This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Your End is Not

More and more I'm coming to the realization that we will never arrive. So much of my spirituality has come from the place of working to "get there". I'm beginning to believe that "there" doesn't exist.

Of my King, it is said that the increase of His government there will be no end. His creation is constantly expanding. His Kingdom is constantly getting larger. If His mercy is new every morning, how is it ever possible to arrive there?

I've begun to see how thinking you've made it and you only have to make a few tweeks to how things are going in your life really can cause you to stop moving forward. Arrival is the opposite to moving forward. Arrival is the opposite of earnestly seeking. Arrival says you stop, while Jesus says, "I'm always on the move."

What if there really is no end to the depth in God? There may be a point A, but point B... well... kiss it goodbye. Once we really begin to think like this I think we'll see some major changes and advancements come to our relationships with God and our living a life in the spirit.

I've seen a few things as I've travelled the world. I've been blessed to see many people who either live in the spirit or claim to. I've noticed that those who think they've got there generally are not. Those who have the unending hunger for more, who see the shocking massiveness of God and feel so incredibly small but push forward anyway are walking in things that make me shake my head in wonder.

It's hard to describe that and pass it along sometimes. But that's okay. They'll get it eventually. We're all on our journey. Only this journey has no destination other then the heart of God which has no ending, no boundaries and quite simply is endless. Our ending is endless.

Aaahhhh paradox. Our friend in faith and one that increases the wonder and magic of a life truly lived with Jesus.


Blogger Dawn said...

I feel/ know this to be true in my own life... sometimes i feel like i am moving so slow that i will never be at the point on the road in which God has called me to~ It is constantly humbling... sometimes suppressing.... God is good! I will end with the fact that God is ALWAYS good, ALWAYS soverign, ALWAYS willing to work with us where we are at! and PRAISE GOD for that! Be blessed... may we never lose an enerest desire to seek out more of God, to kill our selfish selves. Amen!

1:02 PM


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