This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Monday, January 02, 2006

My Year in Review

I've been thinking lately....

Maybe being scared isn't such a bad thing after all. Because then you're truly honest with yourself. Maybe not just being honest with yourself, but more with God. I am beginning to believe that there is a difference between fear and being scared.

Fear paralyzes you. Being scared makes you want to reach out to something bigger then you to help you walk through it. Ever watch a child when he's scared? He reaches out for mom or dad. He walks closer to where he feels safe. He relies on the protection of someone bigger. Fear stops you long before that. Don't fear being scared.

If I've learned one thing in life, don't ever loose hope. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off as many times as you find yourself back on the ground. Walk forward. You may go two steps before you find your face in the dust again, but promise me one thing. Promise that you'll pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. This next time you may make it ten steps. Maybe twelve. If you look at it that's ten or twelve steps further then where you were. Your past is now ten or twelve more steps behind you.

Always hope. No matter what. It'll be worth it in the end.

It's hard sometimes. You can't escape that. Neither can I. But one thing that is for sure is that we're in it together. I'll help you. You help me. Best help of all is to fight for your friend's eyes. Fight that they always stay locked on or even searching for the hand of God. I have found that there are a whole lot of different circumstances, but only one thing that remains the same. Better to look at that then what can and probably will change next year, next month... next week.

You're never alone. Even when you feel like it.

You're a success not a failure. God didn't mess up making you. You didn't sneak into the salvation bandwagon. He did it just for you. Really. Enjoy that fact. Get to know it. Believe it. Trisha always tells me that I'm a masterpiece. When you think about who created you, you simply can't argue that point.

Have fun.

It's okay to dream. It's okay to hurt. It's okay to be sad. But let me take this moment right now and remind you of where to look. That hurt and sad will probably change. Maybe next week. Maybe next month. Maybe next year. But it will change. So why look there? Find the wonder of God amidst it. Believe me, things get better that way. And you'll dream.

Enjoy the ride. Love deeply. Treasure your friends like they are your most precious possession. Because they are. Don't wait until they're gone or you've left to realize that.

Look for God. Everywhere. Because you'll find him. Right over there.

He's closer then you think...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for good was exactly what I needed to be reminded of.......doing stuff scared is hard, but rewarding.....I like the dog picture....

12:34 AM

Blogger Dawn said...

mmmm.... words that southe the soul! It is amazing how humans need to be reminded all the time of who they are and who their God is! Scared is good... we all need to have a little bit of fear and i know that i could use some more fear of the Lord in my own life but not paralysing fear just respect fear.. just as you would with your parents! But oh the reward when all is said and done... to see the Father look down and smile! What a glorious day! Great entry.. a big 10 points! Be blessed!

6:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kayle- I emailed you your goodies. Sorry it took so long.

Love ya, Seth

1:29 PM


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