This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ahoy Red Deer!

Can you believe it!!?!! I'm going back to Red Deer. Which I really, truly enjoy. I think that given the chance to go to Toronto or Red Deer I would usually pick Red Deer. Maybe I say that because a couple of weeks after Red Deer I will be in Toronto. Who knows... still... I seriously love Red Deer. Odd, I know.

What will I be doing in Red Deer you ask? Not sleeping as per usual. I shall be teaching a prophetic training course friday night and all day/night Saturday. Then in between the teaching times I will be meeting with tons of different people. And finally at night after the sessions... more meetings with friends. I love it.

If you want to make some money just do day trading in Starbucks shares when I'm on the road. My consumption level increases alarmingly in order to keep going. And I just heard that two new Starbucks are open in Red Deer. A friend called me today and I informed him we will be going there every half hour.

I got a new desk today. This is good. Instead of having my "office" in the living room, I know have a place for everything in my own room which is both good and bad. Good because everything has it's place and bad because I will likely never leave my room again. We are in busy season with ministry stuff. Business stuff, My Canada stuff, travel stuff... stuff stuff...

On a more random note, it is starting to sink in that I will be in Europe this fall. I prayed and prayed that God would open the door for me to go to Europe and... well... now I get to walk through it! I feel so priviledged. Two weeks and it's all in Scotland! YAY!!

So with that, I think I will go to bed and dream about it.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

All This Time...

I wish I could tell you more about what is happening. I don't know how to. I'm blown away by the ride sometimes. Right now I'm at that place. I never thought I'd be here.

Yet one thing remains the same. I must have more of God. Right now, in this moment I am again realizing how hungry I am for God. I must have more.

I'm blown away by this one song by Delirious right now. It's called "All This Time" off of Missions Flame or whatever their new album is called. There is a line that says:

"All this time, since the day that I was born, I've never known a time like this, I don't want to let you down...."

The nearness of God can never be near enough. Closer can always be. I want to feel Him infuse my very DNA. And I really mean that. I'm not saying it because it sounds cool. I honestly want to feel that. I want to know that He possesses every molecule, every atom, every electron. I want to feel Him take sheer joy and excitement that every tiny bit of me is totally His. My entire life is His, which seems like a big thing. And now... the smallest thing... one hydrogen atom... it's electron... that part of me... is His. He created it. He gave it to me. I'm all God's. I want to feel Him that close.

Jesus is just so real. Tomorrow I want Him to be more real. This next minute I want more reality. This next second I must possess more of the knowledge of God.

God, I don't know... I don't understand it... but I don't care! Bypass my mind and pour it all out on me. I must have more of you. Nothing else matters. I have so many desires, but know that beneath everything my greatest desire it YOU!! Is to fully and totally and utterly have all of you. I could care less if I could explain it first. Explainations mean nothing if I miss it. Bypass my walls, bypass my hurts, bypass everything that needs to be bypassed and come with everything you have! I MUST HAVE MORE!!!

I echo the words of John 14:8, "Lord, show us the Father, that is all we need....."

Can you feel Him? He's right there beside you....

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Life worth Living

I'm pushing through a rather fun week this week. Much to do, much to do. Will I get it done? I hope so. I have a quest that lies before me much of the time -- get more organized and learn how to use my time better.

It is a valiant quest only for the strong of heart.

I did get some stuff done at least. Most excitingly I got my Aeroplan reinstated so I can gather mountains of airmiles and fly all over the world for free. I have a whole load of tickets I have not yet gotten the miles for, so I will be sending those in forthwith to plunder the miles held therein.

Then in October I will be collecting miles while flying to Ottawa for our next Siege, then heading off to Toronto for a day to speak on sunday and then flying home on monday. Then... and then... oh baby... I will be heading to the mother land. Yes, if you have been reading the comments on this blog you will see that soon I will be hoping on a jet plane bound for Scotland. I totally cannot wait for this. Just over two weeks in Scotland -- I may continually pee my pants with excitement. I hope that is not a cultural offense there.

Now I am basically procrastinating writing a bunch of e-mails I need to write. So I should probably get on with that.

Haggis away, or however you say goodbye in Scotlish.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In 10 Minutes?

How much can I write in ten minutes? I am taking these next ten minutes as I have some free time before our small group, which I am really looking forward to. Daniel will be teaching "God has nice things to say" which is the prophetic training course that they normally do for children. Yay!! I have taught the "adult" prophetic stuff twice at this small group, so it will be good to get the children's stuff as usually it is way better.

As per usual the last week has been a wild one. Thankfully we are documenting much of it on Daniel's video camera. Let me tell you, this will be the funniest video of all time. We are planning on having a full length screening of the video just before Daniel leaves to go back to California. Only the people on the video will be invited to attend, but since we already have about 60,000 people on it... 59,996 of them are complete strangers... the party could be rather fun.

Let me tell you about the glory of this new computer that the Lord graciously brought to me. It has come at such a perfect time. I am working at editing a magazine, plus doing much of the team administration for our next big trip to Ottawa. If I did not have this computer right now I would be staying up until 2:00am on a nightly basis just to get the minimum accomplished. Now? I get to work normal hours of the day and help facilitate this fun thing we call mentoring a generation to steward a nation.

I ate really bad chinese food the other day. How is that for a random subject change? Amy, Tiffany, Daniel and I all got together to... do whatever it is we do. Since Amy now has a hot new condo in downtown Edmonton, we hopped on our mighty subway and walked down Chinatown to get good chinese. Only the good place was closed. So we went to the only other place open... and I think my gutts are still wrealing from that erroneous decision.

But we did get to ride the subway. And got even more hilarious footage, before running into the safety zone called Amy's 12th floor condo.

And... oh dear... this story will have to remain short. Amy's mom is amazing. And hilarious. And very Egyptian. She makes amazing Baklava. She told Amy to bring us Baklava. Huge loads of Baklava. Amy tracked us down. We were watching a movie at too loud of volume with Aaron and Bobbie. Amy could not get our attention via phone or pounding on the front door. Amy puts giant bag of Baklava on my truck. Kayle see's strange bag in the night after watching movie. Kayle opens bag and wonders why a ice cream container is leaking on him. Kayle does not check to make sure container is actually full of ice cream. Kayle decides to throw everything out. Kayle throws away 17 pounds of precious baklava. Kayle calls Amy. Kayle realizes what he's done. Kayle and Amy cry.... and then laugh. Kayle feels dumb. Kayle misses baklava.


With that, I must away.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Resting in the Whirlwind

I'm back at home now. The trip to Saskatchewan was really awesome! Ian, Stacey, Daniel and I got some really great video footage of the whole ordeal. We kept thinking the entire time, "Imagine how great it would be to get someone who has only ever lived in the middle of LA and plant them right in the middle of Turtleford... or at least take them on this trip."

We saw much that was different, but saw much that is always the same. Real people, loving a real God, wanting more. No matter where you are, who you are, what demographic you are from this is the great equalizer and puts everyone on the same page. Why? Because now we're all on the page of heaven rather then our worldly place of being.

So now I'm home for a little while. Now it is the strange mix of great rest and great whirlwind. The two blow in from time to time while I'm home. There is the business stuff, the MyCanada stuff and the lives here in Edmonton stuff that I love and fight for everyday.

Dad just told us that the farmer's alminac says that this fall will be really cold with lots of snow. Normally this would make me begin to dry heave, but this time I am really excited. Why? Because we have Daniel with us. Daniel, who if you watch our video was wearing my hoodie, my heavy winter parka, a touque and a sleeping bag while the rest of us were in flip flops and t-shirts. Poor Daniel. But it will open up a whole new real of amazing adventure! I love introducing people to real winter.

Hmmmm... what else... Oh yes... I'm currently fighting waves of panic as when we packed everything up from the weekend in Saskatchewan we packed up the wrong power cord for my computer. This is not good. Especially now. I need on that thing. Luckily we located who had the right one and it should be here today.

So here's to road trips that include:
- The world's largest easter egg
- Canada's largest Turtle
- 40 Km's of mud road that we thought was a good short cut
- Passing multiple combines driving down the highway
- Having Dim Sum (sp?) with a whole ton of people, all of whom did not speak english and two were actually just arrived from Hong Kong
- Seeing the Dinosaurs
- Getting pulled over by the Sherrif, but also getting to have a picture taken with him
- Driving home late in the night only to realize that our headlights no longer worked and we could only have the brights on, which made people real happy... so we tried to drive with the hazards on, but that is less then recommended as its like driving with a strange strobe light at 100km/h

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