This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Living History

Tonight was definitely a cool night. It was a cross Canada prayer meeting. The deal was televised so that the entire nation could participate at the same time either through TV or through the internet. They asked people to call in from where they were praying and by the end of the show the map of Canada that they had was COVERED in little flag's representing groups of people praying.

I wish I could explain what a time we are living in here in Canada. But I can't. Revival is upon us. The church of Canada is rising as a powerful voice. As they said tonight, the government of Canada isn't in Ottawa it's on HIS shoulders!

Normally that's just a nice religious sounding thing that Christians like to toss around. For the first time in my life I heard it in reality. What a time we live in.

I found the TV broadcast really neat. I have been walking with these people since 1999 and have made some very good friends from all across the nation. We only get to see each other at these gatherings, so it was neat to be able to watch them all on TV this time. Haha... I found it to be quite nostalgic and a "wow" moment of seeing what the Lord has lead me on in the past few years. Quite incredible. And He's doing that with thousands and thousands across this nation.

The even better thing is, if you are in Canada you will be able to take part in some seriously incredible meetings that will be happening in your area. There is a tour to call the nation and they are going to 26 cities in the space of about two months. It is to call the church to rise up and to proclaim the purposes of God for Canada.

Once again... These words seem hollow when writing. But from my eyes, I am living in a moment of time where I get to see my entire nation become the habitation for the Glory of God. I get to see this not as a fluffy, emotional thing that comes and goes, but as reality and with substance. I could tell you story after story to convince you... And I probably will... But maybe later on.

Just how often do I say, "Do whatever it takes to come to the One Heart Gathering this July, including selling all your possession and quitting your job." It is that massive. If you ever dream of seeing an entire nation be birthed into revival in one single day, then come and live your dream and join us in Quebec City this July. It will happen. You will see it. You will live it and be a part of some of the most astounding history ever to play out in our world.

Just to go the Watchmen website and receive for a while....


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