This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Official Grand Opening

Well, I did it. I converted. As you can see I have seen the light and changed over to blogspot. I was lured in through the promise of pictures, but thus far my knowledge of that has eluded me. Still, I am glad I made the change. There are so many more options and features on this grand site that I am hooked. If you look to your right you will see easy links to all the best e-dairies that this internet has to offer. Or you can even check out my old domain complete with thousands, no... MILLIONS of highly entertaining stories. I am having to try and figure out a way to save all those. Because they are so good and a wonderful chronicle of my life thus far.

Soon I will figure out exactly how to post pictures and then I can finally show you neat bits of my life and some of the most incredible sights I get to see in my travels.

And of course, you'll get to see just how hot I am.

Insert hysterical laughter here.

I am wondering if I am cheating a little though. I managed to steal my visitor counter from my other diary to this one. So even though this blog has been alive for only days it claims that it has been visited nearly 7000 times. Let's just pretend that my other diary has grown up and this is just the adolescent version. Same thing, just a little bigger and changes have appeared where there were no changes before.

Ah the circle of electronic, virtual life. How it warms my soul.


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