This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Today was largely uneventful.

Wait a second... that was a flat out lie. Maybe because I just woak up from a nap and I am still in that restful state of bliss that I have forgotten the events of late.

During the lunch hour mom, Aaron and I went over to Costco to buy him a new desk. I had forgotten that this is the week when most kids go back to school, so Costco was somewhat like a zoo. Then you add the Mumby's. Frightening.

Aaron and I located the desk and discovered that it must be made out of pure lead. That thing was stupidly heavy. But since we are super-hero's we heaved that baby off the rack and onto this really strange flat-bed cart deal that I was pushing around. It was particularly difficult to make go straight, I discovered, which is not all that helpful when one has 500 pounds of desk on it.

I made a sarcastic comment to Aaron, "Let's see how many people I can hit!" and off we went. But the lady right beside us overheard my comment, turned around and politely let us go past her. I think she feared for her shins. I know I would have.

I wanted to drive that thing straight into the shins of this man who was flipping out at his children. He was yelling in their faces, "I don't even want to be here with you right now!" and I rather loudly mentioned, "Yeah, and I bet they don't want to be anywhere near you either." I think this was a regular occurance for the kids because they were just looking around with a blank stare as father dear let loose. I really wanted to point out to this man that the only one looking like an idiot in the situation was him, but I didn't think that would be prudent. It would be hard to defend myself with the giant box of desk. Once again I question why I didn't just ram him in this shins with it.

So we got that baby home and I watched a bit of the disaster down in the USA. That is absolutely insane. I can hardly believe what is happening. Not good. I thought to myself, "The United States is the last place I would ever think to have refugees." But now there are literally thousands of them in actual refugee camps. They may never be able to return to their homes. Astonishing. God be with them.

After I watched that for a while I whipped off to Aldo and bought some new sunglasses. I have a habit of continuously loosing my sunglasses. This last pair I did quite well with and kept for five or six months. I'm pretty sure I left them in Nathan's car in Taber, but who knows. Luckily the ones that I have are mass produced my Aldo and they cost a whole $12 so no biggie.

And now I'm home. And I'm about to introduce you to some new blogs that you HAVE to read. First is my wonderful friend Bryan, from Red Deer. You'll like it. You'll like him. I do. Go read. And the second is my friend Stephanie. You simply MUST read her entry about the Greyhound. This is one of the people I always laugh the hardest with - we know how to have fun... mainly by unleashing our powerful anointing in the area of general stupidity! Enjoy...

And thanks to all who have been leaving comments or sending e-mails about this little blog! It's rather encouraging. See you all sooner or later... or real soon... like in five days, Andy!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Knock, Knock?

Our last night in Taber was insane. Super cool, good insane! Jesus decided to visit us and we all got plastered in the power of God. It's pretty hard to describe all that went on... suffice it to say that by the end of the evening six of us were picking ourselves up off the kitchen floor looking at each other saying, "What just happened?"

God stepped down.

I was playing the guitar for a good portion of the evening and at one point felt like telling a joke. So I said, "Knock, Knock!"

Everyone else goes, "Who's there?"

And all I could get out was, "JESUS!!!" and we all went nuts and found that to be the funniest thing ever and proceeded to get absolutely roasted in God's presence.

So that lasted until about midnight and we all crawled into bed.

Now I am home. Somehow I only used one tank of gas to drive home from Taber, which is farther away then Lethbridge for those of you who know. I've got drivers brain... but not bad enough to drive my dad's BRAND NEW SUV!!!! BABY!!

In a few short days I get to pick Andy up from the Airport. I am so excited. Plus I found out that the Bob Jones trip to Toronto got cancelled because he has been unwell and his doctor has ordered him to rest. So now I am trying to decide if I am dissapointed because of that or more excited, because now I get to spend much more time with Andy... :-)

It's time for me to not think for a while. And "cancel" my ticket to Toronto. Which isn't really cancelling it at all. They turn it into a flight credit and I have to use it within one year. So I basically got a free flight anywhere in Canada that I can decide to use whenever I want. Hmmm... visit Geordie and Stef still? I think so!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Them Children are Prophetic!

Okay... last night with the kids... WOW!!! I was really nervous on how to teach little children to hear from God and how to deliver a prophetic word. I can do this with adults, but with 5-9 year olds... and a lot of them... not so much experienced with that!! But we prayed and I got some children lingo downloaded to me and last night was so incredibly fun.

We had 8 little tiny kids show up who were possibly the cutest kids I have ever seen. Also some of the most prophetic children I have ever seen. I guess when you simply believe that God will speak to you and don't have any theological issues or self-condemnation lies to push through, it is easier to believe.

In my adult teaching of the prophetic I always stress that we give positive words that follow the three "E's" which are Edification, Exortation and Encouragement. The chances of these children understand that were slim to nil, so God helped out and we came up with "God has nice things to say and it is always to cheer people up and to cheer people on." We talked for a while what cheering people up looks like and feels like and the same for cheering people on. It was quite funny.

We then progressed to what I teach as the "blackboard in your head". But for these kids it was the computer screen in your head. We can turn it all black and picture a pink elephant and it's the same way with God. We turn it all black and then ask God to show us a picture for someone. I also said about hearing God's voice, of which a few kids already have been hearing his AUDIBLE voice and we taught them about how God can talk to us through Bible Stories... of which these children also had a remarkable knowledge of!!

So then we started practicing. My goodness the words were so accurate and so encouraging. We were running for paper and a pen to write down what these kids were seeing and hearing. And it wasn't like, "I see bubble gum and butterflies" but it was, "I see you in a dark room and you are like a candle. The candle is getting brighter and all the darkness goes away." or "I see you in a castle and you are in the room with a throne. You have been given a sword that is really big and you are supposed to fight the devil." Something this little, little boy said to me was, "I see you travelling all around the world telling people about Jesus."

I was worried that these kid's attention wouldn't stay, but we did this for an hour and a half and they just wanted more and more. They were seeing people dance with Jesus, have angels come to them, the whole bit. And after we would always ask them if they felt like they were cheered up and cheered on. They always said yes and one little boy said, "I haven't felt this good in a long time!"

Today is my last day in Taber. I will be driving home tomorrow. Today Nathan and I went into the big town of Lethbridge and hung out for a while. Lethbridge has a Starbucks, so that made me very happy! hahaha... Tonight is one final prayer meeting, which I am really looking forward to, as are many of the people here. The hunger is really being stirred in this place, which is awesome! I'm more hungry too!!

Join us in the hunger! More, Jesus! Always more!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Home Run Was Hit


Last night was incredible. After the last two outings, I was honestly discouraged. We were having a pretty hard time connecting and prophecying over people. Well... I was. Everyone else was having a great time. Last night more then made up for it.

I hit the beer gardens.

It seems that most of the 17,000 who come out to the Corn Fest go straight to the beer gardens. There was such a freedom there and one person on our team was having to fight for control because the Holy Spirit came so strong was we prayed for one lady. There was such an open heaven over her and as we prayed and prophecied into her life she was arrested by the Spirit of God. Wow!! The words we said over her were very accurate and created the perfect open door to pray for her and ask the Holy Spirit to really minister to her heart.

After we felt like we were done with those two ladies I jokingly told them that if they knew anyone else who would like this to find us and we'll pray for them too! I didn't know what that would open up for us...

So we walked over to another group of hippie looking young people and asked if we could do a "free spiritual reading" (non-Christian lingo for prophecy) or if we could interpret a dream they had. They were totally into it. I interpreted one guys dream and again the words that I felt the Lord wanting to share with this guy were very accurate and he was just laughing and laughing. It's amazing the open door you get to bring in Jesus and real prayer after something like that. They were hungry for the real stuff. So off we went and prayed boldly for this guy.

Halfway through the prayer up come the first two ladies with a fresh batch. They had brought their daughters and said, "Here! Do your thing on them too!" I prophecied over one daughter and she was really surprised at the accuracy... funny... being surprised when you find out God actually does know things about you and cares about you. Again we were able to pray.

The other teams all had very awesome experiences as well. One team had a picture of a sun-flower so they kept that in mind as they walked the fair-grounds. They found a food booth and noticed that the table beside the food booth had sunflowers on the table-cloth. They went for it and walked up to the workers and said, "We were praying that God would use us to speak to some people and we believe that God showed us sunflowers. We noticed the sunflowers on your table cloth, so may we pray for you?"

The response was the ladies burst into tears. Turns out they were both Christians and one of the ladies got a phone call from her husband saying that he had decided to divorce her. They were able to get ministered to deeply as that team followed the leading of the Lord for a devine set-up.

Hmmm... what else... I talked for a long time with a very goth girl. She was hardcore, actual goth, not just an attention grabber. I got some words that were very accurate and even surprised me. It was funny because other people had already talked to her but she was very hostile to them. But we talked for a good 45 minutes. Most of the other teams noticed that, so while we were talking she was the focus of serious intercession and prayer from many, many people for those 45 minutes. I thought to myself about how awesome "team" is because of that. I could chat with her, while others, knowing their position and mission heaved huge prayers for her to God.

So cool.

Tonight I get to teach the children how to hear from God! I have never done that before, so it should be interesting to see... although I don't think I have much to teach these kids. They are already having visions and following the leading of the Lord with astounding maturity. Two little children prayed for me during worship this morning at church. They just walked up, not having anyone tell them what to do, laid hands on me, prayed in tongues for a while and then prayed amazing prayers over me for a long time. They were 7 and 9 years old!! I felt so honored and so blessed and SO REFRESHED after they prayed for me. Wow!! So we'll see what happens tonight.

I am so looking forward to this next couple of weeks. I finally get to see Andy again and I am travelling to Toronto to hang out with my brother and sister-in-law, plus to add onto that I get to hang out with Dennis Wiedrick and Bob Jones and do some ministry with them... and get seriously ministered to!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Jesus on the Streets

Hey All!

Just time for a quick update. Last night was really cool. We had three teams go out to pray for people. One was a healing team, one went to the giant beer gardens and one walked through the carnival area. Lots of people got prayed for and all were generally very receptive. The team I was leading walked through the carnival grounds and those who we prayed and prophecied over all said that the words were very accurate. I always like the look on people's faces when their eyes open wide with surprise!

We're out again this afternoon and then again this evening. So keep praying!

Sorry this has to be so short. Our teams will be showing up shortly. We got some cool stories already, but I will have to wait to share them until I have more time.

Go crazy for Jesus!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Day Three in Taber... Tomorrow We March

Taber was very fun today. Sort of. We were all pretty much destroyed tired. Strangely enough none of us were able to sleep last night. It was funny because at 3:00am Devon's mom who is visiting as well just got up and did the dishes. That's really when you know you can't sleep!

Devon, Kristi, his dad and I went into the Rock this morning to play crib at the crib'n'coffee drop in morning. Yeah... that was unsuccessful. We sat down and promtly got blasted by the Holy Spirit. Pastor Mike walked out of his office where he was having his "quiet time" and we lost it. There was a serious wave of the presence of God going through the place and we simply could not play crib. I lost really bad, but I think that was because half the time I just forgot to take my points.

Eventually we ended up in Pastor Mike's office and we prayed some more and I prophesied over the spiritual atmosphere of the Rock and Taber. It was really neat and God confirmed a lot.

Then we went off to "Ricardo's" for lunch, which was astonishingly good. Turns out Ricardo is one awesome cook and his wife is from Mexico. So we finally found that which I always thought was unattainable - authentic mexican food in Canada.... in TABER of all places!

Then to keep the amazing food going I made dinner tonight (hahaha!!). It was pretty darn good if I don't say so myself. I made my secret recipie Spagetti sauce and we went all out.

The evening was another training session for Prophetic Evangelism and even MORE people came out to it tonight. It was basic practicing, which was good, as it gave people a little more confidence and comfort in what we're going to take on this weekend.

And here is a cool story for you. A young girl got a prophetic word tonight and it was the scripture, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." I know it's a little different then that, but that is my translation. She didn't tell anyone that, but right when people prayed that over her, her feet began to really hurt.

A small group of us went out to walk through the carnival grounds and left the rest of the group in Devon's house. We were probably gone for about 15 minutes (Taber, nor the carnival are all that big obviously) and the whole time they were trying to figure out what was happening to her feet, why it was hurting, what the prophetic significance was and all that. So when I walked in they asked me to "Discern" what was happening.

I kind of chuckled to myself because you really don't need all that much discernment. Her feet started hurting after the word of the Lord came, so it's probably going to be the enemy not being all that happy. What do you do with the devil when he comes to scare us? Tell him to leave. So I asked them if they prayed that her pain would go away. They said yes, but I felt like we should again... this time expecting healing to come and with prayers of faith.

So we prayed and suddenly the girl started shaking her head and laughing. I asked what was going on and she said, "All the pain has gone away!" YAY!! She left the house still shaking her head. It was kind of funny to watch!

Tomorrow night we move out onto the streets! We have about 25 people ready to go for it, which is a really large group for the area that we have to cover. Some serious stuff is going to go down this weekend. These people have the childlike faith that you just love to see - they have the faith for it, they just don't know it yet.... they know that they can't do it and their only hope is God, so God is seriously going to show up. I am so excited.

Please cover us in prayer! We're going out Friday evening from 6:30-9:00pm. I'll let you know what happens.

And Amanda... if not sooner, I should be at the Ranch the last week in September!! I can't wait. I just met a girl from Taber who will be taking the DTS... another quality lifer for changing nations is coming your way.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Day Two Too

This whole having access to the internet while on the road is a really great thing! Plus I have some time to go on it which is yet another great thing. Rare, actually.

Today was cool. I was able to sleep in and then Devon, Krisit and I went out on the town again. We went into Town Hall, which is a little building and read the origins of this town. Basically... MORMON!!! This is mormon central for the area. Two mormon churches, a mormon seminary and this is the center for two mormon districts. Whatever that means. It was wild in the founding notes to see that nearly everyone who moved here moved to Taber from Utah.

Tonight I did the first teaching on going to the streets with our faith. Why don't I give you the basic outline? It may not all make sense, but I hope most of it does. There is a lot to think about here...

Sometimes you just have to wait. I don’t understand why, but you do. I guess it’s just part of this divine romance. It’s a dance. You move, He moves, you both move and eventually you learn how to move together. It turns from movement to a flow. It turns from a set direction of a-b-c to not knowing where one begins and one ends. It just a perfectly timed choreographed waterfall of you and Him. It’s really quite something to watch, but just you wait. Once you’re part of that water... watching will never satisfy again.

Somewhere along the line I lost myself. I floundered and decided it would be good to find myself again. I think that’s where I got all messed up. I was never supposed to find myself in the first place. My focus must remain singular. When you look into those eyes, is there really anywhere else to look? Does anything else satisfy? Is there anything so deep? So warm? Such a look that makes your heart skip a beat and you don’t know if it is fear or excitement and you finally decide that it must be both?

How do you see the lost? Like sheep without a Shepard or wicked, evil-doers? Like sons and daughters who have been caught by the power of injustice, not knowing their full inheritance that is rightfully theirs or foolish ones squandering their existence? Like you without Jesus or ones who are far too dull to realize the obvious truth?

If Jesus walked the earth today, would you look like He would? John 20:21 "Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.’"

Are you out to make converts or are you out to fall in love? Are you out to find the secrets of God hidden in the crowd? Don’t look for the lost. Look for Jesus. Find Him. Pull Him out. You want to know evangelism? Song of Songs 3:2-4 "I will get up now and go through the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. So I looked for him but did not find him. The watchmen found me as they made their rounds in the city. ‘Have you seen the one my heart loves?’ Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go..."

Don’t find the lost. That’s a lie. Find the truth. Declare it over people. Declare it over regions. Declare it over cities and nations. Declare it over your family. Declare it over that one who is about to come face to face with their destiny and true maker. Find the truth and declare it boldly over that one or that nation. It really doesn’t matter. Just find the truth and plant it.

You are from a higher Kingdom. You are an ambassador. You have the authority. Darkness never affects the light. Light only affects darkness. Bring the King and His Kingdom wherever you go.

"I do not walk alone. My God walks with me."

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

From the Windy City...

... of Taber!!

And I mean windy! I was basically blown into town this afternoon. Apparently this is normal for this region... I don't know how well I would handle it.

I have a little bit of a better picture for what is going to happen this week as well. Tomorrow evening I teach an evening session on prophetic evangelism. The next evening Devon's parents teach a session on the same thing (Devon's parents are the head intercessors for the Tehilla Monday network). Friday, Saturday and Sunday we take our team out on the streets of Taber for the big Corn Festival. Taber has 7,700 people living in it, but when the Corn Festival rolls around the town swells to about 13,500!! So we're going to have a lot of people to prophesy over.

The network of serious Kingdom minded Christians is really quite remarkable for this small town. We ran into a few as I got the town tour... on foot. It took about a half hour. Not exactly what I am used to, but I can feel so much potential for this place so I am seriously looking forward to seeing what God is going to do not just with the group, but as we take them to the streets.

I should go to bed. I need to be ready for tomorrow and figure out what to teach in the evening. This stuff is what I love to do, so I am looking forward to it. Hungry people + hungry God + a very ripe harvest field = lots of fun and living our destiny! These signs shall follow those who believe... I looking forward to some serious signs this week.

Please pray for me this week. Pray for us to get the agenda of Heaven so that we can live it out here in the streets of Taber. Pray that we have face to face encounters with Jesus so that we can be transformed and then give it away. Pray for an all out Kingdom Invasion of Taber, Alberta! Join me in this adventure of permanently shifting the history of a town through praying the prayers God has given you to pray at this very instant for this very moment in time.


And now the Pictures!

The pictures appear to work today! So here you go:

This is Asher. He is the son of my good friends Bill and Charis. I lived with Bill in St. Louis and then he moved to Redding to marry Charis. So we have been together around this crazy planet quite a bit.
Here they are! Katieann and Josh Browning. Freshly married!!

They had an outside wedding. It was wonderfully warm! I don't know if I was more happy for the warmth or for the wedding... hahaha...

And finally, Priscilla and I. We had not seen each other in three years, so this time was well overdue. We went to the school in Redding together and then both moved to different corners of North America! She went to Nashville and me back up to Canada. It's good to be with family again.

Also, if you want to check out actual good pictures that you don't need to squint at go to their photographer's website. Just click here!

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Idaho Experience

Idaho is a unique place in this world. I decided this when Jon and I stopped at the first gas station and noticed that we somehow did not fit in with everyone else. If we were to have fit in it would have required us to have smashed our teeth with a hammer, grow an ugly, dirty beard, wear worn out cover-all's and then get a giant Confederate Flag welded to the top of Jon's truck (which we would have just driven through the mud and drilled holes in the muffler) and then we would have ran off to marry our first cousin in a White Power meeting hall someplace down by the river where our fresh huntin' kill was hanging to bleed out.

Yeah... we didn't spend a lot of time there. And that whole confederate flag thing... we saw this jacked up 4x4 drive by with the HUGEST confederate flag I have ever seen in my life literally welded to the roof of the truck. They were flying it proudly in the wind and I just stood there with my mouth wide open trying to figure out if what I was seeing was real or not. That was just flat out creepy to say the least.

Enough of that...

Katieann got married. It was really good. I finally got to meet her family, which was.... umm... unique? And also got to meet her friends who I have heard so much about. That was nice. I met some really rad people who I hope to get to know better in the coming months. We did meet some really quality people... although the image of the confederate 4x4 kept driving through the back of my mind.

Since it is almost 11:00 and I need to drive to Taber tomorrow, I am going to keep this short. But I will give you a pictoral feast and give you a link to even better pictures so you can see some of the wedding yourself.

Pray for me this week in Taber! Once again, I hope to be able to update, but we'll see how that works out.

Hmmm.... I have tried to upload the pictures but they appear to not be on here. Maybe if I hit the publish button they will magically appear. If not... who knows where they went. At least I know I am going to bed.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Far Too Wet

The weathing in little Edmonton has been somewhat amiss lately. It is mid-August, which is usually the hottest time of year in our fair city. This last week it was frigid and raining. Have I ever mentioned that I work outside?

Three straight days of being soaked to the bone is not the definition of fun. Although I discovered two things:

1. If you simply resign yourself to the idea that you can't avoid working all day in the cold and rain, then it really isn't that bad. Choose to not complain and just get the work done and one finds that the day goes by rather quickly and much less painfully.

2. The best motivator for fast, hard work is cold, bad weather.

Yesterday we knocked off a huge contract in by 3:00 in the afternoon. It was bid to take about a day and a half. Today we finished another large contract that was bid for one day by.... 1:00pm!! We were flying.

So I'm home now. I took an extra long, hot shower and then proceeded to get some stuff done for the trip to Idaho tomorrow. Jon and I head off bright and early to make it to the church for the rehersal dinner, although we are expecting to get there hopefully by 7:00pm. It's a somewhat long drive. Saturday is the big wedding for Katieann and Josh, Sunday we have a breakfast deal for the family and guests who have come from different sides of the globe and then Jon and I drive back home.

I get to rest a bit on Monday and then on Teusday I'm back in the truck and drive down to Taber in Alberta for a week of.... of... something? I don't exactly know what I'm going to do. What I do know is that I'm going to extend the Kingdom of God in Taber and work with some good friends down there in doing it. I'm always up for shaking a city for Christ.

Interesting tib-bits about Taber is that they have really good corn, they have legendary fried chicken from this 7-11 that EVERYONE talks about and it is also basically the mecca for Mormons in Canada. Freaky. Corn, Chicken and Mormons. What better foundations are there? haha...

Who knows if I will be able to update this weekend. Jon and I are staying with two people we've never met in our lives, so maybe they have a computer. If not, just re-read this over and over again and pretend it is captivating.

And by the way, did anyone notice the freaky comment that someone left on the last blog entry? I deleted it, but in case you missed it basically it was a 6 page advertisement for some stocks. That's odd... although not nearly as odd as the random ones that Kristy-anne gets!

And Seth, I'm trying to leave you comments, but my password never works anymore. I even got a new one and that won't work either. Just to let you know, I have wanted to go to Moravian Falls for years now... so you can count on me coming to visit you. We must put this plan to work!

Have a marvellous weekend all. Stay dry!

Monday, August 15, 2005

That's Done

Phew!!! What a crazy day. Meetings, meetings, meetings!! But with such a good purpose. For the sake of Andy we met with MP's (Member of Parliment - our federal government leaders) and MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly - our provincial government leaders) to pray and prophecy over them and to let them know that there is a voice of the next generation and it's not for total liberalism, but is actually quite solidly found on the conservative side of things politically.

We had a rally at the Legislature Grounds yesterday and today when we were reading the Edmonton Journal, we found a nice little article on us in there. It was a really good article actually! I'm going to go buy a copy in a little while because it is cool to have.

Today started out bright and early as I drove off to the South Side for breakfast with the travelling team. I had to lead two of the meetings because we were double booked as so many government people wanted to meet with us. The funniest part was that on my team I got a guy who is making a full documentary on the tour!! He sat in my truck and interviewed me for the longest time and I'm sure I made a fool of myself, but I hope I said some pretty good stuff too. His full time job is film-making, so this should actually be a good little production. I'm excited to see what it will look like.

Our first meeting was at 11:00, which went well. The MLA we met with had already heard about us and was impressed with the media coverage we had been getting already. The tour got a great write up in Victoria as well and they got in TV in Kelowna! I'm excited to see what kind of buzz there will be when they finally hit Ottawa. Every politician we met with talked about how this is the beginning of a movement and it's just like a snowball, rolling down the hill gaining speed as it goes.

We whipped off from that meeting to another at 1:30, which was equally as good. We came into the office and the reaction of both the MLA and his staff was somewhat like a great relief that people were coming to pray for him. That was so cool to see.

Meanwhile the other team was meeting with MP's while we were having our meetings. They even made one MP cry!! I met with that particular man while I was in Ottawa last year and I was astounded with this man and his heart for righteousness and justice in Canada. He is incredibly passionate and is just what our country needs.

By 3:30, the travelling team was away and off to Calgary for a meeting TONIGHT!! They are going hard.

The encouragement that the political leaders are giving us is remarkable. Most have such a value for youth and young adults. One even went so far as to commit to setting up a youth advisory council to meet once a month in her office. Everyone all asked for youth to become more involved. They desperately want to hear our voice and all we need to do is simply speak it. They want to see us in their offices, they want to hear what we have to say. If they agree or not, they don't care, they just want to know that youth are getting out there and are taking an active roll in our country and in our government.

I was reminded of when we met with MP David Kilgore about a month back. He said that he had never had that many young people in his office ever. He also said that if each of us found a politician that we believed in and would align ourselves with - if our entire group would stand behind that person - then that person would be elected, without doubt. That has so impressed me and continues to. We have a voice. We have influence. If we get together we really, truly can do something to affect and bring change to this nation.

And I got a great coffee mug out of this! One of the MLA's we met with gave us each a sweet mug. So in the tradition of my friend, Carolyn Neary, whenever I drink out of that mug I will use that as a time to pray over this man, that he would be soft to the voice of the Lord and would choose to use his seat of authority and power to bring choices of life in our nation and uphold the standard of righteousness that our glorious nation was founded upon.

I thought I could rest

Oh my gosh... so no time at all...

Today I met with an incredible MLA who opened my eyes to a lot of things. I'll probably update on that later. Then we had a crazy gathering at the Legislature and another one at a church tonight. Tomorrow we're meeting with 3 MLA's and two MP's. I get to lead two of the teams to meet with MLA's.

So I need to be on the South Side at 9:00am and it's mid-night now so that means I have to be in bed like RIGHT NOW!!!

Pray for me - this is just part of the fulfillment of the prophetic mandate on my life to speak to kings and leaders. These are the leaders of our country and the word of the Lord is going straight to them!

Like I said, the meeting today was insane.

And Trisha get's 90,000,000,000 points for leaving me comments and even making them be the best in the world. But since she is one of my best friends in the world that should go without saying.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Not Much Happened

Well the blog of a lifetime didn't really happen. Erin informed me that Jon is actually in Banff right now which is slightly freaking me out. We need to figure out this trip to Idaho and if he's not home until wednesday that leaves us a freakishly small amount of time to figure said trip out. You know... little things like places to stay and all that...

Aaron and Bobbie came home last night. That's good too. They brought back some good CD's one of which I am currently digesting. It's of my wonderful friends in Redding and the little worship band they play in. They lead worship again for the last Fresh Wind youth conference in Toronto and this is the CD of it. I love it!!! New worship songs!!!

Here is one line that I am completely addicted to already. It's rather full of meaning...

"You reveal Your secrets and all Your mysteries to those who have fallen completely in love with You...."

Friday, August 12, 2005

Finally... breathing room...

It has been a while since I last updated. Not that I haven't tried. In fact, I wrote a grand one the other day but when I went to update Blog Land International informed me that they were doing upgrades and I lost my entry. Alas...

I worked all week again, which was fun. Made some money in my in-between times of travel and I like that. Money sure helps things. Hopefully with said money I will now be able to go to Katieann's wedding. I need to talk with Jon about that and figure it all out. Seeing as it is next week I should probably get on that.

Sadly, my mind is vacuous and void right now. Not that this is an unusual situation for me. Maybe something wild and crazy will happen tonight and I'll tell you about it. Hopefully I'll be hooking up with Jon and that will undoubtedly reap good times to update with. And I'll have about a liter and a half of espresso in me in order to maintain normal functioning levels, so I'll be a bit exited and jittery and a grand entry will come forth.


Monday, August 08, 2005

A risk of a thunderstorm?? We almost DIED!!

Today was fun. Back at work on the trees. And I even got a brand new chipper to boot. Well... it's old... but new to us. And it's a self-feeder, not a chuck and duck like what I have only ever used. The chuck and duck is quite self explainitory. You chuck said wood and then duck as it blasts all over the place and gives you a general good whipping all up and down your body.

Self feeders are fun. You can put huge amounts in the chipper and then you just crank the baby up and it slowly eats it. I was a little unsettled in the morning, though, as we went over all the safety features and there was a few too many emergency stop buttons all over the place. And there are two little wires that come down into the chipping boom that we just referred to as "the last resort" you pull those and the feeder stops. But Craig pointed out that by the time you would be at the little wires it would probably be better to just keep a going...


So we had fun putting huge chunks of trees through the chipper today. We also had fun loosing the chipper on the Whytemud Freeway today! Oh yes, also in the midst of a massive thunderstorm that was raining more then was humanly possible, thunder, lightning and hail. Pop goes the chipper and off we go to the shoulder of the road. We thanked out lucky stars that Chris was behind us as both Ian and I couldn't lift the chipper back onto the hitch by ourselves. Chris is a He-Man of superhero strength, plus he was excited, so I'm sure we could have just sat in the truck and watched Chris do it.

The best part of it all was Ian brought these flimsy rain ponchos from the "Maid of the Mist" which is the boat that goes to the Niagra Falls. They had them on as a joke at our last job, but when Chris came to our rescue, he still had on this nice blue rain poncho in the middle of the Whytemud Freeway. It was an interest sight to say the least.

That's all I got for now. I think I'm going to go drink a gallon of water now.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Sad day yesterday. A friend, Mike, finally died of cancer and yesterday was his funeral. Much could be said, but instead I will direct you to his website. Check it out. See what kind of guy he was.

He will be missed.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Quebec City Highs and Lows

Can there really be any lows for Quebec City? Yeah... but they are really quite high and funny. You'll see.

In an attempt to sum everything up, I'm just going to do what Trisha so wonderfully does on her diary and do a high and low list. (By the way Trisha I just booked myself onto 5 more airplanes so my flight status for this summer goes up to 10... I'm still trailing behind you. Can I convert hours of travel in a truck to flight status to give myself a fighting chance in this flight race I just decided we are both in?)

Anyway... highs...

1. Being with Jesus and 4000 other passionate worshippers. Let me tell you, the worship on some of the evenings hit moments where I just wished I'd never, ever leave. Amazing stuff happened. I don't really know how to describe it, but wow... what a choir. There are worship services, but then there are times when everyone get's caught up into it and everyone is singing like they mean it as one voice to Jesus. We had those moments. And they were incredible.

2. Being with friends from across the country. Since I have been walking with these people for six years now, I have gotten to meet and get to know some very incredible people. We only ever see each other at the gatherings, but the times that we share are rich and deep. I spent some time during a worship service with my new friends Peter and Donna Jordan (they are like grandma and grandpa - were founding members of YWAM!!) and we just worshipped away. I cracked and started weeping because the presence of God was so wonderful. Donna had some funny visions where Jesus looked down on her and winked and said, "Watch for it!" Later that night the wink hit and we had 4000 people dancing like maniacs all over the auditorium. It was WILD!!! Also being with a lady we like to call "BC mom" because she lives in Vancouver. She is one wild releaser of life and goes balistic in worship. It's hilarious to watch because life is just exploding out of her all over the place and if you get too close you get blasted away too!

3. Meeting some incredible people from the Canadian Arctic. Many people know, but in case you don't large sections of the Canadian Arctic are in full blown revival. You can watch a little segment about it on the Transformations 2 video, which is well worth your money. God stepped down and is rocking these people and just one look makes that obvious to anyone. They walk with God. This was another time of breaking and weeping, when all 300 of them got up on stage and officially welcomed the white people, finally, to North America with their full blessing. That may sound strange to some, but if you were there you would really realize the full impact of what they were saying in the spirit realm. It was something else.

I got to talk to a couple of the younger Inuit guys, which was hilarious. They are not used to being around so many people, nor are they used to the heat. And I wasn't used to hearing this huge Inuit kid talk about the time he killed a seal by punching it in the head!! This poor guy was hanging out with a bunch of us young people one night. He didn't speak much english and was obviously freaking out because he wasn't used to being packed in a room with about 150 other kids. That was more then in his village, I think he said! So we took him to a more quiet place and had a great talk. It took him just as long to fly south to Quebec City as it took me to fly east. So that gives you an idea of how far north he lives... 5 hours by plane!! CRAZY!!

But to see these young guys become part of a family, literally, a family that stretches across an entire nation. Wow... they were so proud and so was I. Finally we all found a place where we were included and where we belong. I like that. And I can't even begin to imagine the stories he'll tell his village when he gets back to the far, far, far, FAAAAAR north.

4. This was a little strange, but I think I'll put it in the highlights. I feel self concious about it, but I don't think I should. I had a surprising amount of people who I have never in my life met come up to me and say how much of a blessing I was to them. I scratched my head and then realized these were people who have read some of the prophetic words I have released and have gone across the nation. To be honest I have always wondered about the effectiveness and who exactly would read these words. I wondered if people took them to heart and valued them and all that. I know many people who were really encouraged, but to meet people from all over the country who said that they were very blessed, encouraged and edified not just personally, but the words were shared corporately in churches and made an impact, really, really blessed and encouraged me. I was once again honored and astounded at what God does, how He sets things up and how He accomplishes things. God's so cool. He is quite the conductor and I love to play my little part in the orchestra.

I love to think of that. I can sit here and play my little violin and play until my heart is soaring, reaching higher heights with Jesus... for Jesus. Then I look to my left and see the same thing. Then I look to my right and see even more. And if we all keep our eyes on our beautiful conductor and play our little hearts out the sound that resonates from us is just... just... breathtaking.

And so much fun!

5. Falling in love with the French people. I think that this can also go on the lows list. Low because as a western Canadian I honestly feel ripped off. I feel ripped off that I missed out on this portion of my nation for so long. I missed out on the incredible heart, the passion, the culture that my nation holds. I never knew even half the stuff I learned about the history of Canada while in Quebec City. I never knew anything like that place existed in Canada. I honest never knew. I was always told that the Quebec people were rude and hated english speakers. I didn't find one person like that. They were all so warm, so friendly, so fun... so... so... passionate. And not just in the tourist districts where you'd think they would have to be. We ventured out to where the non-tourist area's are and it was just the same. We even walked up to complete strangers and chatted and it was wonderful. I found the heart of Canada last week and I hope I never let it go. I think I just may have stumbled across our all elusive national identity. Everyone thinks being a Canadian means that you are not American, but I just can't align myself with such an arrogant way of thinking about my brothers and sisters to the south.

All I'll say for now is that I found my national identity and that is that I am a Canadian. Now this statement means so very much more then it ever did in my life before. I'm a Canadian and I'm proud of that!

Anyway... I have about a billion more highs and some funny lows, but they will have to wait because I want to go to bed and this is already a fiercely long entry. And of course I will leave you with a nice little picture. This is me and two of my little brothers. Derek to the left on the screen and Nathan on the right. This picture was taken just before we started marching on a giant parade that went to the Plains of Abraham (which I may explain more again later). I was honored to carry the flag for my city, Edmonton! Which was dwarfed by the GIANT banner that Geordie got to carry. It required three people to carry his! One person to hold up the banner (Geordie) and two people with ropes to steady it on each side! Maybe I'll post that picture later... I would now, but I have to go search for it.

Love you all!!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Some Pictures of My Living Room

My brains are still in process mode. And I've been home for less then a day and I am already planning another trip over to Toronto. It'll be a whirlwind one of just one weekend. But how many times do you have the opprotunity to hang out with Bob Jones personally? That and I am needing to compete with Trisha's impressive travel schedual this summer. She's got 22 flights already. I've gotten just 5 in the last week. But soon will have another 6 or so to tack onto that one. I don't think I can catch her this time!

Anyway... here are some neat pictures from Quebec City. I'll explain more later. Right now Starbucks is calling me. Which reminds me... the best espresso ever and I finally met up.

This is the Chateau Frontenac. I really don't know if I am spelling that right. This is just one very tiny part of the Chateau by the way. We went on a ferry ride one night and crossed the St. Lawrence River to see the Cateau lit up at night. It only cost $5 and was well worth it.

This next little snap is something I would like to get put into my living room. A small little carving we found in one of the churches. Somewhat breathtaking to say the least...

And finally just a little picture of one of the roads. I discovered it is actually very easy to live in Quebec City. Theoretically speaking, of course. Rent for a small 500 square foot apartment right in the heart of Old Quebec City is a shockingly low $450/month!! I couldn't believe that. Live in the oldest part of North America, tourist central, incredibly beautiful and historic area for $450 a month. I was told that the economy in Quebec is still very regulated, hence the alarmingly cheap rent. Even houses that we conservatively said were in the millions were kept at $400,000!! These were ones that overlooked the Plains of Abraham and the St. Lawrence!! Crazy...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm Home... or here...

If home is where the heart is then my home is Quebec City.

I'm tired. But I'm in love. With a city. Maybe one day I'll progress to falling in love with a girl. Right now I'm happy with a city.

I'll update more, but just wanted to post this one to change the scenery of my blog. Although being gone for a full week and returning to a blog with no comments was rather disheartening. Granted, most everyone is gallavanting around the globe right now.

But what is unusual with that?

With that, I will now gallavant up the stairs and into my bed.

Pictures to come...

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