This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Is That Cow Poo on my Face?

If you were with us last night you quite possibly would have been asking that very question. When we all get together we have this thing to go up onto the pasture land and so strange things. Last night was so different... well... maybe more different in the fact that we invented a new game and most of us came very close to falling right in the middle of astonishingly large cow pies.

Earlier in the day someone had given us a tennis ball. Yes, I know you are thinking that our lives are wild and exciting, but a tennis ball someone did give us. I jammed it in Amanda's pocket and there it was forgotten until about 11:00 at night. We brought that out and decided it would be fun to play catch with said tennis ball in the near pitch blackness. Needless to say there were many times when I was good and ready to make a blistering catch unlike any has seen while the ball sailed right past my head and I had no idea.

So we played that for an embarrassingly long time and decided it would be more fun to spin. So a few of us went wild. I plowed to the ground far too close to a fresh pile of turd. Kay didn't. But Andy decided he would help her and used his newfound CFL Football skills that he learned at the game the other night and took Kay down at the knees and directly onto one of those lovely piles of cow crap.

It's a form of showing affection out here at ENR.

Today is the beginning of the next DTS for YWAM out here. So fun. About 24 new kids are showing up today and it has been fun to watch them roll in. Some burst into tears, others are sooooo excited and some seem to just fit right in. It's neat. Right now everyone is pretty jittery, but that will wear off in a few days once they all get used to the idea that they are stuck together for the next six months and there's nothing they can do about it.

And here are the plans in case you were wondering. Within the next two years I will move to Scotland. Firstly because I want to live somewhere else and secondly because Kay is getting married and I want to be there. Then I'll go on at least one Bible smuggling trip. Sound like fun? I think so. I'm too safe these days. All I do is prophecy over people in beer gardens and random strangers. I need more excitement then that. hahaha... but seriously... I really want to smuggle Bibles. Andy has been telling me stories and it is really getting me going again. He told me about his sister who got some into a closed country and when they found the pastor they asked how long these Bibles would last for, expecting something like maybe a few weeks to a month. The pastors answer? They should be gone by the morning.


And I have 6 Bibles of my own. Time to spread the wealth.

Oh yes... and I have become a film maker professional. Today Kay and I filmed "Attack of the Murderous YWAM Banana." It is a blockbuster. You'll have to watch for the theatrical release. It will be huge. Here is a sneak peak of what you will find:

Andy bites the head of the banana and it dies. Especially after Kay squishes it's inards out all over the place. Epic I tell you. Epic.

Andy and I are here for a couple more days and then we're off to Taber. After a day in Taber we head to Montana where I drop him off at his SBS and I may or may not drive home. We'll see... And by the way, Kay says hi.


Blogger ladyyvonne said...

It's so cool how you enjoy such simple things. Have Fun But do stay out of the cow pies! Yuck!

10:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone wants to be a ninja... but seriously, I'm so in for any bible-smuggling action.

2:23 PM


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