This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I Can Feel It!

Hello Blog-land. How I love you.

As the days go by I can feel my Adventure Sense ever growing. It's almost scary. Dreaming is a wonderful thing to do, especially when you add God into the mix. There is so much out there that is possible. I am realizing more and more that the only thing holding me back really is me.

Normally I would roll my eyes when I hear someone tell me that. But it is so true. Sometimes things won't work out, but the only way to really know if it will work or not is if you give it a shot and try it. If it crumbles, then it crumbles. There is a reason why I wrote a certain saying in the very front of my Bible. It goes something like this, "What is the secret to success? I got up as many times as I got knocked down."

I like that quote.

There is nothing to fear from being knocked down. In fact, one should embrace it. Maybe not the way that we seem to think in the North American culture - that being embrace suffering. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying be fine with getting knocked down. Who cares? What we really should be afraid of is not getting back up again. That is the true enemy.

If we really embraced the knocking down part, then we would throw ourselves at our dreams. We would throw ourselves at risk. We would throw ourselves into situations that required faith as a main ingredient and situations that just would not work out if God wasn't there.

I kind of see it like a child learning to walk. They have embraced getting knocked down. They are fine with it. The toddle around and come crashing down often. Sometimes they cry, sometimes they laugh, sometimes mom or dad will come and pick them up and whisk them away. Still, they learn to walk and the only way they learned was getting up time and time again and warbling around on the edge of disaster, generally plowing to the ground right away again.

I'm beginning to realize that getting knocked down really isn't that big a consequence in a child's mind. They'll still get to where they want to go one way or another.

Jesus sure was good when He said that we need to be like a child. They're fearless.

I want to be fearless.


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