This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Friday, September 23, 2005

My Egg Exploded!!!

Today has started off in a rather unusual way. First of all I ate explosive eggs. It's not that I have eaten them and they have caused explosive reactions in the far reaches of my innards, but the fact that while I was cooking them they freaking exploded in the pan, showering me with hot egg goo. I have never, ever in all my egg cooking carrier had this happen to me.

I think I burnt my face too.

Anyway, I ate them to rid this world of the evils of exploding eggs. Come on!!! Whoever heard of such a thing?

I'm about to hop into the car and finally realize a vision I've had for years. It's a vision of a world map with pins in it. Pins to all the places I have travelled. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but never really got around to it. While Andy and I were in Wal-Mart in Lethbridge we found the perfect maps so bought them. This afternoon Aaron and I will go out to a local art store to have the thing mounted and then I'll buy a bunch of pins and go crazy. I knew I really needed to get on this when random people started having the vision for me as well. Seriously! People were seeing me with a map with pins in it. Might as well obey rather then continue to question...

While I was driving home from Montana I had a great idea too. I'm going to get a different color of pin and they will represent my friends that I have scattered all over the world. It will be a great way to keep track of them and be able to pray for them all. And it will look plain cool.

Well... I'm going to go brush my teeth now. Mmmmm.... I just remembered... I can finally get my Americano! It has been a long time, sweet, sweet Americano. Our reunion this afternoon will be glorious!


Blogger ladyyvonne said...

I had poached eggs explode in the microwave. They blew the lid off the container and we had scrambled rubber eggs all over the microwave! We did try to eat them! MISTAKE! It only happened once...I have no clue what causes eggs to explode like that but it is messy business! Have fun posting your travels. That sounds like total fun. We should do that...whoa...Rwanda, Ethiopia, Austria, Germany, Poland, would be fun to try to even "remember". That would be the cruel test for us!

4:47 PM


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