This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sushi and a Coffee

I have been entering the realm of sushi these past few days. And I mean sushi. Real sushi. Big slabs of raw fish. It's incredible.

This is a very strange occurance for me because I used to HATE sea-food. Really, really hate it. But somewhere along the lines that all started to change. Now all I ever want to eat is sea-food and I basically have a constant craving.

Three days ago I was in the grocery store with my mom and noticed the spicey salmon rolls. I liked those, so I bought some. They are great. Cooked salmon, mind you, but they are amazing all the same. The next day instead of staying in Grant's store, we stepped out across the parkinglot to a Japanese place and I finally did it. I got real, authentic sushi. Lovely, lovely raw salmon.

I thought I may hurl at first, but then I tasted it. All I can say is "WOW!!!" That stuff is soooo good.

Later that day I was with Peter and I told him about my newfound love of Seafood. To my surprise Peter tells me that he also loves sea food, especially sushi! OH YEAH!! Now I got someone to get sushi with.

Now let's focus on today. We spent the afternoon together. Had an Americano and then decided to cruise around Spruce Grove. Quite the place, let me tell you. But Peter did happen to mention that there was a great sushi place just down the road. So we went. And this time got the big slabs of raw Salmon, Tuna Belly and other such things. I was in a state of pure bliss.

And then he told me the most disgusting story of some sort of Maki roll that was full only of fish eggs and I totally lost my appetite. I was doing so well and nearly lost control of my insides. I didn't think that story would upset me that badly.

Thankfully that was right at the end of our raw fish feast so I didn't have to fight the mental images the entire time.

I think I've found my two new passions. Espresso and Sushi. Oh baby oh baby.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to have another join the club.
May I suggest Yellowback, it has this amazing smooth taste that is light and buttery and leaves the best aftertaste. It is by far my favorite:)
Love you friend

10:36 PM


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