This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Did I Really Sleep That Long?

I'm back from the weekend at the cabin. Here's a breakdown of the events:

- Sam the dog fell off the dock and decided that it was actually pretty fun. Although he was covered in green algae slime and a thick layer of mud on his legs...

- I slept an average of 12 hours a night. Add in all the naps I took during the day and I think I got in around 15 hours a sleep a day! Yes!

- During those sleeping hours I had approximately 350,000 dreams, the best being one where I walked on water. The creepiest being one where I had a mouth full of braces and my left front tooth fell right out. Yuck.

- We played Settler's of Catan only three times of which I lost all of them. I could have won this last one but I apparently cannot count to 7, thereby exposing my grab for the win but since I can't count I didn't get it and immediately had my solid win evaporate before me. I was really dissapointed because it is a hard game to win and rare for me and it's never fun to loose on the stupidity factor. Although it is rather funny at the same time.

- I did get to win something. Dad and I took on mom and Bobbie in a game of horse shoes and we schooled them. Not until I whipped an eratic horse shoe and broke a flower pot and a garden light and made dad jump out of the way. I was quite proud of that one.

- I read all but two pages of a nearly 400 page book.

- I never once showered.

So with that, I will go to bed and dream of how good it will feel to take a shower tomorrow morning.


Blogger priscilla said...

Ok I have been waiting for you post a new entry bcuz I knew it would be wonderful and I was WRONG! Kidding it was great it made me laugh as ususal! I wish I could have been there to laugh at the losing of the the stupidity factor! Im sure it was great! o, and I was having lots of fun sounded like it huh? Wish you were there. Go to myspace and check us out I posted a picture of us! It is beautiful...

12:40 PM

Blogger priscilla said...

Kayle go to my page and click on tyler's life and read his blog! I think that you will enjoy it!

5:07 AM


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