Washing Machines or Bust...
I have been meaning to update my blog here for the past two days. I had something so great to post too. But you know what? I clean forgot what I was going to write. Oh well. Recieve it by faith... take it... take it...
Hahahaha... this is funny... I remember now. Maybe I recieved my own update by faith a second time. Yes. That is it. We'll just believe that.
I lifted not one but two washing machines yesterday. I bet that is not what you were expecting to hear. Not only did I lift them, but I carried one up out of our basement (which is near the molten crust of our earths core), out the front door and into the back of the Mumby Mobile. Of course this is with dad's help. But then we took the new washing machine and brought that baby all the way back to the depths of our basement.
Why is this exciting? Because I have no back pain. I'm sure many of you know of the great car accident of February 2001 which Katieann and I had the pleasure of enduring. It was a pretty wild one complete with many fire trucks, ambulances and me having to pry open Katieann's door to help her get out because the car bent in half. This is what happens when someone else runs a red light and plows into you.
We then had the joy of going to the hospital, getting x-rayed and everything... everything... there are some seriously funny stories that came out of this. And after that we got to eat massive pain killers like cereal and go to the chiropractor endlessly.
Net result for me: nearly 4 years of constant and highly unpleasant back pain. I couldn't stand for a long time, let along help move two freaking washing machines.
But last year something happened. I had the opprotunity to work for a friend of mine who owns a tree business. This is incredibly hard work and very physically demanding. I thought there is no way at all I would be able to do this. But I really felt massive peace in taking the job. So I talked to Craig and we agreed to see what would happen and we all started to pray for healing more then before.
Three days of incredible pain later... suddenly it all went away. Just like that. And I have not had any complications at all since then. I used to have to travel with this special space age pillow so I would be able to walk when I woak up. Now I never take it with me. I used to have to be careful of lifting even the slighest thing. Now I can help my dad carry two washing machines all over our house.
God's good at doing things to you. You just have to follow His presence. Even if He's leading you to the complete opposite thing then what you'd expect to be right.
Then you can be overjoyed at the fact that you can lift washing machines too.
Praise the Lord! I love when God heals things! Good post! Blessings!
1:05 PM
Another good thing about a healed back is that you can do silly walks without fear.
Can I have that pillow now?
2:30 PM
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