This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Hair Journey Continues

I went to Raw again today and donated 3/4th of my net worth to them for their hair styling of my... hair. I have gone through just about every style and colour imaginable with them and today I have turned over a new leaf. Natural looking, somewhat normal... although still very funky... cool, longer hair. It has been a long time since I have had hair this long and I am purely loving it. This time there has been no wild colours in strange patterns, no black, no mohawk. Frightening, I know. It is now a natural dark brown with nice little chunks of varying shades of brown as well.

They even made me model the hair and took a bunch of pictures. That's how hot I am right now.


Soon I am going to have to master the art of the straight iron, though because when my hair get's long it starts to curl. I am getting used to the blow drier, but still... this is all very forgein territory to me.

In other superficial news, I think I am going to finally buy a pair of glasses. I have had glasses pretty much all my life but have been wearing contacts for years. I just switched optometrists and they are making me wear these expensive night and day contacts. They said that since my perscription is so bad that I have to wear the night and day contacts like usual day only contacts. Turns out the ones I have been wearing for years have been wrong all along. So they are going to make my eyes healthy again.

The only problem is that these lenses cost $80.00 per month! That's a lot for me. But in order to cut down the cost I will probably go and get some sweet glasses that I have been wanting to get for years and wear them much more often, cutting down the time I use contacts and then not having to buy them every month. Fun.

So Peter and I will probably be heading out on a glasses mission tomorrow afternoon. He got some sweet ones that were cheap, so we're going to scout some more out.

What other superficial things can I share with you?

I want to buy new clothes. But who doesn't? I am really looking forward to Christmas because all I ask for is clothes money. Christmas really helps out the wardrobe. And since I only have two pairs of jeans I think it would be nice to get maybe one more pair. One get's tired of wearing the same jeans over and over and over for more then a year. Let me tell you. I know this well.

Phew... there... I got a lot of superficial out of my system there. I fully support superficiality as long as it doesn't run your life.

And now for something somewhat more deeper. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS WEEKEND BECAUSE I AM GOING TO RED DEER ON SATURDAY!!!! Dad has to work a trade show so I'll join him and get dumped off at the Torwalt residence. This will make me a very happy individual. What makes me even happier is dad has to be in Red Deer for quite some time, so I get to spend a good chunk of time with some of my favorite people on the face of this planet.

I don't get to see them as much as I would like (I would like every day) so when these times come around I tend to enjoy them as much as possible and practice what it means to go deep right away. Have you ever savoured a day? You should try it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea for superficial!!! love you hot stuff!

10:54 PM

Blogger Rissa said...

I too wear Night & Days... but I get them from Costco where it's a little less than $30 a month. If you don't have a membership, get one. It's worth it just for the glasses/contacts.

8:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree it is much better to get them at Costco. And on that note isn't it a glorious thing to be able to wake up and see!

3:28 PM


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