This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My New Map

I really like to post pictures. So now you're getting some more. As you will remember... I think... in fact I don't even remember if I posted it here. Did I tell you about the map that I finally got and Aaron and I attempted to mount the thing on foam core? Well we did. And we failed. But Aaron is smart and turned the disaster into a freaking work of art.

That's the short story.

Now I finally have the giant map mounted on my wall and I have proceeded to stick pins in all the cities that I have travelled to. I counted them this morning and it was at 52 cities in 6 different countries and that is with many of the places I have gone to missing, because they are not on the map. I should just stick them in somewhere and call them "miscelaneous". Crap that's a hard word to spell.

So yesterday mom and I attempted to stick the thing on the wall. We used adhesive velcro tape. It sort of worked, but this morning two of the strips were not holding. The map is still a little curved and the velcro wouldn't hold. Dad and I went out and bought some more. Mind you this stuff was "Super strength industrial" velcro. Now... I can't even get the picture off the velcro strips! I believe I have made my map a permanent fixture. Those people weren't lieing when they said that these were super strength industrial velcro strips.

But I do have a question. Since when was velcro good for industry? I always think you may need something a little bit like a bolt or metal when it comes to industrial things, don't you? Unless now we are velcroing manifolds onto engines and velcro holds up the scaffolding onto the sides of buildings. Who knows... the velcro I have on my map I literally cannot pull apart, so maybe it's the new age of industry.

Anyway... here's a couple of pictures I snapped to show my friend Andy. Now you all get some.

This here's the one with some of the pins. They are kind of hard to see, but you get the picture..


Blogger Jason said...

KayleMumbey!!!!! Friend i havn't talked to you for sooo long... And it turns out that i lost your email somewhere and can't find it. So i would like for you to email me cause i want to email you and hear about your life again friend. Please do

thanks friend

8:51 PM

Blogger Carissa said...

i'm jealous... in a purely good sort of way.

10:35 PM


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