This is my life. It can be odd. But I like it.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Musical Trivia


Before I forget, I need help figuring out a name of a band. For some wild reason I keep thinking of this band. I don't know any of their songs. I can only remember a bit of one video. I haven't the foggiest idea what their band name is. So let see if we can help solve this mystery!

Here's what I think I know:

- They made a video a bunch of years back that was pretty popular. If I remember correctly it was this weird animation to reality and in the animation the lead singer was drawing himself. Like the drawing was drawing himself and the drawing was of the lead singer... make sense?

- I think the band is named after some mythilogical god or something like that

Yep that's about all I know. Great, huh? So if that rings any sort of bell I would greatly appreciate it because things like this drive me nuts. And I want to go get their CD to see why it's bouncing around in my head so much.


Today I woke up at lovely 5:45am. Craig and I had to go do one small tree job way downtown before all the traffic started up. When I woke up it was pouring rain and I wasn't really too happy about that because I knew I would get soaked, but it turned out to be a good thing.

We did the tree work... which included me having to drag the brush down about a city block to where we parked the truck. It also included me and Craig dodging needles that we found in the undergrowth of the tree stem. That was freaky. And I had a pleasant, but rather bizzare conversation with a very mentally unstable man for a while.

The job was quick. We were done by 8:30 and then off we drove back to the yard. This is when the rain came in handy. Craig said he would have done more work today if it wasn't for the rain! Aaaaahhhh!!! Thank you Jesus for the rain today!!

Soooooo.... get your music brains in gear and help me out! Leave a comment with what you think is right.

And here's a nice picture for your efforts. It's the economical way I travel. And it also happens to be Trisha's trunk at the Sacramento Airport.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok that is so funny! i've never seen that picture b4. ahhh i miss the little jetta! that was when you and jon came for dan's wedding right? ahhh...the good ole days...

11:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didn't mean that to be anonymous.

11:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

if it was a video from the 1980s I would guess "take on me" by a-ha.

3:05 PM


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