This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Something to Think About

I actually picked up this book that normally I would think would cause my fingers to ignite. Not the sort of book I'd normally gravitate to. It's a book full of this crazy stuff called "Catechism" or something like that. Questions and answers concerning faith and God.

I was able to read one question and answer. It really rocked me. It made me wonder if this is what I am living. It made me wonder if much of the church even believes it. Not believes it in that they think they do, but live that they do.

I give this to you to ponder for a while. I know I will be. And since I am so incredibly busy right now with organizing teams to shuttle all over the city to do our part in getting a righteous federal government into place I may not be able to update immediately. But I will try! Oh yes, I'll try.

But just in case... here's a little Catechism for you.

Question: What is the chief end of man?

Answer: Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him for ever.

Now think about that. Really think about it. Better yet, as you think... do. And even better still - be.


Blogger Dawn said...


8:02 PM


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