This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Ahhhhhh Government...

Tonight was a unique one to say the least. It was a "pub night" with a local MP (a federal government representative) and a whole lot of young people came out. Mainly the Conservative Club of the UofA and then... a small but valiant delegation from MyCanada.

Very interesting.

I was excited to simply make more of a presence there and make our faces known. Little did I know how much of an impact we have already made. I got to spend a great deal of time with this candidates Ottawa office staff, which is really where the real stuff happens.

Not many people realize that the majority of our country is run by 20 somethings. The MP's have the public face, but all the research, all the grunt work, pretty much everything is run by all these young people who staff every office of our government.

So I was pretty pumped to be able to spend huge amounts of time just talking with this MP's chief of staff. Funny how all this week I had been thinking that he was just some guy who was volunteering. He was actually a big-wig! Hahahahaa... that just goes along with everything else in this MyCanada deal... we just don't know what we are doing but we try our best!

As the night wore on I kept talking basically only with the staff members and I soon discovered that they were all from Ottawa and all worked for this MP or on Parliament Hill for years. So wild. They kept telling me how next time I am in Ottawa I have to look them up and they'll give the me "hook ups" in town.

Yeah... who knows what that will actually look like. As the night wore on people seemed to want to talk more and more about their "power" and what they could do for another person. My general view is "whatever, go ahead and talk about it... I'll pretend to be impressed." But my mission is still very clear and my mandate is a top priority. And that mandate is really very simple - righteous revolution sweeping the nation and seeing Canada come into the dream that our founding fathers had which is based on Pslams 72:8 "He shall have dominion from sea to sea...."

I just keep laughing at myself through all of this. Here are people who have spent years on Parliament Hill trying to make themselves a name or whatever and then this group of young people walks up and we haven't the faintest clue of what we are doing and up to this point it has been massively successful. Then the really funny part is we wouldn't even know that it was successful if people didn't tell us. We're just trying our best to do what God told us to do.

It makes you want to stay humble! It also makes you want to not coast along. That could really be an option. To coast. Every time I talk to a government person about what is happening they are totally blown away. So I could choose to do one of two things. Pull back on the pressure and the urgency because obviously we are doing something right, or I could really pour it on... because obviously we've stumbled onto something that is so totally bigger then us and quite frankly out of our control.

All I can control is how close I walk with Jesus through this and how hard I hold onto His presence. I must never forget what this is about. It's not about power, it's not about becoming friends with people in high places... after all what can compare when I am the son of the God in the highest place... what can really compare and impress me compared to that fact?
This always boils back down to the fact that this is only about the presence of God and His presence flooding our land. This is all about Jesus and His plans. This is all about becoming the God's dream come true.

And when you think about it that way suddenly looking at all this high powered people, the glowing praise they heap on you, the rubbing of shoulders just isn't worth much. How does that compare with the presence of God? If I want to see God's dream come true for this nation the only place I'd better be looking is into His eyes and locking myself into His embrace.

It's all about His presence. No matter how big, no matter how small the situation is does not matter. It's all abot His presence. There is only one place to look that will help see that come to pass. Thankfully no matter if I am with the highest ranking leaders of the nations or with the poorest, most forgotten street bum, the situation never changes. It's all about the presence of God. There is only one place to look.

Lord... let me find it even more. Father I ask that those I speak with will notice where I am looking and they'd get locked in there too...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kayle, I admire your humility in the middle of all of this. It reminds me of this excerpt from The Hobbit...

"Then the prophecies of the old songs have turned out to be true, after a fashion!" said Bilbo.
"Of course!" said Gandalf. "And why should not they prove true? Surely you don't disbelieve the prophecies, because you had a hand in bringing them about yourself? You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were manages by mere luck, just for your sole benefit? You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you: but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!"
"Thank goodness!" said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco-jar.

6:31 AM


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