This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Well, well, well... these last few days have been interesting to say the least. I've seen some things that have totally blown my mind. I am living in days that totally blow my mind. I don't know what is happening and I love it because only God can possibly do this.

I don't know how this works, but somehow or another I seem to meet some incredible people. I somehow get to have relationship with these people and I have to remind myself that this just isn't normal. Well... it is normal. We should all be radically impacting the world. What isn't normal is having Jesus alive in you and you doing nothing with the most powerful transformative force ever to exist and that has been given to you. That's not normal.

Anyway... last night I spent some time with a certain man named Pastor (I will not put his name here). He is a native to China, but now lives in Canada and is a Canadian citizen. But his heart is for China. We have walked together for a few years now and never in a million years would I ever have guessed what this man has his hands in.

Recently he was in China with a few of his friends. These friends lead an underground network of Christians that number somewhere in the 60 to 70 million range. That's more then double the entire population of Canada. Oh yeah... the leaders of this movement? About 200. You would never believe the logistics involved with that... but it works.

Anyway, if you ever meet Pastor you will notice that he is a gadget man. He has video cameras, sound recorders, Palm Pilots, cell phones, you name it. And they are always on. And yes... they were on when he went to China this last time.

I heard some of the stories, but they were sketchy at best, so since I got to spend the last week with Pastor I would ask him every now and again to tell me about it. He was very hesitant to speak anything, but last night in a small group of people I asked him again and he looked at me and told me to follow him.

He produced his laptop and a certain DVD with footage from his last trip to China. I pray I will never, ever forget what I saw. Words literally do not describe and it is honestly very difficult to believe that which I did.

We in North America always talk about the "Glory Cloud" entering a room during a worship service or something. This is something I have always longed to see and I have seen it once on video tape. A small cloud that caused thousands to become silent in an instant.

What I saw last night would have honestly terrified me if I were in the meeting. 200 leaders all worshipping with passion that puts any one of us to shame and then the cloud begins to form over their heads. But in two minutes time the cloud is so thick that it filled the entire room and the video camera almost becomes useless. They continued to worship in this glory cloud and it continued to get thicker and thicker and I was astonished.

The teaching goes on for hours and hours, the praying, the educating, the healing, everything. Suddenly an alarm is sounded and the PSB have discovered this area where the country's most wanted criminals are assembled. So they run into the jungle and pray for their lives.

And there is Pastor amidst all of this. There are the young chinese men and women literally risking their lives right on the video that I am watching which happened only a month ago. They had to stay in the jungle for a long time, praying but were able to make it out through miraculous provision. Once they get to another secret location at around 1:00am, what do they do? Teach more. There is no time to waste, sleep is something that can happen later.

Apparently a bunch of leaders were arrested from this meeting and many are still on the run. There is a cry for prayer for these amazing men and women of God who are being persecuted beyond belief, but live in realms of God that we just do not yet understand.

The stories of the police there are horrendous. The extent that the government has control over the people is even more psychotic. This is the news you'd never in a million years hear talked about on CNN today. Yet it is happening and we seem to be joyful over communist China's recent advance into the global scene. It's as if everyone is happy there and everything is great.

Until we find out that in Edmonton... EDMONTON... a Chinese spy was uncovered who was sent by the communist government to watch their exchange students and report if they had made any movements at all towards the gospel. Edmonton people. This last week. How do we know? Because this person followed the exchange students to an Alpha course and accepted Jesus as well and was afraid to go back home and didn't know what to say. He was desperate for prayer and safety.

Have we any idea the times we are in?

I could go on about the horrific and shocking ways the communist government uses to track their most hated criminals, whose only crime is being a Christian. But you probably won't believe me.

Pray for these leaders. Some are coming to be with us this summer. What an awesome priviledge to have them. And that is just the tip of the iceberg for what is about to occur. Please, take a moment and pray right now. Our brothers and sisters need your help -- the power of prayer is unlike any other.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

And home...

I'm back in the windy city of Edmonton for a few days. Leave again on monday. In this time I have to try and figure out where my brains went. Actually... I don't want to. I want to leave my brains splattered on the walls of the spirit realm. Maybe then they will be clean and turn into something useful.

I have much to ponder. Much to share. What happened was so deep I don't think the words have yet been invented.

If you want, I posted a bunch of pictures on my myspace that you can watch. Just click here....

Monday, April 17, 2006

Hello From North Carolina!

Hey One and All!

I'm currently tucked up away in the mountains of North Carolina. Moravian Falls to be exact. This is an incredible place. The history is rich to say the least. First you need to know about the Moravians. Basically they were a group of people who started a little prayer meeting that lasted for 100 years, 24 hours a day over in Germany. A man named Zinzendorf started that whole thing and he actually came over here and started the same deal on these mountains. Hence the name Moravian Falls. When he signed the name as to who owns the land on the deed he wrote in "Jesus Christ". That's some good heritage.

Needless to say this place feels amazing. Then add to the fact that some of the most influential men and women of the church all live here and you have yourself one strange community. It is mind boggling to drive down the road and go, "There is Larry Randolph's house, there is Paul Cain's house, there is Bobby Conner's house, there is Rick Joyner's house, there is Suzy Wills' house, there is Don Potter's house, there is Doug Addison's house..." and the list goes on.

Of course since we're all crazy in the church we immediately start to think, "Oh don't go idolizing the people!" but in all honesty these are incredible men and women of God who have given everything to effect change and have given their lives for the church. It is like walking through a modern day hall of faith and if you choose not to look at the lives these people have lead then you are missing out and missing a major lesson. This is where the aspect of true, Godly honor kicks in and we need it back in the church today.

All this to say, what an incredible piece of land this is. What is it that has caused such a place to come into being? How is it that this little, out in the woods area has come to such a place of influence in the world? That's the real question that I want to ask everyone here. Most people would go bonkers and try to get prophetic words out of everyone (yes, I am wanting that too), but really... the question I want to ask them all is, "How?"

The view is amazing from here. Whether you are looking out the fourth floor of a certain man's study over the valley, or if you are looking through the trees from the porch of someone you've never heard of or if you have your eyes closed in the car. The view is amazing from here.

And best of all, I still have almost a week left!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Don't Ever Settle...

Inspire me, Lord. Breath fire in me. I must have more. Can I run faster? How far can these eyes see? My words, what change can come from them?

There is more for you. Don't ever let yourself think otherwise. You have not reached your end. You have not seen all that there is. Adventure never ends. It always continues. You must run with it.

It's scary. It takes gutts. But don't ever settle for anything less.

You may be confused. You may not know the way to go. But I bet if we talked it through you'd at least know the next step. Take it. Take the next step. You don't need to know the end product. You just need to know there is always more and settle in your heart to go for it. Scared or not. Confident or not. It doesn't really matter. It's not for other people. So close your eyes, or open them and take the next step.

Don't ever settle for anything less.

When you can't run, walk. When you can't walk, stand. When having done all to stand, stand further. Don't ever settle for anything less. You'll find soon that you're walking. Imagine the joy, anticipate the freedom of when you run. Then fly...

Don't ever settle for anything less.

This race you run isn't against other people. There is one competitor. And this competetor always crosses the line first, always gets the trophy. That's you. So run the race. And don't ever settle for anything less.

Love from the deepest part of who you are. You'll find it always gets deeper. Transform the world with a smile. Find Jesus everywhere you go. His reality. His presence. His everything you've ever dreamed of.

Don't ever settle for anything less.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Claritin Cures All!!!

With the snow all melting and us entering into our strange quasi season that is winter/spring but more like a wasteland of dust and grey colors my allergies tend to go a little haywire.
This year I have forgotten about this strange phenomina and for the last week I've been feeling like a Mac truck has hit me. I haven't been sleeping well and my sinuses have been rather... clogged?

Today dad had a brain wave and suggested buying allgery meds. Which we did. And I already feel 10 times better and have energy. Good thing, seeing as it is nearly midnight and time to go to bed! But my sinuses are clear so maybe I'll sleep all the way through the night tonight.

I leave soon for Moravian Falls. Another dream come true. I can't wait to be there. There are many circumstances around this trip that are mind blowing, but right now they are going to stay private. I may tell you about them in a few weeks. Right now, though... they are personal... wonderful, incredible and plain on amazing to see how God works and what He does in your life.

A few years ago when I lived in St. Louis, Missouri a great friend of mine took me out for dinner. Her name was Gale and she can be credited for a lot of what God has done in my life. She is an amazing woman of God. Anyway, we were at some Vietnamese resturant and she was saying how I was too young at the time, but soon I will be able to see how God works things in my life. I'll be able to see seasons, patterns, similarities and if I pay close enough attention I'd be able to watch God do incredible things in ways that go further then just sitting on a bench and watching your life go past your eyes.

I think I'm coming into the age where I can only now begin to see this happening. I'm 24 and do not in any way consider that old. There are still a lot of firsts when it comes to being 24. I have seen a heck of a lot, and done a heck of a lot but that does not satisfy me. I am on a constant drive to see what it means to become God's dream come true.

Only now am I able to see what Gale was telling me about. And it is remarkable.

Not all is easy. Not all is light. Not all makes sense. But all is amazing. Maybe not in the midst of it, but I'll tell you what has made things easier in the midst. It is taking a step back. It is removing yourself from the situation for a moment and just looking at everything for a moment and saying, "Wow... what a ride this is."

I suppose it is something like climbing Everest. Often times it is really hard, confusing, scary and I'm sure people would often times rather be on a couch, warm at home. But if they just lay all that stuff on the shelf for a moment, look up from the snow and ice, they'll see a sight that very few people around the globe get to see.

I lead a different life. At times it is not easy. At times it is confusing. I don't always know what is behind the next corner. But one thing I have learned is to stop, take a breath and enjoy the view for a moment. I can pause and take in the wonder of it all. I can pause and thank God for such a strange existance. I can lay aside the hardness and take a break. There is nothing wrong with that. Take a break... you can pick up the task and keep walking again after you've rested for a moment. It's not like your backpack is going to sprout legs and run away the moment you take it off.

Wait a second... wasn't I talking about Claritin?

I'm going to sleep now. Tomorrow I shall see what tomorrow holds.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

A Brief Pictoral Journey

Hello one and all!

I had a grrrrreat time this weekend. For the first time in a very, very long time I feel more rested coming home from a trip. This is a strange and very nice sensation.

Ma, Pa and myself hopped in the SUV early thursday morning and ripped down to Calgary so dad could have his business meeting. Ma and I also had a very important meeting with Cherie at the Olive Garden. As we all know a meeting with Kayle is not complete without some sort of coffee adventure, so we all went on one and found this incredible coffee shop that Cherie recommended. I had a very fine Americano, which woke me up and then I was able to talk more coherantly for a few moments. I think while we were walking along the street to get the coffee I saw the most demonically possessed man I have ever seen in my life -- which if you know anything about me is really saying something. I wanted to stop and talk but one glance and I knew it would instantly be a "situation" as he was already shaking and our eye contact was less then pleasant. I've been thinking about the man a lot, though... and praying. I've never, ever seen anyone that far gone.

Needless to say, this coffee shop which is own by some Christians is placed in a very perfect spot in the city of Calgary. You should all go. And if I knew the address or the name I would tell you. Gee... that was a good plug, wasn't it?

Anyway, the afternoon with Cherie was wonderful and then we hopped back into the SUV and drove the rest of the way to Medicine Hat to visit Grandma. I was highly anticipating this trip as I felt the moment I heard about it that some key relationships that I have in Medicine Hat would be blessed and poured into again. My goodness, did that ever happen. I was able to reunite with some people I have not seen in a long time, some I didn't even expect to see. This weekend really was a gift. Plus I got to see some of my most favorite people in the world who happen to be YWAMers so that made me happy.

The night we got into Medicine Hat, I could hardly sleep. I could feel the presence of God so strongly in the air. I still can't really explain it other then knowing... KNOWING that you are in the right place at the right time and something good is about to happen. This something good had absolutely nothing to do with ministry stuff only everything to do with relationships.

As you probably know, I really love people... so this was wonderful to me.

And of course we got to spend some quality time with Grandma, hear some of her amazing testimonies -- the stuff she doesn't even know is profound -- and just be family together. In all it's strangeness.

So without further adieu... adooo?... I will now entertain you with some photographs.

One evening I joined Landen and Josh in their new little building for some worship. This is about 1/3rd of one of the giant rooms in the building. That night I was struck by warehouses and how much they've meant to me over the years. About 7 years ago I found myself in a warehouse in Argentina praying for and with hundreds of pastors being used in the great revival in that nation. A few years earlier my dad found himself in a massive warehouse in Toronto getting rocked by the power of the Holy Spirit -- the movement which we know of as the Toronto Blessing. I met one of my heros of the faith in a warehouse in Atlanta in the middle of one of the worst slums - Jackie Pullinger. This night I found myself again in a warehouse and was overwhelmed with gratitude.

This is Dylan. I had not seen him in nearly two years. We spent a lot of time together over the summer that I spent at Eagle's Nest and I have thought about this guy and prayed for him often. When I walked into the above worship night he was standing there and we were both totally shocked and amazed and so thankful to be together again. I got to spend some awesome time with Dylan this weekend. God is amazing at making sure the right people stay in your life.

And here we have a nice little church that is so strangely placed in Medicine Hat. You're driving through residential streets of a normal prairie town and then BANG... giant church. Beautiful, though. The wooden roof inside is BREATHTAKING.

This picture makes me laugh. These are the said quality YWAM people who I love. Especially because they drove the hour and a half round trip drive to come and see me in town. Ten bazillion Kayle points to each and every one.

And finally... Dylan, Kayle, Josh and Scott. I don't really know what to say about this picture. I kind of like it. Even though Josh disturbs me.

Thus ends my brief pictoral journey through this last weekend. We are all now better people.

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