This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Friday, April 22, 2005

This Could be Pure Insanity!

As many of you know I have been struggling with what to do this summer. I have a few options. Some make much more sense then others... which is usually a bad thing because more often then not I side with the one that makes little to no sense whatsoever. It's just more fun that way.

Speaking of making no sense, by the way, I just got an e-mail from my wonderful friends Bryan and Ryan who are currently touring Europe. They are in Rome and can't wait to leave the place! Tonight they are on an all night train ride to Lusanne, Switzerland and are looking forward to that. They went to Europe with basically no plan at all. No places to stay, no... anything... and are having a wonderfully wild time. I'm jealous.

So... Australia. Could be going there, but I have heard little to nothing about it. Could be three weeks of glory and ministry, but still don't know. So that's up in the air and I don't know what to think about it.

Quebec City is all ready and booked. This is am looking forward to like you wouldn't believe. Last night while Aaron and Bobbie and I were driving home from the Watchmen prayer thing I realized that for the first time I am scared to attend an event like this. I'm honestly scared for what the Lord is going to pour out on all of us and on this nation. I have been to large Gathering's before, but this one they are expecting at the least 4,000 people to be there from all over Canada and the world. The last one I was at had just under 800 people attend and it was the most powerful "conference" I had ever been to in my life. Multiply that by a billion and have at least 4000 people all going wild for the Lord and you have something that you just DO NOT want to miss. History in the making we are getting to live.

Then I have been asked to join a cross Canada tour that will happen in August which will be much like the Proclaim Tour, but more focusing on the GenX and Millenials, calling them out, finding them, doing stuff like that and ending the tour by storming the (Parliment) hill. We'd meet up with however many MP's would have us and pray and prophecy over each and every one.

But once again, not really sure any of this will happen. Except, of course, Quebec City because that's already booked. If this does all come to pass there will have to be a significant financial miracle and a lot of stuff put into place. And this blog could become a heck of a lot more exciting!

Hmmm... in the coming weeks this blog will definately be a lot more exciting because I will be heading to Vancouver for the BC Rise Up Gathering! Waaaa-hheeeee!!! We are confirming a 15 passanger van and will fill it with some of the most insane, Holy Spirit, wild people you have ever met in your life.

For example. Jill. Jill is a wonderful friend of mine and girlfriend to an equally wonderful friend named Matt. Jill and Matt are insane when it comes to Jesus. Matt sadly cannot come, but Jill will be. Currently, as I type this Jill is on a plane to Iqaluit in Canada's far north. She needs to be there for a massively significant gathering the begins on the 29th, but this was the only flight they could find for her. For those of you familiar with the Transformations video's, this is the where the transformation is happening in the Canadian tundra. It's an honor to be with these men and women when they come down south and be with us, but to be with them on their turf?? WOW!!!

Anyway, Jill is about a week early. As of last night Jill still didn't have any place to stay. Matt lovingly mentioned that they have a homeless shelter...

So can you imagine going to the freaking far north, a week early, with no place to stay at all? See...? Insane.

So Jill is coming to Vancouver. That is just one story of the caliber of Jesus Insanity that all the people joining us on the trip walk in.

Oh yeah, Jill also has her class 4 driver's lisence so she can drive a school bus.

That has nothing to do with anything, but still it's funny.

Next blog I will probably highlight the life of Matt and how wild God stuff happens all around him, how he is being used to stir the youth across Canada in a mighty way and how he generally has no idea of what he is doing.


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