This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Monday, September 19, 2005

What to Write?

Tonight was cool. I taught at the little prayer group which Devon and Kristi have started here in Taber. It was quite fun. I taught on some of the fundamentals of intercession. I have not yet taught this full teaching anywhere, so they got the first download. It was quite funny. There were many blown minds and halfway through they were saying how the needed a break to fit in all the revelation. FUN!! So now I have to type out the notes for them to pass around so they can munch on the stuff and figure out how to apply it to their lives.

I love doing this stuff. Especially with the Lord! I love latching people onto the bigger and greater things that God has for them. I love to spur people on that there is more and it is available for THEM!! I love to turn people to look straight in the face of God and realize that everything is theirs for the taking too and if we all just look at Jesus and begin to run then we're in for a good time to say the least. I believe this will happen in Taber. People are hungry here and they're wanting to go for it.

What's stopping them?

I have one more day of hanging out here and on Wednesday will begin to trek home. I hope to stop in Red Deer to see my wonderful family friends, Bryan, David and the crew. I love them so much. Everyone needs to meet the Torwalts. In fact, everyone needs a Torwalt or two in their lives, I think. I'm happy because I have them all. I CLAIM MONOPOLY ON THE TORWALTS!! haha!!


Today, Nathan came home from school in Lethbridge and brought someone with him. I thought it was a friend who he wanted to introduce to us all so I cracked a joke when the guy walked in. I said, "Hey, you picked up a hitch-hiker!" and well... it turns out this guy actually was a hitch-hiker. Oops... He was a pretty cool guy. Only 18 and was hitching to Toronto to visit his girlfriend. It was his 9th time hitching over there. He had saved up enough money for a bus ride home, so this was the best way to get there. So Nathan brought him over for dinner, which was a mystery dinner where Devon just chucked a bunch of stuff in a pot and we called it soup. It was good.

Hitch-Hiker kid liked it and we had a good talk. He was amazingly "normal" although has chosen to be homeless. So that kind of throws a wrentch into the normal gears. But really... he was polite, we had normal conversation and seemed like a guy I would like to hang out with. So we wished him luck on his trip and hope to see him again when he passes through! Wouldn't that be a kicker.

I think I am going to crawl into my sleeping bag on the world's most comfortable air mattress and read the book Andy gave me for a while now. That seems like a nice way to end the day.

Cheers to all! I love you, even if I haven't met you!!


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