This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Cialis and Vitamins

I'm sitting here watching TV and surfing myspace. I need a life, yes I know. But when you halfway watch TV and halfway surf myspace interesting things happen.

I love to watch the news. It keeps me updated and helps feul the fire of general seething rage at where our society is going. This helps me not remain stagnant and reminds me that this is my planet and I need to do something about it. It reminds me that just sitting around talking is useless and action is what we need.

And then the adds come on and I stop paying attention. Until I hear one weird advertisement. Have you heard of Cialis? Yeah... if you haven't... don't go looking.

Next to the news, my other favorite thing is to listen to the long rambling warnings that these drug ads have. Cialis... well... it wasn't the quick, low, whispered voice. It was a blatent statement. "Check with your doctor to ensure you are healthy enough for sexual activity."

WHAT??!?!?!?! That was unexpected, especially when I wasn't really paying attention. The very fact that this statement is in the ad makes one think. Does this mean that someone can actually sue if they have.... complications....? Weird.

Which brings me to a random thought I had yesterday. I was thinking about some of the different cultures I've been in and I have decided that the American culture is still the most strange one out there. Really. I may blog about that later on. But honestly, American culture is plain old not normal. I'm not saying it's wrong and I'm not bashing America -- remember, I used to live there and I love it there. But when you look at different cultures and what they are all based on, American culture is weird.

And to stay on the subject of pills, when I was in Scotland I started to get sick. This was not good. Sick was not what I needed. A nice American lady gave me these HUGE vitamin C tablets to help me out (they really worked). But when I took the first one it didn't really go down all the way -- we all know that feeling. I was drinking tea so I took a few sips and hoped for the best.

You know what happened? I burped a little bit... and a huge white cloud excited my mouth! I stood there rather shocked and wondered if I had just expelled a demon. We're these some seriously anointed vitamins? Did anyone else notice what had just happened? I don't know. But I decided that white cloud was the powder from inside the vitamin and I drank me tea quickly and went to bed.


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