This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Friday, September 09, 2005

And the Winner is...!


Today is probably the last day that we will be playing "What's that Crazy Norwegian Word" because Andy and I are getting ready for our little road trip. Which reminds me... I have a lot of people to call.

But do not be worried, we will still be able to update you on our world adventures. Don't you fret, little ones. Stay tuned because things are about to get crazy.

Of course we have to announce a winner. Are you ready? We tabulated all the points and guess who won? Coming in with 15 Billion points, Andy and Kayle take the lead. We are the world champions. Thank you. Thank you. You'll be proud to know that the winners of this game recieve REALLY AWESOME seats to the Calgary vs. Edmonton football game tonight, so Andy and I will be enjoying those. We'd like to thank our mothers and our hair designer for giving us the tickets to join the rest of the RAW crew in one of the best football games this season.

Everyone else looses.

Sorry. Better luck next time. For those of you out of town, tune into the TV to watch and look at row 35, seats 17 and 18 and you'll find your favorite Kayle and Andy sitting there freezing our butts off and screaming loudly along with the sell-out crowd.

Oh yeah... the word translates to the handle of a Norwegian Cheese cutter. So some of you got frighteningly close.

We're going to play football now.



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