This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hello Møntånå!!

Let me tell you something! Norwegian keyboards are fun! Look at all these extra keys! Like... what the heck is this??


And it is freaking... I mean fræking impøssible to find half the keys I normally type with because they hide them in sneaky plåces. Of course this keyboard has the nørmal letters. I just find it rather exciting to use them. I ask forgiveness for all the Norwegian følk thåt I may nøw bæ offending.

So Andy is an official alien. I'm rather jæløus because I used to be one and now all I am is just a Canadian who lives in his øwn country. Hahaha... I love being Canadian. Sometimes I just don't like being there.

The last days have been incredible. Which reminds me that Jesus is coming back really soon according to some sign we saw upon entering Montana. We have spent some glorious time at ENR, had a wonderful time with Devon, Kristi and Nathan in Taber. I slept on the world's tallest air mattress and then today we drove through Logan's Pass and I almost fell asleep 15 times and dumped us off remarkably high cliffs with no safety rail at all. We stopped by a cøøl pool of wåter to rest for a while. Truth be told I am getting pretty tired hopping from city to city. It is incredible fun, but I'm only half way done. Tomorrow I drive back to Taber for a couple days, then drive home to pick up mom and then turn right around to go to ENR for a week and then straight off to Fåirmønt for a weekend of grandma's birthday. FUN!!! I love it.

Let me tell you... yøu åll need to drive through Logan's Pass at least five times in your life. It is astounding.

Oh yeah, today at some resturant that Andy and I went to, we found our waitress somehow knew Bill Johnson. That was weird. We chatted for a bit and I heard that she was a single møm with three kids and was working two full time jobs, so Andy and I did the proper thing and left her a massive tip. We had to run out of the place before she found out... which made it fun. It's nice to be able to do random (or nøt so råndøm) blessings and missions from God. It is, after all whåt keeps life fun.

I don't really know what else to write. My hært is full, but I am sad to be leaving this place and leaving Andy. This time has been an incredible gift to spend with him and I am very,very thankful that he will be with us for Christmas. I think we are going to have to håve a giant open New Years bash so we can all be together again just because that is goød.

Okay. Here are some final Norwegian words for you all from Andy, before he drfits off to sleep and starts this new season of life at his YWAM SBS, here in beautiful Lakeside, Montana.

Jeg tror jeg er klar. Gud er fortsatt god, og jeg ser frem til tiden som ligger foran.
Vis meg mer av deg, Herre!


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