This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Delinquent Blogging

My goodness, I have been a poor updater these last few weeks. I guess that is what you get when you become somewhat more busy. Time to blog/inspiriation to blog suddenly gets chopped.

Since so much has happened in these last weeks that has not graced the pages of said blog why don't I do a whirlwind tour of update snippets? They're always fun.

- I volunteered about 45,000 man hours in campaigns to get the right people in office. Hahahaha... that is a total play on words that is funny in my head and probably makes no sense in yours. I volunteered others and in total would come to around that many hours of their hard work. But yes, I did join them for some wild campaigning fun.

- Campaign Highlight would be when little 3 year old Sasha asked his mom if he could have a drink from the fridge in the office we were in. His mom said yes. Sasha checked out the selection and then asked his mom if he could have a drink with the mountains on it. Thinking it was Mountain Dew, his mom said yes. Sasha grabbed the can, cracked it open and took a swig. He quickly realized he actually did not like Coors Light and passed it over to his mom saying, "I think this is a big person's drink." We all laughed hysterically. The campaign manager, not so much. He was pretty stressed. Luckily it was our group it happened to.

- Watched with great pride as Peter pulled off a huge county-wide youth event complete with a skateboarding demo, two skate competitions, a concert with 5 different acts, games in another part of the sporting complex we were in and tons of other stuff. Martin and I watched the near melt down of many people from our perch at the soundboard and were particularly impressed with the INSANE mosh pit that was spawned with the "Christian Hardcore" band started screaming and growling about the day they got baptized. Yeah... I still don't understand that one, but it was fun to watch and even more fun to watch the parents nearly fall to their knees laughing at the incredible spectacle.

- Provided 0.00005 hours of volunteer labour in the hardwood flooring project my parents have started. For those of you who have seen our basement, it has been transformed into GLORY!! The upstairs is next and I can't wait.

- Said goodbye to Remi

- Was overwhelmed with happiness when Niel and Giselle showed up randomly at church this morning. I told them I have been deeply craving Niel and Giselle time, so this came right at the best moment. I love them so much.

- Fell asleep reading good portions of the Lord of the Rings. Which, if you follow the history of me commenting on what I read it generally goes something like this: Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia and so on. Maybe one day I'll branch out to further my horizons, but... why stop when the books just keep getting better and better?

So how's that for a cool little update? These next weeks are going to prove to be incredible I believe. My next three weekends are booked, each with travel to different places that are all my favorite in so many different ways.

First stop? Red Deer.

But first we have the priviledge and responsability to vote. That is if you are reading this on the 23rd and are a Canadian Citizen!


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