This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Some pictures of Eagle's Nest

Hi Everyone!

It is really late. I am really tired. I just got back from The Flood and it was INCREDIBLE!!! The presence of God was so strong. During the worship I kept hearing angel's singing with us. Then a guy got up to speak and said, "At times couldn't you hear the angel's?" WOW!! Apparently it wasn't just me.

Funny thing, though... at one point I layed on my face in between two pews. And then I tried to get up and pretty much got stuck. Those pews were closer together then I though. But I somehow managed to wedge myself out of there... even though I was still in a fairly contorted position. Who cares when Jesus is there right?

Kind of like these pictures of Eagle's Nest this last week. What an incredible time... We played angel tag the first night which gives you an idea of how the week went. A few of us were splayed out in the middle of the field overcome with the presence of our wonderful Jesus. A friend of mine would pray quietly and after each prayer there would be a huge shooting star that rocketed across the sky. WOW!!

Okay... here's a few of my favorite pictures of this last week. Enjoy...

This first one if of Carol Lovejoy praying for Kay. Carol just showed up one day. She is probably one of the people who walks closest with the Lord out of anyone I know. It is always an incredible honor to be in her presence as you simply KNOW you are with royalty. She carries a HUGE amount of authority in our nation and in the nations.

This is Florante being destoryed by the power of God. Long story to go with this one. Just believe me when I say that we literally had people running for cover as the fear of the Lord struck the room with POWER. He will never, ever be the same again after what happened.

This is probably my favorite picture of the week. This was taken during the morning session which we extended from the usual 10:00am-12:30pm to an early 8:45am-12:30pm. God decided that He also enjoyed reschedualling and made the meeting actually be 8:45am-2:30pm!! I assure you, those of us there will never be the same again. It was an astounding time with the Lord. And it all started so peacefully....

And finally... the greatest priviledge a man can have. One of being prayed over by a group of radical, history making, nation changers from all over the world. That man with his hand on my mom's head is the base co-director and the leader of this particular DTS. Everyone needs to meet this man... and get prayed over by him.


Blogger Erin said...

I have been completely overcome praying for you this morning. God has made me crazy excited for you and so convinced of your role as a nation-shaker. Keep going.

12:28 PM


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