This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina Katrina


I am glued to the TV right now, especially concerning all things Katrina. I can't believe what is happening. More then that I can't believe the attitudes and ridiculous "mud-slinging" that is going on by everyone.

For example:

1. The response has been too slow. Granted, there are some things that they could have done better, but I keep thinking that the entire coastline in Mississippi, Louisianna and a good portion of Alabama has been literally destroyed. Not just New Orleans. Jacksonville, who we are not hearing from much at all, is in the same place as New Orleans. They're out of everything too, but we're not hearing from them. Maybe because they can behave themselves a little better under great stress. I'm wondering if people really are taking into account that it takes a great deal of time to make things work again. A serious concern is that the power has not yet been turned back on. This makes me scratch my head because where are you going to turn power on to? Also you need to repair all the power lines, but where are you going to get new poles? They all got blasted away too. And where are you going to get the workers? They are all shipped over to Texas as refugees. Sure there is the army, but they have a fairly massive job getting people out without being shot at by psychotic and less then brilliant citizens.

2. The reason the disaster is so crazy is because the majority of the people are black and the white power administration just doesn't care that much about them. This one is massively stupid. It sounds like a valid reason until one realizes that the MAYOR, the majority of the administration of the city, the majority of the fire and police service are all black themselves. THEY are the ones who ultimately have responsibility over the city and they are black just as the rest of the people, so this is not a race issue unless the administrations hate's their own race. I think not. This is just one massive disaster upon disaster. A huge hurricane, THREE levies breaking and a city that has been unprepared for decades. Everyone lost everything. The black people, whether they are rich or not and the white people whether they are rich or not. People are failing to realize that they are ALIVE and are not in the middle of Sudan where the international community has turned a blind eye and is literally letting HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people die in a genocide that is going on right now, this minute.

3. I'm amazed to see how people think that just a snap of a finger can get 40,000 troops mobilized and in a city instantly. These people all had to get pulled out of jobs, their homes, briefed for their mission, given supplies, on a plane, shipped to somewhere along miles and miles of destoryed coastline, given more orders, get their vehicles that have also been shipped and then go into a destroyed city to find the people who are needing rescue. This doesn't happen overnight. Shocking, I know. Once again, thank God someone is helping while those in the Congo join the ranks of the previous 2 Million who have already died of war and starvation while the international community turned their back. No help comes for them.

4. The food and water is slow in coming. Once again... at least it is coming. At least their government is giving a first installment of $10.5 BILLION to help them out. Thank God they are getting food, water and shelter while the government enforced famine continues in North Korea - the same famine that can be reversed but the government refuses and is willingly letting thousands of it's citizens die of starvation every year.

You know what? God Bless America. Those people got it good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kayle this is Kristi R. I just have to say AMEN to that!

5:33 PM


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