This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Where Am I?


I finally arrived home for a brief rest this morning. Off again on Sunday...

Red Deer yesterday was awesome as always. I absolutely love everyone there. We ended up having a hot dog roast, which turned into a "see how far you can fling yourself off the swings" competition and then somehow morphed into getting coffee and me finally buying a version of an electric razor. I am going to test that baby out tonight. Don't worry... I'll post before and after pics for everyone.

So today I had coffee with my wonderful friend Ryan, hopped in the Mumby Mobile and drove home. I then dedicated the majority of my day to getting re-aquainted with the couch and I read a good chunk of a book that Andy gave me, which so far is REALLY very good. Super thought provocing and they haven't even gotten to the main part of the story yet. The book is called "Safely Home" by Randy Alcorn. It's about the persecuted church in China and that's all I'll tell you about it. Believe me... it's worth your time. I just read the dedication a few days ago and had to put the book down. Here... let me write a bit of it out for you:

"To Graham Staines, who left his home in Australia to serve lepers in India for thirty-four years. To Philip Staines (age 10) and Timothy Staines (age 6) who at half past midnight on January 23, 1999, as their father held his arms around them, were burned to death by a mob in India; murdered because of Whom they knew and served. To Gladys Staines, who continues to minister to lepers and who said to all India, 'I am not bitter or angry. I have one great desire: that each citizen of this country should establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who gave His life for their sins.' To Esther Staines, Graham and Glady's daughter (then age 13), who said, 'I praise the Lord that He found my father worthy to die for Him.' To the Hundreds of Men, Women and Children killed for Christ each day, ignored by the world but watched by the eyes of heaven -- those of whome the world is not worthy."

And I will also include a little quote from the book. It is rather profound, if you ask me:

"Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."


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