This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I'm Home Now

I just got off the airplane.

I am now going to bed.

This trip was insane and I do not yet know what is going to happen. Has anyone ever considered the term "Righteous Revolution" and actually been able to touch it with your own fingers and realize that a full on revolution is actually within reach?

This could be fun. I've never helped lead a revolution before.

Destiny isn't for tomorrow. It's for today. So let's go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear all about it, i'm soooo excited about what God did and is doing.
Blessings and Rest

12:35 AM

Blogger priscilla said...

that picture is amazing! let's do coffee and tell me all about the trip!

6:01 AM

Blogger ladyyvonne said...

We've been selling lots of the book Stand On Guard at our bookstore. On Sunday in our pre-service prayer a young adult prayed specifically for our nation and you would have thought he had known what you guys were doing but he didn't. How the Spirit of God works is sooooo exciting.

4:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention that Jonny had a sweet vision while you guys were there, and had no idea about it. But I need to ask him if I can share the details, or maybe try to get him to use the internet ;)

4:30 PM


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