This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's a New Time for Canada


It happened. It really happened. The dream is beginning to come true. Our federal elections finally came to an end tonight and it was an exciting ride to say the least! This afternoon I was so excited to vote that I think it showed and the lady taking my information smiled and me and said, "Is this your first time voting?"

No... but it's the first time I've ever been this involved and you better believe I was praying for freedom as I dropped by ballot in the box. I had a revelation earlier that even though voting may seem like such a small thing, in the eyes of God it's huge. It is you standing up for what is right. It is you taking your place and saying "My hands will be clean. I will make my voice heard - if not directly to our leaders, then to my God."

Voting can really be serious intercession.

Anyway, I proudly cast my ballot in a nation that has been blessed with freedom and democracy. I proudly cast my ballot to toss it into the massive prayer and original dream of our nation, Psalm 72:8, "He shall have dominion from sea to sea..."

I then went to call 65,000 people to remind them to vote. Dad and I did one last volunteer strike and helped our own MP by calling people on their phone list. We called for nearly 4 hours straight. That was crazy.

Finally we parted ways and I hooked up with Peter and Kandyce to take in Rahim Jaffer's election night party. And what a party it was. Historic... and very fulfilling. Why? Because I got to see practical evidence of all the hard work we have done not only locally in my city but from coast to coast.

Most thrilling victory would be the new MP for Edmonton - City Center, Laurie Hawn. He was one of our strategic people to get into office. The person he was running against was our Deputy Prime Minister, which is the 2nd highest ranking person in government. This was a big deal. Sadly she has consistently stood up for what was not righteous and not morally correct. She has squeeked into office for the past few elections. But this time? A candidate who committed to standing for righteousness and traditional morality, a candidate who we put many, many teams of volunteers behind... won. He won the riding. That was a very satisfying feeling, knowing that we were part of the team to get him in office.

At the election party they showed our brand new Prime Minister give his victory speech. He opened it up with a thank you and saying none of it would have happened without the hard work and prayers of the nation. Prime Minister Stephen Harper said many profound things that were hitting me and stirring my spirit deeply. Canada voted for change.

I grabbed a napkin and started writing. It's not much, but I'm going to leave you with the thoughts that were running through my mind while watching our new federal leader give his speech. Here is what I heard in my spirit:

"The dream is coming true. The dream for a nation, the dream for a people, the dream for a generation, the dream for you."

I kept thinking about the dream of Canada that our founding fathers had. I kept thinking about the dream of Canada that God had. This is a step in the direction where Canadians collectively chose to start walking in that direction again.

Finally I heard a solemn, yet incredibly inspiring phrase:

"Now, more then ever, engage."

The heavens are opening. The time is coming. Righteousness and morality, justice and truth, a Godly government is coming back into power. We may not be there 100% yet, but we are shifting the momentum to go towards this goal. Do we slow down because it is closer? No. Now, more then ever, we engage.

I echo the line in our national anthem.... "God keep our land, glorious and free..."


Blogger ladyyvonne said...

Congratulations on a JOB WELL DONE!!!! I've been SO busy that I've hardly been able to see the results. I just read your blog and the Edmonton Journal on line to get the scoop. WOW! I did vote! Now you will be busier than ever! Bless you!

11:03 AM


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