Insanity in it's Purest Form
I went to get the van for Vancouver today. It's a nice van. Red. Brand new. No seats.
I didn't know that I had to ask for the entire vehicle when I made my reservation. Silly me. I also didn't know that I had to drive around the city of Edmonton in order to pick up the seat that I ordered with my van.
The rental guy was apologizing profusely for the mistake and honestly felt bad. While he was giving me directions to where the van's seat was he noticed that the van also did not have any gas in it.
It just get's better.
I drove home in my seatless van to tell my mom that I was about to race over to pick it up, but right then I had to call Steph, who is one of the main administrators/she runs Watchmen. She just booked herself a plane ticket, so now she didn't need to come in the van.
Now we have enough seats! One person even get's a massive amount of leg room. Yay! So that seat will just have to wait in north Edmonton for the employees to pick it up and put it back in their own car. That was so annoying.
Tomorrow we're leaving from Nathan's house at 5:30am. Please pray for us!! I have to run now... maybe I will update a little later. JUST PRAY!!
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