This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Retro Boogie Dance Party

I was just flipping through the TV chanels and it just so happens that on Much More Music right now there is an incredile show on. The Retro Boogie Dance Party. I am in awe. Currently Rod Stewart is belting out, "If you want my body" and I can't believe what I'm actually watching.

I'm amazed these people thought it was cool. Well... the music is by far cool and is waaaaaaay better then the majority of the pop stuff we got now. But the rest of the package... it frightens me. Only because I want to live in that time period so badly.

I still regularly listen to the 80's power ballads. I honestly enjoy the 70's and much of the disco stuff. Who couldn't?

I really don't have much to say right now, but I did want to get that aweful last post out of there.

Yeah.... one day I'll write funny, exciting stuff on here again. At least I'm not talking about chicken tendons this time.


Blogger ladyyvonne said...

Oh was a cool era the 70's - especially the music. Now the long hair and the clothes were something else!!!! I'm so glad that fortrel is gone! The drums and guitars coming into the church in the 70's was quite the change!!! I lived through that too! You walk through it not realizing the cultural effect it is having. I've been told if you want to know your culture listen to the music. What is music saying today? If I could understand it maybe I could. All I often hear is screaming and rap and my ears are having trouble unravelling that. If I read the words though it does reveal a lot.

12:08 PM


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