This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's That Time of Year Again?

What time is it, you ask? Well... it's time to update my blog.

Seeing as I got a grand total of ZERO comments on that last blog I will assume that nobody made it to the end. If you did make it to the end you are officially the owner of 10 Million new Kayle Points which are redeemable at most locations.

I found out today that my brother, Geordie, who is taking the school of ministry in Toronto found out where he is getting posted for his outreach. Now get this... especially all you Californian's out there... He's getting posted to Oroville!!!!!! So that means he is going to be freaking close to Redding!!! WOO HOO!!! That makes me very happy.

What makes me even happier is that he will be working at a Cocain Re-hab center for 4 weeks. This is right up his alley, so I am very excited for him. He's excited too, which is good. His wife is able to join him for a week and I think it would be so cool if I were able to make a trek down there in January to see him and also to spend about a billion hours back in my California home in Redding and play with the angels there for a while. Ahhhhhh.... my heart longs for it....

My heart is also longing for less buttery popcorn. You see, my mom and I have a ravenous addiction to popcorn. A very bad thing happened in our household this week. We forgot to buy more. So we don't have any air-pop popcorn or microwave stuff. This is definately a time to panic.

So panic we did and while we were driving home from Kinship tonight mom yelled "POPCORN" so loud that it actually scared my dad really bad. This is incredible because normally my dad doesn't make any reaction to the insane behaviour that is his family, which goes on around him on a 24 hour basis. Since mom was already yelling he decided to stop off at 7/11 to see if they had anything. I went in and found the microwave popcorn. Our choices were the extra butter kind of the "blast-o-butter" kind. Both of which made my heart palpitate upon laying eyes on the packaging.

So I bought the extra butter kind. Wow. I probably won't be doing that again. When I eat popcorn I prefer to be able to taste said popcorn... not have my fingers drip with this strange yellow, chemical substance that they claim is butter.

And best of all the package is covered in Chinese or Korean writing!! I think they mixed up and put the wrong package in the wrong box. It's english on the outside, but on the inside you have to look hard for anything that resembles an english letter! hahaha!!!

Chinese popcorn. I'm so cultured.


Blogger priscilla said...

I really wish that I could have been there when your mom yelled POPCORN! O hhow my heart longs for a moment like that with your mom!

7:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES!!! What can I use my Points for?

7:43 PM

Blogger Browning101 said...

I love pooping!

11:45 AM

Blogger Dawn said...

mmmm....popcorn! Can i use my points for popcorn? That is very exciting about your brother! Ministry is so exciting and i pray that he gets stretched and used tremendously whilest he is there! Be blessed!

12:31 PM


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