This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A wee video

I was surfing around myspace this morning and stumbled across this rather incredible video. I found it to be profoundly prophetic. Jesus and the Bride. The Bride (you - the church) is having some issues and is scared to honestly love Jesus. True, everything is black and white, cut and dried.

Yes, the bride has a heart, but it is so protected that all the color contained within cannot be let out. The Bride has a nice little heart, it's white which she thinks to be pure, yet terribly ineffective.

There is so much pent up in the bride -- all these voices, all this music, but she's too scared to let it out. It doesn't fit in the black and white boxes. She even created this black and white Jesus who sadly just does not exist.

But once the bride let's go of the control she has on her heart, breaks down those walls and doesn't care about the black and white pretend world then things get rather beautiful. The creative explodes, the reality comes pouring out... and just look at how much was contained in that little heart....

You'll have to click here to see what I mean...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm Coming Home

Quick update seeing as I have apparently been too scared to return to this page since the latest near death experience.

Tomorrow morning, EARLY in the morning I hop back onto a plane bound for my California home. I'm so excited. Home is where the heart is and I have lots of homes if that saying is correct. But Redding has always been one of the most special places ever -- filled with my most amazing friends, most amazing history and it will always be one of the places I call home.

So to those who also called Redding home and actually live there... I'M COMING HOME BABY!!!

I suppose I will post more about this later. But right now... I have things to do. Like go to sleep so I can wake up at hell thirty in the morning and get to the airport by 4:00am or something crazy like that.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Heimlich Maneuver Anyone?

I've often wondered what it would be like to suddenly find yourself unable to breath and then not be able to do anything about it. Watching movies and such with people drowning or getting choked is a little freaky, but each time I see that I always think, "What would be going through your mind at that moment?"

This afternoon I discovered exactly what would go someone's mind. I discovered what would go through my mind to be more specific. It goes something like this, "Oh my gosh I'm going to die. Oh my gosh I'm going to die. Oh my gosh I'm going to die."

I woke up nice and early again today. Somewhere around 6:00 in the morning. Instead of rolling around trying to sleep I decided I might as well wake up and start getting some e-mails and writing done. While up nice and early I decided to try and plan my day out. Part of the day included having lunch with Amy, which I was really looking forward to.

My mind was anywhere but on the task at hand as I drove downtown. I took the wrong way a few times and finally ended up on the street where Amy's building is. But there was no parking anywhere. Even the parking garage was full. So I had to loop around and park underground. Lovely.

I then walked through the half foot deep slush and made it to Amy's office. Off we go. We decide to go to a nice little Greek restaurant that is in her building so we don't have to go outside and get all mucky and both order a Gyros or a donair as us white people call it.

Mmmm... donair.... I love donair. But does donair love me? I'm not too sure at this point. Amy and I were talking and all of a sudden I feel that something is not right. What I just swallowed is not going down. In fact it is somewhat lodged in the middle of my throat. I sit there feeling a little weird and suddenly realize that I can't breath at all. Like AT ALL. I can't cough, I can't talk and I most definately can't breath and since this thing is inside of me I can't get it out.

Panic immediately hits and I don't know what to do. I would ask Amy for help, but like I said... my wind-pipe was somewhat obstructed at that moment. How do I tell Amy "EMERGENCY, I'M CHOKING" via sign language? I don't know!!!!

I stand up and start to puke. That is lovely. Normally anything to do with puke is the worse thing ever to me, but at this point I didn't care. I want everything inside of me out. Why? Because I still can't breath. When I stand up things start to turn red (which was interesting) and everything starts to spin. I'm pointing like mad at the servers to try and get them over because I know that I'm going to need help getting this piece of evil death gyro out of my body. I'm assuming that since they are serving staff they will know what to do... especially since I feel like I'm about to black out.

Never in my life have I felt fear like that.

So two of the servers come over and this one guy starts hitting my back, but that doesn't do anything. I've somehow managed to get a little air in, but like I said... if this carried on my longer... well... I don't know what would have happened. This guy's amazing training kicks in and I guess he tried to give me the heimlich. I wanted to turn around and hit the guy... and he did was give me a gentle nudging in the gutts. I've had more severe hugs then that.

What was going through my mind at that precise moment was, "Good God man, heave like you've never heaved before! Go buck wild!!" But of course if I were to yell that at the man, I would need to have been able to breath and at this moment... still no breathing.

So Amy is praying furiously, this man waits to see what his gentle nudge did and I'm trying to fight the reflex to gag and swallow or beat this man in fury and rage. I was thinking, "Oh crap... we're going to have to call the Ambulance. I'm going to pass out. I hope it gets here fast enough."

I found if I tried really, really hard I could fight the gag reflex and by doing this I could very, very slowly breath. Then the guy did make one good suggestion, "Let's go to the bathroom and you can stick a finger down your throat. Maybe that will help." I personally didn't know how sticking more things down my throat was going to help at this particular moment, but I wasn't really in the position to begin a discussion on that point. So I gathered myself, grabbed a napkin in case everything came out again and we somehow walked to the bathroom. And wouldn't you know it? When we did that the bite of evil death gyro when down.

So I basically stood in the bathroom, shaking like a leaf terrified beyond anything I've ever felt before. I'm serious... I've had a lot of crazy experiences in my life that have made me wonder what my physical outcome would be, but nothing... NOTHING has ever come this close.

Thankfully, Amy was in the bathroom with me so we stood there for a while totally freaked out and then did what anyone would expect us to do. We burst into hysterical laughter.

We sat down again and I tried to eat some more. Every bite was horrible, only because I was so scared. But we did manage to laugh like idiots the rest of the time. Come on... how often does this happen?

Amy and I then drew up a contingency plan in case this were ever to happen again. The plan goes like this: Wail on the person choking so hard that the blockage doesn't just come up, but goes flying across the room. We done care about bruising or pain afterwords, just heimlich like nobody has ever heimliched before!

I think we're going to enroll ourselves in first aid courses as well. We need to be prepaired for the future! hahaha...

So... I'm not dead. But I have come close to that realm once again. The list grows longer. I'll leave you with a picture of the evil death gyro. I brought in home with me as a souveneir.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Cialis and Vitamins

I'm sitting here watching TV and surfing myspace. I need a life, yes I know. But when you halfway watch TV and halfway surf myspace interesting things happen.

I love to watch the news. It keeps me updated and helps feul the fire of general seething rage at where our society is going. This helps me not remain stagnant and reminds me that this is my planet and I need to do something about it. It reminds me that just sitting around talking is useless and action is what we need.

And then the adds come on and I stop paying attention. Until I hear one weird advertisement. Have you heard of Cialis? Yeah... if you haven't... don't go looking.

Next to the news, my other favorite thing is to listen to the long rambling warnings that these drug ads have. Cialis... well... it wasn't the quick, low, whispered voice. It was a blatent statement. "Check with your doctor to ensure you are healthy enough for sexual activity."

WHAT??!?!?!?! That was unexpected, especially when I wasn't really paying attention. The very fact that this statement is in the ad makes one think. Does this mean that someone can actually sue if they have.... complications....? Weird.

Which brings me to a random thought I had yesterday. I was thinking about some of the different cultures I've been in and I have decided that the American culture is still the most strange one out there. Really. I may blog about that later on. But honestly, American culture is plain old not normal. I'm not saying it's wrong and I'm not bashing America -- remember, I used to live there and I love it there. But when you look at different cultures and what they are all based on, American culture is weird.

And to stay on the subject of pills, when I was in Scotland I started to get sick. This was not good. Sick was not what I needed. A nice American lady gave me these HUGE vitamin C tablets to help me out (they really worked). But when I took the first one it didn't really go down all the way -- we all know that feeling. I was drinking tea so I took a few sips and hoped for the best.

You know what happened? I burped a little bit... and a huge white cloud excited my mouth! I stood there rather shocked and wondered if I had just expelled a demon. We're these some seriously anointed vitamins? Did anyone else notice what had just happened? I don't know. But I decided that white cloud was the powder from inside the vitamin and I drank me tea quickly and went to bed.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Some Scottish Thoughts

As per usual my recent trip has sent me for a loop. A good loop? Yep. A deep loop? Yep. A loop that shall end? Well... loops don't end.

Here are some things that I learned:

1. Don't ever get too busy or too focused on the outside things you are doing. Your personal life effects not just everything you do, but it effects everyone around you. If you are in leadership just think about that one for a while. Your personal choices effect everyone you are linked with. When you are in spiritual leadership it get's even crazier. Loop number one: We must stay pure. We must choose life. We need to try our best. Don't ever forget to take care of yourself personally, morally, spiritually, physically and that whole gambit.

2. Airlines can really take care of things when crazy stuff happens in the air. For example, when an old man freaks out and tries to open the emergency exit while we are about 39,000 feet in the air. Yes, this happened to me. Luckily it was on the other side of the airplane, so I'm not sure if I would have gotten sucked out or not, but I was more then impressed with our Flight Attendants and even more impressed with how they were able to handle the situation. Poor guy, he was old and senile and didn't know what was happening.

3. Greenland is beautiful when you fly over it in the twilight hours. I think I saw the sun set and rise while flying home over Greenland. Strange things happen when you fly against the time zones!

4. Haggis actually tastes good. Slow Roasted Lamb with Moroccan Spice chips do not.

5. It is completely terrifying to drive on the other side of the road in a car, but totally thrilling to ride on the top of a double deckar bus and go through roundabouts.

6. I really love flying.

7. Glasgow is probably one of my top 5 cities in the world to be in. What an incredible place. Edinburgh also is amazing, but is a rather "heavy" city. But what better place to invest in then a city like that?

8. Mike and Kay are getting married in a freaking castle. The place is incredible, massive and we sure don't have stuff like this in Canada.

9. Now more then ever I can say my life is wild and continues to get wilder and I can't wait to see what happens next.

10. I hate jet-lag. And today I woke up yet again at 4:00am, sort of slept until 6:00am and finally gave up. Now it is 8:17am and my body is ready for lunch.

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