This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Round Two


Some of you cheated. I don't know how, but since you got really close to what the word actually is I have decided that you have cheated. Well... maybe not. You just did good.

Here are the standings after round one:

1. Bobbie - She got it right. Social Security Office!! She get's the full 87,000 points!!!!!!!
2. Chelsea - 86,999 because she is a hot red-head
3. Kirktis - 35,000 because he was close and we don't exactly know who he is
4. Bryan - 20,000 because his comment was funny and he said fart
5. Erin - She is awarded fish cooked badly in a bucket
6. Trisha - 2 points. Just two. You doubt the Norwegian language??
7. Aaron - NEGATIVE FIVE MILLION POINTS because his comment made me puke a little bit and made Andy cry.

So there you go. The race is on. The Norwegian word for today is a good one. So good that it's actually a Norwegian sentence. You can get 50,000,000 points on this one. It's hard.

"Og å klare å komme ned igjen etterpå."

Join the race. Here is a hint. This sentence is part of the massive Norwegian identity. It goes back centuries into the ancient mythology that built their proud nation into what it is today. Maybe.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you come over here and I'll explain it to you...

No seriously, I think that's what it means. Sounds kinda like a threat, really... Over-aggressive slavic people. Sheesh.

4:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, Cleopatra was so totally blonde.

Not that I'm debating the hotness of redheads. That would be blasphemy.

4:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, seriously kayle...i am pissed!!! i'm the only hot red head in your life!!! i don't think i want to even play your stupid game anymore!

12:24 AM


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