This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

25 Cent Wings

Peter and I have been trying to get to the Sorrentino's lounge for a while now with little to no luck. They have amazing different coffee's and cool snooty desserts so I like it there. Plus it's ultra relaxing which is always good.

Last night we tried for it, but with little success. We neglected to factor in the holiday that was yesterday. Family Day. We arrived at Sorrentinos a mere five hours after it had closed for the day. So what do you do when faced with such a situation?

You go to the pub down the street.

We went from ultra relaxing coffee with the super wealthy of St. Albert to beer and wings. Oh well. It was still good. Especially because we discovered the $3.95 pints of Honey Brown Ale and 25 cent wings!! That's amazing, folks!

So we went overboard as usual and got 30 wings between us. Upon discussing which flavors we should get we both agreed that we don't want to get the hot wings. Hot wings have a nasty effect on me the next morning. Lava poo I think they call it.

We decided to get the tried and true Salt and Pepper wings, the Jack Daniel's BBQ wings and for something a little forgien we got the Carribean Jerk wings. I had no idea what they would be like, but thought... Carribean... warm... beaches... ocean... must taste tropical.

We got the wings and my eyes immediately started to water when I smelled the Carribean Jerk wings. That's not tropical, that's poisonously hot! Of course I had to try some... many of them... and I LOVED them. The heat was rather extreme and I think Peter has blisters on his tongue, but I really liked them. Until I bit into one wing and the tendon snapped the meat back out of my mouth and hung there and I nearly dry heaved.

Hmmm... this isn't the most pleasant entry I've ever done, is it?

That about ended it for me. And the realization that I was eating INSANELY hot wings and forgot about the nasty effects the morning after. Oh well... what can you do?

I think I'll take a pint of Pepto next time.


Blogger Bound4Life Edmonton said...

Now I'M dry heaving from reading about the snapping tendon! My dislike of chicken just shot up the scale! Sick, Sick, SICK!!!!!! B side

3:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that post was a unexpectedly graphic. nice imagery... ok, it was just gross.

2:10 PM


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