This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Peter's Party

And now, by popular request is the update on Peter's Party... finally.

We had fun.

Well, that about wraps it up. So I will now talk about something completely different. Hahaha... just kidding. Shall we begin the outline of the evening around 5:00pm?

I was supposed to meet up with Peter at his house at 5:30, so we could all hop in a car and drive to south Edmonton. We were going to this restuarant called OPM, which is fantastic. It's a different restuarant and it's amazingly good. So we all hopped into Adriannne's mustang and drove off. Only Toby was driving. And Toby doesn't know the city at all. So we got lost. Oh well.

Once arriving at OPM we discovered that it actually is a very popular restuarant and had to wait for over and hour for seats. This was good, though. We sat in the lounge for a while and talked, Peter and I went outside for a while and sat on a bench just to be outside. And wouldn't you know it? This strange lady thought that was a good idea too.

She walks over to us and strikes up a conversation. Well, as clear a conversation as her alcohol hazed mind could handle. Which wasn't much. And when it was something it was so shockingly dirty that I just sat there and couldn't figure out what the heck to say to her. She sits down right between Peter and I and gives us a lengthy discourse on all things young minds like our just should never think about and then get's up and walks back inside OPM. Once again, Peter and I were left with that now all too familiar feeling of, "What just happened? And if that just happened, was it in fact real?"

Of course while Chris (her name) was talking to us, all of Peter's friends walked by. They stayed for about 5 seconds before blushing furiously and deciding that it was actually a much better choice to go inside and wait for us there.

That was odd.

Finally we get out table. I order the Vanilla Prawns. Oh baby. So sweet. I proceed to eat said Vanilla Prawns on a bed of rice. Yum.

Eventually it comes time to change locations. After the incident with Chris, I was a little worried about what the rest of the evening would hold and I wasn't dissapointed. We moved to this high class bar called "Suede" and promptly felt out of place. The general age definatly is not what the majority of our little group was. I would have made the cut... just... but sweet young everyone else sure didn't. It was quite funny.

But I really liked this place. It is not the ultra charged atmosphere on Whyte Ave which basically can be broken down to a couple thousand 18-21 year olds all getting as drunk as they can as fast as they can and then going on the prowl for either sex or fights. Not my idea of a good time.

But Suede seemed to draw a crowd that was both older then that and seemed to be much more mature then that. It was just a relzed atmosphere with great music and everyone hanging out together. People would come and go from conversation circles with no real "agenda" at all and it was just a really fun time. Nobody was rip roaring drunk so you didn't have to worry about that.

Funny moment of the night came when I was sitting down with two people of our group and we were having a really deep conversation about God. Only to realize that while we were sitting and talking on this bench our faces were about 1/2 an inch from a bunch of guy's butts. Literally. We realized this just about the same time as these guys did and we all started laughing. Especially when one guy said, "Oh man, that Taco Bell isn't sitting too well right now!" Implying much gas about to be released into our face. So we all laughed together and talked for a while and decided it would be much better to figure out another way of all standing there.

Since this was a high class bar, you have to get a high class drink. So I got myself a gin martini, which I really enjoy, especially when stirred not shaken. I was standing there, sipping away and talking to a bunch of Peter's friends I had not yet met. Then this one guy proceedes to shake my hand waaaaaay too hard and causes me to spill a good portion of said martini all down my right arm. Yuck. I was soaked and non-too pleased, but what can you do?

As the night progessed I saw a strange continuation of complete strangers talking like we were best friends all night long. It was really weird. Especially because most of them were in varrying degrees of sobriety/drug induced haze.

As always sitting in an environment like that can get boring and depressing, so matter how much fun the crowd pretends to be having. So I just started talking about God and saw where that went. Pretty fun, actually. I got to pray with a person and help another one learn how to start hearing from the Lord for other people. Since Peter is a surprisingly well known individual, random people would keep walking up to us and saying hi. They'd introduce, give a handshake and I'd ask my friend, "Okay, what do you pick up for that person?" and we'd compare spiritual notes and then talk about what one would generally do after hearing such information from the Lord. It was fun.

Then the night ended with this person running into an old friend from the rave scene. A very influential friend, so we talked with him for a while and planted more Jesus seeds.

As always, I'm amazed at how open people are about the Lord when He is presented in a real way with no pretenses or expectations. We keep thinking that it's such a hard thing and they are all afraid, but if you just use the right heart and the right words they are so hungry.

Maybe it was the drugs and booze.

Either way... if Jesus came to town tomorrow would he go to church or go find those people on the drugs and booze?

I fully intend on being there when He shows up. And until then, I'll tell everyone to look for him and not stop until they find him.


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