rest of the people at Audio Ark. If only I had a monacle...


Blogger Carissa said...

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3:46 PM

Blogger Carissa said...

I like this a lot,

"Best way to change history, I have discovered, is fall in love with Jesus."

Thanks Kayle :) You don't know how much I needed to hear someone say that...

3:48 PM

Blogger Browning101 said...

Please tell Jon I said Hi.


1:25 AM


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