This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Drunk or.... drunk...


These last two days (end of day 8 and the evening of day 9) have provided me with a large specturm of drunk. One make me really happy the other makes me really... hungry.

Happy Drunk: At our Watchmen Prayer Meeting we had an insane time of prayer. We're a hungry lot and are wanting... no... NEEDING the Holy Spirit to come to us like He did that first day of Pentacost. We simply must be changed into the likeness of Christ and we're all on that journey. We all know that one good God encounter can erase years of bad thinking, so we're going for it. Last night at the prayer meeting was what I can only describe as an atomic bomb going off in our midst. That was very easily one of the most powerful times with the Lord I've had in a very, very long time. We came into the throne room with some serious boldness and wouldn't leave until the presence of God arrested our hearts and blew us away.

That mission was a success.

I don't even know how to describe it, other then there were times when I just didn't know what to do with myself, the power of God was so strong. That lasted a while as we prayed earnestly for God to come and transform us once again and then we felt that beautiful covering of peace come over us. It was quite funny, really. We were silent for the longest time and suddenly the laughter started. I kept thinking about that line in Acts, "They are not drunk as you suppose." I'm suspecting it was much the same for we were HOWLING in laughter, much harder then I have seen anyone laugh and for such a sustained time. It was great.

Words just do not describe face to face encounters with God like that. Just trust me... it was AMAZING!!!

Then we fast forward to this evening...

Hungry Drunk: I spent the evening with my good friends Jon, Neil and Aaron. We went to Whyte Ave for a while and took in the tail end of an amazing Jazz show put on at the Yardbird Suite. There is a jazz festival going on right now and this was one astounding act. They blew me away. After, we were hungry so we went and got some pizza. Not before chatting with an amazing drummer who lives in New York and regularly tours with some HUGE names in Jazz. It was neat to talk to this guy - very friendly.

Anyway, we went to get pizza. You can get some good stuff at this place called the "Funky Pickle". Of course you have to walk through a vast section of Whyte Ave and by this time it was past midnight. If you are on Whyte, near midnight on a Friday evening you must be prepared for about 10 blocks crammed full of thousands of insane drunk people. It's party central with a whole ton of bars and clubs. Tonight was a wild night. People were tripping out on drugs, one girl was dancing away to her own music in her head, people were getting ready to hurl, others stumbling around yelling and screaming, highly dysfunctional streets kids (called the street rats) were all over the place pouding out their horribly out of tuned guitars and screaming at the top of their lungs, loud music pumping every two doors out of the bars, people trying to get picked up, others making out all over the place, a 60 year old woman stumbling around so badly I had to ask and make sure she was going to be alright (she slurred something incomprehensible to me) and finally myself and my friends in the middle of this insane mess buying Funky Pickle Pizza.

In the middle of it all I thought to myself, "Where are all the Christians?"

We're supposed to be salt, right? Jesus calls us light. What do you get when you take the light out of the darkness? You are left with dark. What do you get when you take the salt out of the stuff you're supposed to preserve? Rot. Somehow we've got it all turned around in our head that holiness is what you keep yourself away from, when it was never supposed to be like that. Jesus hung out with hookers and crooks. Holiness is not what you seperate yourself from it's what you give yourself to. And in this case, who you give yourself to.

We've been called to reach the world, but so much of the church is afraid of it and I don't know why.

All I kept saying over and over as I saw this kind of drunk was, "I'm so glad I have Jesus." Granted I was not able to talk to every single person out there, but I did when I was able to. It might not have been "repent now, you evil sinner", but it was giving some change away in the name of my Father. It was saying hi and talking a bit - loving in the way that I can. Don Miller who wrote "Blue Like Jazz" put it wonderfully saying that we've turned love into a commodity that we give or hold back depending on our acceptance of a certain person and their actions, when it never was supposed to be like that. We've got to see love like a force that simply and always brings people closer to God. I'll go and love people and invest love into them knowing that it is that love which will go into their spirits and leave them longing for more... not from me... but from the one they have been searching all their lives for.

So I left Whyte Ave witnessing hungry drunk because I left Whyte Ave so hungry for God to come and save those sheep. They're not lost people, they're sheep without a shepard. They are children of God just the same as you and I are. They are you and I without Jesus. They are God's sons and daughters already. What an injustice that they do not yet know. What an even greater injustice that nobody is going to tell them about what is already theirs.

I left Whyte Ave hungry for more. More boldness. More love. More opprotunities. More willingness. More Jesus. More of God's love so I can walk in it and give it away.

More and more God's continuing words to so many people throughout the Bible are echoing in my ears, "Don't be afraid....."

I witnessed happy drunk and hungry drunk. I think they cannot exist without each other. You only get to keep what you give away. You can only give away what you have. I must have more. I must give away more.


Blogger ladyyvonne said...

Blue Like Jazz challenged my thinking too Kayle. You are right. I often think "What are we as believers doing?" To go "out" like that you have to be strong spiritually so you can combat! I sometimes think a lot of Christians don't have a lot of spiritual muscle. Another book you might like to read is "Under the Overpass". It's about a couple of Bible College students who planned a trip into some American cities and lived on the streets! It too is a real eye-opener to being Christ-like to these people. Blessings

10:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i could post a profound response to your entry which was beautiful, but rather i will just say this:
i spent a good amount of time with Don Miller, and he's amazing. He would have felt much the same as you did.

2:35 PM

Blogger Jason said...

Once again friend you are right on the button. People are so hungry... And i totally love what you were saying about us just sharing love in the name of our Father and making them hungry for more of him. Do you have blue like jazz to lend out...cause i would like to read it....

3:11 PM

Blogger AMB said...

So I saw that you had written a comment on another blog, that you had written a posting about Whyte... So here I am... I agree with u. Although i also think there ARE prolly more Christians out there, than we we sometimes feel/ think. Here's my lil' problem I'm "dealing" with... The other night some people were out on whyte, some Christians, and one guy was standing on a literal soapbox- preaching the "good news." A lady next to me at 2nd Cup said "YEAH right, Jesus luvs us all equal hey? But he hates the gays." Well obviously she has that wrong, but still... A part of me feels bad saying that these Christians ticked me off, but I can't help it. I felt like getting a big old bible and... Nevermind... :-) Personally I feel like sitting down and buying someone a beer (no beer isn't the issue at hand, just 1 example)... Listening to their problems... Luv... That JUST might be a BIT more successful, than the other. This is practically a blog, not a comment... Maybe I'd better go write on my own. Good blog.

8:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where in the Bible does it saythat all mankind are God's children? I am curios as to why you think that.

9:28 PM

Blogger int3grity said...

Hmmm. this is strange. How can a person be saved apart from repentance and faith in CHRIST? This blog seems to be very watered down and superficial. Any lost, unregenerate person can act in a moral manner towards others. What benefit is being nice to people if we don't open our mouths and tell them the Truth? Our love should accompany the message, and gving the Gospel, including the reality of sin, righteousness, and judgement, is the most loving thing we can do; even if it makes us look uncool or offends the sesibilities of people who love sin and hate GOD. Kayle, do believe in Divne justice? Have you read the Bible? Do you know anything about theology and doctrine? Have you abandoned the Gospel? *Your statements are universalist*. That is damnable heresy. You need to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith (2Corinthians 13:5) Take the Bible seriously and don't succumb to the irrational and irrelevant postmodern epistemology. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of GOD. Read Matthew 7. Please, do not conform to the pattern of this world. We need to make our calling and election sure (2Peter 1:10).

1:15 AM


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