This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Monday, January 09, 2006

It's a Beautiful Day

I must say that my blogging skills have been lacking as of late. I have had a sudden influx of... things to do, shall we say? By the time I sit down to write something my brains are generally fried.

Maybe I should update anyway. It would be more fun with rattling gibberish coming out of my fingertips to your head.

Recently a friend of mine gave me a prophetic word that was essentially, "Buckle your seatbelt. You thought it was fast before, think again. It's going to be a whirlwind." She was right. It's so awesome though. I always find it incredible to see how God will use anything and everything to get through to you.

You may be doing something that may seem high profile and totally outword focused, but God smiles at that and focuses on the insides. That is currently happening with MyCanada stuff. We've gone to the next step of getting into the campaign offices and such. We're getting lots of really positive response from the campaigns and the candidates. Youth and young adults are having a blast. Everyone is realizing how easy it really is to change the nation. Lots of outword focus.

But inside God keeps doing neat things to my heart. Lots of changes. They seem rather small, but still... the fine tweeking of something generally takes the greatest care. Strange that He would choose to do this while I am learning how to run around like a chicken with my head cut off... but have it still on.

I've just about made peace with the phone. This is a miracle as many of you know. I still haven't bit the bullet and gotten that much needed cell phone, though. The funny thing is I will probably get around to doing that after this major blitz is over. But judging by the prophetic words I think I might need two.

It was so exciting to fill the campaign offices with people who believe that God can change history and that God WANTS us to do it. Still my heart was a little sad... maybe the better word is confused... that people who constantly talk about changing Canada prefer to change Canada via their basement by themselves or in their church building away from everything.

Oh wait a minute. They don't change anything.

But the thing is they think they do. They have great hearts. They have passionate hearts. They have good intentions and great ideas. They talk about it and get really excited and motivated. Just imagine what would happen if the switch made it all the way and they really saw how easy it is to do something about their passion and not just release it to the same people over and over again in a room, but actually engage with society and DO something about it.

They'll get it. Soon. It took me a while, so I don't blame them. My heart goes out to them. If only they knew how close destiny really was. If only they knew how exciting it is to change history.

I was told something this last weekend that really caught my attention. A staff member in one of the campaigns said to me, "Wow... it's neat to see Christians get out of the basement and do something about what they talk about." He was honestly impressed and said this genuinely. It moved him and he was thankful.

This just makes me think again and again about what Jesus told us to be like.

Be in the world, but don't be of it.

How does this look in our lives? Meditate on that one for a while. Church is not the world. Small groups are not the world. Family is not (although sometimes it is) the world. Youth groups are not the world. They are all good. They are all vital. They are all something that I participate in regularly. But they are not the world.

Be in the world. Engage with the world. You don't have to change it or manipulate it. Just be in it. And please... don't take this to the other side of the spectrum and don't be of it. So many of us don't understand that.

Getting drunk is of the world. Living a loose life is of the world. Turning your back on your Christian brothers and sisters is of the world. Being more concerned with the world then Jesus... if of the world.

Be in the world, but don't be of it.

This isn't my heart to get people to be "relevant". I personally think that is one of the greatest lies the devil has ever gotten the church to believe. I hate that term. We are not called to be relevant. We're called to determine the culture. But I promise you that will never, ever happen if you don't enter the world. And it REALLY won't happen if you are part of it. You'll be neither relevant or have any source for change.

Peter is here now. We're about to call people out into the world.


Blogger Dawn said...

Wow... GREAT entry! I have to admit that this is something that i need to work on! I am glad to hear that campaining is going well! Be blessed!

1:01 AM

Blogger Browning101 said...

I really enjoyed reading this entry...God is so good! the way...I updated! Josh thought I should tell you before you found it so you wouldn't poop your pants, but I told him that you would poop your pants whenever and where ever your pleased...literally...

We love ya!
Josh and Katieann

2:24 AM

Blogger Nathaniel said...

I am so...jealous is not the word I want but it's the closest thing I can think of at the moment. Canadians are amazing people, and Canadian Christians are uber-cool. Clicking around your little community I see people that are loads of fun, and spirit-filled to boot...I don't see how it could get much better. Sometimes I lament that I can not find such a group down here in California. I don't know if you are all in the same church or how you are all interconnected, but I find it really wonderful. God bless.

2:38 AM


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