This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Question?


Somewhat out of character for me to do this, but what the heck, eh? Chelsea has twisted my arm and will not stop bothering me until I answer the same set of questions that someone viciously forced her to do too. So here we go.

Things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel to every nation in the world, particularly Antarctica
2. Publish a #1 best selling book
3. Make an insane amount of money - I do realize I won't be able to take it with me, but that just seems like a fun challange... and it's amazing what you can do with it... for example... staff fees for my missionary friends are only $100 a month... that's nothing! Imagine being able to support a bunch of missionaries and know that not only are you allowing dreams to come true, but you are doing a huge part in changing the history of the world forever!!
4. See Mt. Everest and walk about Tibet. I don't want to climb the thing. Yet. But I do want to wander around that place for a good long while.
5. Smuggle many, many bibles

Things I can do:
1. Live an insane life and encourage others to do the same
2. Make friends very easily
3. Love deeply
4. Enjoy the simple
5. Drive long distances

Things I cannot do:
1. Remember first names easily
2. Stay very task oriented (working on it)
3. Forget the past
4. Feel satisfied (content, yes... but not satisfied)
5. Run naked through the streets

Things that attract me to the opposite sex:
(note: Chelsea's answers were quite funny because she kept saying sexy)
1. A face is nice
2. Smile
3. Teeth
4. Eyes
5. Hair
6. Left elbow

Celebrity Crushes:
(how about: Kayle... can you name 5 celebrities?)
1. Orlando Bloom... I know... he's a guy... but... he's dreamy
2. Me
3. Oprah
4. Trisha Wheeler
5. Wilma Flintsone

Okay... okay... for much more creative answers go here. And with that... off I go to the Lake. First of all I have to make the stop at Starbucks, get medicated and then off we go. Aaron and Bobbie should be here any minute, so I shall now go make myself ready.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahah!!! you listed me as a celebrity crush! i can't believe it! i've been waiting for this day for so long! i'm finally a celebrity! i will sleep much better now knowing that!

lots of love from the beach house and your famous friend!

10:50 PM


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