This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I Did It Again...

What did I do again, you ask?

I closed my head in the car door. Yes, this is the second time I have done that in my life. Get into car... shut door. You think it would be easy enough. Seems I can't get the hang of it.

Yesterday, after getting dropped off at the Torwalt Mansion we scurried off and hopped into David's car. I guess I was a little excited for I tried to both get in the car and shut the door all at the same time which set off a remarkable chain of events.

The door clipped me behind my ear, down close to my neck which then caused my head to richocet and slam against the frame of the car roof. That blow took me around my forehead. I then kind of fell down into the back seat.

All in all it was quite exciting and it hurt quite a bit. In fact, I still hurt today. I was closing the door with some force apparently.

The day in Red Deer was awesome though. Spent some time at a youth conference and watched Bobby Conner's go for the world record in longest preaching session ever. Saw about 3.2 million people that I know. Made some new friends. Walked along a hideously long and tall abandond tressle bridge and froze my hinder-parts off.

Let me tell you, everyone needs to go and spend some time on this bridge. It was somewhere in the vacinity of 250 feet tall and it was SO FREAKY walking along it. You can see all the way to the bottom because you have to walk over the big wooden... things. I don't know what they are called. But between them all is open space. A lot of open space. Down.

If you're smart it would be pretty much impossible to fall off and you just can't fall through the little spaces between the.... wooden things. If you did fall you'd probably achieve a compound fracture or something which would be slightly inconvenient, but still... the view... breathtaking.

After walking along that bridge for about an hour we all piled back into David's car (I was careful to make sure all parts of my body would not be getting in the way of the door) and drove off to Kelsey's to meet up with my dad again and to have dinner.

It was nice. It took 450 years for our food to come, but it was still nice. My dad got to meet some of the boys and get to know them better which is awesome.

And now... I am trying to end this entry quickly because I really, really, really want Starbucks.... off I goooooo.....!


Blogger Carissa said...

I slammed my head in my car door last week. There was a pigeon under my car and after about half an hour of persuading I couldn't get the little sucker to come out. I even started the car and he still wouldn't leave. So then I started driving away. Slowly. With the door open. And my head out the door under the car making sure I don't run over the lil'fella. But in the midst of this rescue attempt the possessed car door slammed shut directly on my head. Needless to say, I had a headache for a long while, and then I drove away and told the pigeon it was his fault if he got stuck under the wheel. Stupid bird....

9:29 PM

Blogger priscilla said...

uuuuhhh kayle this why I love you and have you in my life, well one of the reasons......that means Im not an idiot by myself!

9:48 PM

Blogger Rissa said...

Do you mean the wood "slats" maybe? And where is this bridge you speak of? I'll be in Red Deer this weekend for Revive and that might be something fun to do.

3:18 PM


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